

Bridge Trent

I know someone posted about the strangers recently seen near camalot but I have seen some more. Dunno if its been mentioned but there seems to be a load of them in Camp forest behind where the Oak men live. Some text appears suggesting they are suspicious and look like they know how to use their weapons. Might this be linked to the broadcasts about soldiers moving through the trees? The strangers look like they are wearing scale armour too. In total there were 7 or 8 of them with more roaming camp forest, I followed one back to the others.
Perhaps its worth keeping an eye on them.
The cons ranged from yellow to red to my 37 Theurg and attitudes hostile to neutral so can be atacked (I didnt try).


Saw them to, talked to one of them, well not really talked, just clicked her and got an message about how nice the weather was for a walk and how she enjoyd having a look around.

I was pretty spooked when i ran into her in the forest, cause i got a message about her waving to me or something, heart jumped thought to myself yes finaly the great campaign and lucky little me finding it after searching for all this time. But alas she didnt respond to anything i did to her, so i guess its just yet another mysterius stranger.

But still might be a wortwhile clue to follow, especially after peps keep getting the message about the army hiding under the leaves. See other thread.


Saw them today in camp forest by goblin house just (east or west?) of camp station - said something about them looking down but not being hostile, just wary.


Found some more strangers whilst out with my alt.

There were 3 of em directly east of pk bridge (plains side) at loc 11 57.

1 welcomed me warmly and saluted me, the other 2 gave me "a dirty look".

the 1 that welcomed me was hostile to me, the 2 that gave me dirty looks were neutral... ????

1 spoke to me saying he was travelling to cam from c w, and he asked for directions to camelot, which i gave him, then he asked for the name of the nearest keep, which i also told him. then he thanked me and says nothing else. the other 2 would not speak to me.

bit strange.........

(i took a screenie:)


oh yeah, he warned of an incoming army of giants too..........


2 days ago i met 2 strangers in campa forest, they did say something about the weather.



one lot asked me which is the nearest keep to cammy...i replied Prydwens and he bowed to me and walked off......strange but i think to keep a close eye onthem would be a good idea....maybe mythic have something up their sleave :)


Kill them 1st, ask questions after. Don´t help these strangers they are all spies..So Kill em all!


Was purp, but will go get Netrom, he might be able to do more thna a lvl 8 armsman.

Nice seeing you gallie was fearing for you havent seen you online for a while.

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