Anyone else had problem when searching on ME, and find summin you wanna buy... and then get to the CM listed up... the item isnt there? It isnt sold or anything... just shows up on ME as there, but is not
Annoying :/
The only problem I have had is the amount of time it takes to get results from the ME (and this is only when pulling back 2-3 page lists.) Riduculous amount of time and often shows the results when I am walking away from the ME.
It's not a "bug" with /listmerchant, it's people forgetting to do /listmerchant, in most cases. Houses disappear due to lack of rent payment for crying out loud, don't expect that all will remember to do /listmerchant, especially not during summer holidays.
Ofc it _could_ be a bug, but my guess is that 9 out of 10 times this happens, it's due to lazy ppl/afk ppl not updating their CMs
Yes i have experienced it milion times..going into the houseing zone, waiting 4 the market explorer, marking the items i want, finding the house, and they are not there! :/ :eek2:
I get a different but related bug (which may explain why sometimes searches don't pop up) . Quite often if I am hangin around housing crafting or whatever someone elses search will pop up on my chars (even though they are no where near the ME at the time).
its a problem with the database that lists items i think, itsms that have been sold still on there and such, also the long wait sometimes to search the database.
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