Strenghtening the forces



Having won the battle on that glorious day, the warrios of Semper Fidelius stood at a turning point in history. It was clear that albion needed their strenght and resolve, but who would lead? A difficult meeting was held, some spoke up for one, which the others wouldn't follow. After a full day of talking and arguing a compromise was suggested. Never again would the former members of DVE burden one person with too much responsibility, instead several leaders were chosen.
The choosen leaders, Publius, Sharkheal, Bertina and Temoedjin talked much about the recent affairs in albion and what to do about it. In the end they concluded that for Semper Fidelius to make a real impact on the war, their forces would have to bo strenghtened. The experienced fighters of Semper Fidelius would help the ones with less experience.
An expedition was gathered which set out for the doomed dungeons of Darkness Falls. Valiant warriors like Saevus, Realx, Alcoholic and Maerstrom were led by the likes of Temoedjin and mercenaries such as Polzor, Wittor and Heating.

Entering the dungeon they drew their swords, they knew the higher levels were much safer then in the olds days, but anything could happen...Descending deeper and deeper into the dungeon they met many other albion warriors fighting the demons. Behind them they heard cries of worried friends. ´Do not go deeper, the demons are restless!´ Ignoring them the warrior Polzor led them deeper into the dark, the group moved closer together, aware of the imminent danger they were in.
After several hours of travelling they came to a crossing. ´Watch out young pubs, there are shredders around this corner, who will kill all in sight´ said Temoedjin. ´Yes´ said Polzor. ´but i will lure some away from the pack so we can kill them two or three at a time´. Carefully but steady, Polzor walked around the corner, a scream could be heard, then the sound of charging beasts....

Realx looked to the back of the group, gripped his polearm with both hands and charged around the corner, Saevus shouted a battle cry and followed him. Temoedjin held Maerstrom back. ´We will wait a little while, we can´t risk them attacking us´ Alcoholic looked frozen, but looking into the eyes of Temoedjin he only saw confidence and he charged...Temoedjin and Maerstrom followed him closely. When they walked around the corner they saw chaos. Polzor was covered in blood, battling two shredders on his own, behind him Realx, Saevus and Alcoholic were fighting a third. Realx fell to the ground, badly injured. Maerstrom watched in disbelieve as Polzor cut deep into the back of a shredder, but the shredder simply kept on coming.
´Heal the pub, Maerstrom´ Temoedjin shouted. Maerstrom looked stunned but then casted his first healing spell. Polzor shouted out in pain as one of the shredders clawed his leg. ´Temoedjin hurry up´ The wizard stood some distance in the back, seemingly ignoring Polzor´s words. Strange and alien words could be heard, all the groupmembers fellt something strange creeping up their spines..Until it suddenly stopped....Only the clashes of the swords onto the hides of the demons and their evil grunting could be heard. BOOM BOOM.. A tower of flames errupted from one of the shredders and another and another..´Keep it coming Temoedjin´ shouted Polzor.
With renewed vigor the warrios fought on. Almost suddenly the shredder fighting with Realx, Saevus and Alcoholic zagged through his legs. ´Charge the others, fast´ yelled Maerstrom. Without hesitation the three soldiers attacked another demon. For some time only the sound of steel on rough hides and the eerie sound of the fire spells could be heard.
Finally the shredders died. ´Very good pubs, you live up to your names´ said Polzor. Temoedjin scanned the group for weaknesses or wounds, but none could be found, they all had passed their first test. ´You had it easy now Maerstrom, but from now on it will get more dangerous´. Rubbing the sweat from his forehead, Maerstrom stared at Temoedjin in disbelieve, then he looked at his friend Realx. Not knowing what to say, Realx simply shrugged.
´We move out´ said Polzor, ´Stick close, weapons to the ready´.
Slowly moving deeper the group encountered three other warriors, Tazzewazzewoo,Bertolus and Randal. ´Join us´ asked Temoedjin. ´Yeah sure´ they answered.
´There was a relic raid today´ said Tazzewazzewoo. `Ah it worked out fine i reckon, since our forces weren´t called upon´ Temoedjin answered. ´No iam afraid not, there are still many people who don´t know you are back, but give it time´ ´But unfortunately the raid failed, again there was a traitor´.
Cursing to themselves the group moved further, until they reached a dark section of the dungeon. ´Here the nightmares roam, they will cut you down like a slaughtered pig and destroy your soal´ said Polzor. ´Stick to the one iam attacking´ Nodding, the group followed, unsettled by the words of polzor.

Walking through the long corridors they finally saw a nightmare in the distance. ´Same routine´ wispered Polzor, ´follow my lead´ Holding his flaming sword infront of him he ran to the Nightmare. Ducking under a piercing thrust from the demon, he tryed to cut him in his belly. The 3 warrios charged after Polzor. Realx swung his polearm like he was trying to fell a tree. Saevus cut with lightning speed. They were blinded by the fire from Temoedjin´s fire spells, smelling his chance the nightmare ran through them like they weren´t even there. He slammed Heating across the chest and the theurgist fell down like a ragdoll. ´NOO´ shouted Polzor and stuck his sword in the demons back. Maerstrom tryed to reach Heating but the monster was standing on his corpse. ´I don´t have much time to revive him, get it away from there´shouted Maerstrom in panick. Saevus slammed his shield in the monsters face and it fell back. Realx swung his polearm and hit the nightmare in his neck. Knowing this could be his only chance, Maerstrom ignored the danger and ran to Heating. He prayed to the gods as he tryed to revive Heating. In the meanwhile the nightmare was badly wounded but still posed a serious treat. ´I will strengthen your weapons´shouted Temoedjin. With the uncanny magic of Temoedjin on their weapons, the warriors batteled on. Finally Polzor managed to strike the nightmare in his heart, with a cry it went down. Enraged by the death of Heating, Alcoholic kept slamming the nighmare with his polearm, until it stopped moving. ´She is allright´ shouted Maerstrom ´she is allright´ Looking up Alcoholic sat down where he stood, tired by his rage.

Suddenly a hoarse warcry could be heard. ´The mids are coming´shouted Polzor ´stand in a cirkle´ Wispering softly, Temoedjin and Polzor discussed the situation. If they were caught by the midgardian horde down here, they wouldn´t stand a chance, with so few experienced fighters. ´We move back´ said Temoedjin ´we can´t have you young pubs fighting midgardians before you are ready´Almost running the group moved through the corridors. Battling some lesser demons Maerstrom heard something behind him. Turning around he knew he was to late. A blinding flash of pain paralysed him. Falling to the ground he saw the terrible face of a midgard Hunter. The rest of the group had not see him go down, except for Bertolus, he jumped forward swinging his sword high. Randal also ran to the midgard hunter. Blocking an axe swing aimed at his throat, Randal cut the midgardian in his leg. Bertolus rammed his hammer onto the shield of the hunter. A hoarse cry came from him as he was engulfed by flames. The midgardian hunter fell to his knees, his hair burning, raising his head he knew he was defeated. Polzor slashed his sword down and cut off his head. ´This was just a scout´shouted Polzor while he kicked the corpse ´wait till you see some troll beserkers´ Temoedjin led the group further, in the distant they heard cries of agonie from other albion groups less fortunate. ´I know a portal closeby´yelled Temoedjin ´but we got to hurry the midgardians know of it also´. ´There it is´The group surged forward, they felt the midgardians breathing down their necks. Reaching the portal Temoedjin and Polzor held back. Covering the retreat of the others they saw a mass of midgardians coming down the corridor. ´Quickly jump through the portal´ screamed Polzor. Hearing the panick in his voice the group moved faster and ran through the portal.

Seeing a blinding flash they saw green meadows all around them. ´We are save now young pubs´ said Temoedjin ´but tomorrow we go again´.


wow, nice history.

maybe you should think of telling chronicles like Belomar.

you are very talented :)

givz more :clap:

Ckiller ofDust

niiiiiiicccceeeeeeeeeeee :) keep em commin


Nice post :great:

Although if hunters are like scouts it should be: They turned to see a midgardian hunter picking up an arrow off the floor, he had fumbled! Bwahahahahha


WOW! Nice tale.
A bit more paragraphs next time plz :)


sorry to dig up old posts, but didn't read it yet, came up with a search lol...

anyway \o/ temoed \o/ :D


Working on a new one;) will be longer, with more paragraphs:p


Very nice :)

Don't hate me for criticizing, but with improvements you'll only get better right? :)

Needs more paragraphs, kinda blinds you halfway through :\, and maybe use "s instead of `s, easier to tell what's being said.

But actually tbh, that's all I can think of :)

Feel free to ignore what I've said btw :p

Keep'em comin bud, you're an excellent artist :)


You ever thought of publishing a book ? :x

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