Kicks said:cant even get on sodding Gorre perma too many ppl connected msg .
Wanted to test RA's for my SM, Druid and NS .
Elekrep said:Yeah, Cam is dead, and people who cant play on gorre are frustrated and kill greys with insta..Some bugger did it to me couple times, was exping with my necro, fighting against red/orange and this fekker comes and instas my pet, and after that the mob kill's me. How fun is that!
Nedo said:Just wait at login window to it says open then spamzor login we had gang of <Fear> on a night but gdamn it laggs.
wow u r liek my idol! can i be liek u plz???Bahumat said:yeah i been playing it solid from friday to tuesday. had lots of fun and when it comes out there wont be huge zergs of stealthers as not that many about. i found the map useful as with the keep porting. looks very good to me but a tank with not ranged dmg is kinda annoying. i will just stand there using the rams on the doors
me and a few m8's made a guild on hib called Pink Avengers and we made so many rp's lol. we had a pbaoe group and killed an insane amount