Stones, raids, one big headache



Ok with 1.60 around the corner I have one simple thing to talk about.

How are we going to handle respec stones on raids, because I can just tell there will be high demand at the start for them.

3 possible ways I see and find reasonable,

1. Lotto them off like normal items (but with so many would take ages)

2. Give them to the raid coordinator to sell off for a cost a low cost (10g one each etc, but some people might not like paying for an item that they worked for as well)

3. Distribute them evenly among all raid groups leaders (I guess they could then have mini lotto’s or just hand out to those that need)

Still just some ideas, I just really don’t want to have to pay 1plat or something stupid etc.


i think the people that get them should keep them, and if they dont need them either give to another group member or if no one needs sell.


but on US servers the selling price, even now is nearer 10 plat, and they just lotto them normally.

tbh we should farm dragon atleast 1 or 2 times a week.
but yes, splitting them evenly between the groups present sounds good.



split em between the guilds evenly. For example, say the raid comprises of the following numbers

10 GoL
10 FC
5 LoD
5 SF
10 FL

(random guilds)

say that 10 stones dropped.

40 total people, thats one for every 4 people. Thus GoL get 2.5, FC get 2.5, LoD get 1.25, SF get 1.25 and FL get 2.5

To solve the problems of the decimal numbers you then team people together to make a '1' And then do a mini lotto for single ones, For example. GoL and FC have one lotto (for the single stone), LoD, SF and FL have a lotto for the second single stone.

In the GoL/FC lotto, GoL have the number1, FC have the number 2. /random 2, and give it accordingly.

In the LoD/FL/SF lotto, FL have umber 1 and 2, LoD number 3 and SF nunber 4. /random 4 and give it out accordingly.

Then there is no general bias at all. everyone has the chance according to how much of their guild they bring. You could also make the people who count for the numbers who attend (to avoid lvl 1 alts coming along just to add a number to the lotto), make it 45+ or whatever. The lvl can b determined by the raid leader and if people don't like it, they don't come on the raid and have zero chance :p

Then within guilds they can lotto their own ways. Pure simple, a bit time consuming but worth saving the aggro afterwards :p


Originally posted by kirennia
split em between the guilds evenly. For example, say the raid comprises of the following numbers

10 GoL
10 FC
5 LoD
5 SF
10 FL

(random guilds)

say that 10 stones dropped.

40 total people, thats one for every 4 people. Thus GoL get 2.5, FC get 2.5, LoD get 1.25, SF get 1.25 and FL get 2.5

To solve the problems of the decimal numbers you then team people together to make a '1' And then do a mini lotto for single ones, For example. GoL and FC have one lotto (for the single stone), LoD, SF and FL have a lotto for the second single stone.

In the GoL/FC lotto, GoL have the number1, FC have the number 2. /random 2, and give it accordingly.

In the LoD/FL/SF lotto, FL have umber 1 and 2, LoD number 3 and SF nunber 4. /random 4 and give it out accordingly.

Then there is no general bias at all. everyone has the chance according to how much of their guild they bring. You could also make the people who count for the numbers who attend (to avoid lvl 1 alts coming along just to add a number to the lotto), make it 45+ or whatever. The lvl can b determined by the raid leader and if people don't like it, they don't come on the raid and have zero chance :p

Then within guilds they can lotto their own ways. Pure simple, a bit time consuming but worth saving the aggro afterwards :p

5 groups, 10 stones, 2 stones given to each group leader. Sorted.


Originally posted by kan-
i think the people that get them should keep them, and if they dont need them either give to another group member or if no one needs sell.

Start levling your ice-wizzies. "Dragon-stone-grp".


that sounds good kirennia :) just dont like the way the lottoes are done, imo /random 100 and whoever gets the highest is better than random 2



Kirennia's plan looks good to me.

Individual lottoing with an entire dragon raid posse is clearly insane for an object of value to every single character of every single class.

That said, so long as you say before the raid I don't think there is anything wrong in holding back a couple of stones to auction on BW for a relic door fund (if we ever get any relics).

Also, I hope we don't see a lot of whining when somebody wins a stone and then attempts to auction it at some point. Supply and demand and all that, the greater the worth of the stones the more people will come to kill the dragon, and so the more times it gets killed and so the more respec stones running about inside the alb economy. Free market economics is not a zero sum game!

But of course - only set in stone rule is "raid leader makes the rules, publishes them beforehand, and if you don't like them you can run your own damn raid" :) .


5 groups, 10 stones, 2 stones given to each group leader. Sorted.

his point is that if a guild contributed mroe by bringing more people they should get more stones


Just make your character as you want it. Then you don't need a respec :p

Furthermore in my opinion SORCERERS should have first choice. For the better of Albion :p

And only lvl 50's can get a respec-stone if you ask me. No point in giving it to a lvl 43 coz he could have respecced at 40, or even reroll and be there within 10 days :)


Problem with doing anything with group leaders is that many of them will be mixed guild, so internal group lotto rules get debated.

And people will have changed group.

And some raid leaders have bizarre theories about all cleric groups ;) which often confuses the issue further.

And not all groups are full groups.

And as many a relic or sidi cg has shown, trying to identify *just* the group leaders is a bloody nightmare.

And some group leaders will end up outside the cg due to arriving after the chat group got full with people claiming to bve group leaders.

And wheras guilds tend to send a sensible representative to loot distribution, group leaders are random people who may or may not know what is going on.

So, up to the raid leader of course, but I would always counsel against relying on group representation to achieve anything.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Just make your character as you want it. Then you don't need a respec :p

Furthermore in my opinion SORCERERS should have first choice. For the better of Albion :p

And only lvl 50's can get a respec-stone if you ask me. No point in giving it to a lvl 43 coz he could have respecced at 40, or even reroll and be there within 10 days :)

mythic is putting things in lines that weren't there previously, people might want these new spells and whatnot that they couldn't have known about previously.


50 stones drop every time he is killed

25 RA respec
25 Skill respec


Theres a few chat-log parsing progs around to handle dragon stone lottos.

Just have the lotto organiser have a chat log running, the hundred or whatever people do /random, stop chatlog, throw it into the prog and youll have the result instantly.

The only problem with what Kirennia posted is the usual comment regarding small guilds. Guess it depends whose organising, and whether or not they care. As usual whoever organises will make the rules - people can choose whether or not to attend as a result.


draylor, my post was to make sure that small guilds get an equal say. if 2 of your guild turn up out of 100 people, yet 20 of another guild turn up, you shouldn't have equal biddings on the stones. Had this problem before with raids where people in the end would only turn up with a few people cause they knew they would get the same kind of biding. This cancels all that out. Every person there present will thus have an equal chance of getting a respec stone.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
Kirennia's plan looks good to me.

Individual lottoing with an entire dragon raid posse is clearly insane for an object of value to every single character of every single class.

That said, so long as you say before the raid I don't think there is anything wrong in holding back a couple of stones to auction on BW for a relic door fund (if we ever get any relics).

Also, I hope we don't see a lot of whining when somebody wins a stone and then attempts to auction it at some point. Supply and demand and all that, the greater the worth of the stones the more people will come to kill the dragon, and so the more times it gets killed and so the more respec stones running about inside the alb economy. Free market economics is not a zero sum game!

But of course - only set in stone rule is "raid leader makes the rules, publishes them beforehand, and if you don't like them you can run your own damn raid" :) .

As long as all stones goes to lotto and the raidleader gets none for free. Why would peeps whine? :p


imo if you lead a raid to dragon you should be allowed 2 stones, either 1 of each type, or 2 of 1 type.
that would encourage more people to lead raids which is what we need.

but the chat log lotto parsers sounds good, but then can it filter out if people do it more than once?



Originally posted by kirennia
draylor, my post was to make sure that small guilds get an equal say.
Yup, if your talking about a raid with a relatively small number of guilds represented with varying numbers from each guild then what you said would work nicely.

If your talking about a free-for-all raid then the number of guilds represented would be high enough to make this alot of hassle.


how bout /random 1000... the 50 highest chooses which they want


In practice I suspect a raid leader would get a reading from all guilds on how many fgs they brought, and work from those approximate numbers.

Guilds bringing less than 1fg really need to team up with another guild who brought more and arrange stone distribution between them however is seen fit.

Again, this is largely a matter of keeping the process managable.


Raid leader stands on stone - switches on log (some other people should do to verify)

everyone who wants one /random 100s

parse the log - take the top 25 getting full respecs, next 25 realm.



Is FL supposed to be Flemish Lions? or Ferus Legionis?

I'm sure Ferus Legionis would be interested in assisting on a raid like this when we get the patch..


remember that not everyone needs respec..

but imo, minstrels should ALWAYS get stones, not because im a minstrel, but think about rvr with a minstrel that have 50 instruments, thats like a pbt with 70dmg absorb for you.

DeaD GuRu

organizing guild auctions em off??

why not let the Dragonraid Organizing guild Auction them off??
I have heard rumour that the price on US servers is around 3 PLat for a stone???

would be sweet cash for the organizing guild, dunno, you ask suggestions.

If more then one should drop, split em, one for guild , one to auction. As it is not easy to organize this event, organizers may gain from these friggin stones. It is clear that this Stupid invention from Mythic or Goa will even cause more grieve amounghst PPL then there is now already!!!!


why not let the Dragonraid Organizing guild Auction them off??
I have heard rumour that the price on US servers is around 3 PLat for a stone???

would be sweet cash for the organizing guild, dunno, you ask suggestions.

Uh, why would anyone else in the realm join that dragon raid?



If more then one should drop

25 will drop - every time.

25 skill respecs, 25 realm respecs.

Off of every dragon kill.

Which is why the earlier discussion was talking about how to split them between guilds.



IMO stones should be dealt evenly between with those guilds who have been asked to join the raid by organisers,that way stones would prolly go to there where its mostly needed.

:edit: What Kirennia said :)

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