Strange Service from GOA..



Decided at the beginning of last week to up sticks and have a break from the game, to try to renew my passion for the game when i could finally re-spec sade and begin the old RP-Farm.

Strange going back to TFC, and Unreal Tournament after nearly a year of DAoC...damn good fun by the way..even after all this time!

Any-whoo, a week went past and i decided it was time to step back into the old boys boots. Yet upon entering login details, it proceeded to tell me that my account was closed.

Hmm, said i, and toddled off to the web site to have a look at my details. Yet, after tring many times, it seemed that my subscription details werent letting me get into my information pages.

And then i remembered, 2 weeks back i had to renew my Credit Card, having lost my older one when...returning home with some friends, shall we say, a little worse for wear.

Having read similar problems, it seems if one changes their current card, the system doesnt like this and so seems to think we are not #good# for the money any more. I am led to believe now that, since the discrepancy has been noted by their system, they have taken away privalages such as #My Account# pages.

I fail to understand why privalages such as the #My Account# pages should be taken away if such problems arise. If we are deemed #Not Good# for the money any more, surely they should give me the option to change my details to my new card and apease them that way?

3 days unable to play, having sent emails to rightnow and subscriptions email, just makes me rather angry.

Wonder if others have had these same problems, and how long it took them to start laying again?

Regards, Sade


Done that twice now im afraid, 4 days on the trot and still nothing :(

Know they have alot on their shoulders with the patch an all, but do think, with quite a few people having similar problems, they should take a look at how the handle subscription problems.

Spose its for the best, given me a proper break from the game, although i would like to check out the new patch ;)


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