Stupid console mags :/


Sir Frizz


i own a playstation and as such tend to purchase magazines on them, yet i have a little problem with one magazine that shall remain nameless. They reviewed each of the TR series and each of the FF series, when they reviewed each of the TR games, they happy to oblige and give it a 10/10, the same went for FF...atleast until FFIX came out which got a 9/10. This did not please me at all because their excuse for not giving this little beauty a 10/10 was beacause it wasnt original, so i thought to myself W.T.F. how can they give this game that has a differant story everytime a miserable 9/10 when the TR series is almost IDENTICLE each time its released?!?!?!? Has me baffled.

</end rant>

PS.Soz for this, just something that pissed me off at the time:)

Sir Frizz


OI! where's img code then?!?!


I am a long time subscriber to Official UK Playstation mag (since issue 38, now on nearly 80), but will not be renewing my subscription when it runs out because of inconcistensies like this. The new look is awful too. Also, they have very little to write about now cos so little decent quality games are coming out.

Still, Syphon Filter 3 :D

Sir Frizz

you played the first two nibbler? i thought they quite good:)

Moving Target

PC Gamer is like a console mag; i.e. utter crap

Happy Go Lucky

ISS on gameboy advance not as good as n64 ISS SHOCKER!

While ISS for GB Advance is not as good as the N64 versions of the game, it's still a solid and well put together game

Bearing in mind GBA is 16bit and N64 is well 64 bit. The above was said in the latest issue for official nintendo mag, and awarded a rather low 88% for a game that became more important than anything else, when I had it on my snes.

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