Stop and smell the...kill?



I've been reading about people, this might come as a shock to some but, who whine and bitch about how their not making enough RP, enough EXP and whatnot. Where is the glory of war?

How about using archers on top the walls and not in the battlefield? Warriors on warriors and archers as initial harvesting of the hords coming towards the castle.

Mages should hit hard and fall easy, it's in the job desc really...what you expect from wearing a robe and wielding a stick?

And where, oh where, is the feeling of killing someone? "Yei! I rid the world of one more stinking camelot person and helped my realm! Oooh! There's another!"

The simple joy of getting that one kill in atleast, not about how many points you get from it...

Some might have a hard time understanding the point of this thread but those people don't have to comment.


I know what you mean :)

Everything in this game is sort of... wrong. But what do you expect?. People will always complain because they want their class to be the best...

It would be cool to have the game as you describe it, archers on the battlements, warriors and warriors and such, it would be very cool, but after all - it's just a game :)


the zerg doesn't allow archers be in the battle feild, and our range is pitiful compared to irl.


I know what you mean :)

I remember ages ago we had a relic raid which was actually organised and I was just a pawn in the masses who were sent to block the hibbies getting to defend the relic..

Anyway we wait and wait and eventually a great pile of hibbies come out and easily outnumbered us. I remember people dying all over the place so I kinda positioned myself a little out of the way of the main melee battle and just F8...nuke til dead. It wasn't clever but it felt soooo good every time I killed a Hibby just knowing that for every dead hibbie, that's more time for our boys to get the relic. I killed 7 Hibbies of all kinds before someone got around to me and it felt good.

One of many happy memories...


Killing? whats that exactly?

I can't really relate to that obviously being a healer, but i always feel a small sense of pride when my group walks away from a situation, especially a really bad one with no fatalitys.


I think there is a large difference to what happens in game, particularly in the small non-zerging guilds/groups to what is moaned and whinged about on these flame forums.

However at the end of the day the gamer istelf is its own worst enemy as Mythic/Goa have made it near impossible to run about solo in Emain, or take a keep with one very organised group.

There is much less satisfaction when every kill is just another zerg victim :(

Anyway, there is fun, and pride in the kill to be had out there, its just hidden exptremely well ;)

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