Stone of Atlantis


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2004
Hi there,

Want to get two groups together for doing the Stone of Atlantis encounter. No date/time yet, first would like to know who would be interested in joining. Also interested in any tips/hints from experienced peeps on this artifact.

I have got the scrolls and the Golden Tuning Fork, and so would only need the encounter and the Stone itself. Am not interested in any other drops...

Feedback, please:)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
ran such a small raid for people yesterday night
there's alot of things you have to keep in mind, and most of the time he's bugged (spawned over 50 red setians on us and was already stealthed)
you don't really need 2fg, did it with a fg and some bots, would say minimum requirements 2-3 supp sm's, 3 healers with at least fop & hf, 2-3 buffbots (yes, to fully buff the SM pets)

Start clearing the right wall outside, to avoid being aggrod/interrupted on the other side. Then you enter the town and stick to the right wall, don't kill every mob, for some reason they don't all aggro :) However, don't keep killing at the entrance, that's where they kept repopping insta and multiply themselves when killed (only seen this bug once). Bulldoze your way to the front of the little temple (where he should be if not bugged).

1 In case he already he is, he might already aggro you before you enter the temple, if he does, he will be nuking your group so look for a shade on the ground and some casting grafx in the air. You can easely see him, then pbae him and as soon as he unstealths put all pets on him. Every now and then he will restealth and teleport around in the town, but with pets on him he insta unstealths again every time.
2 Non bugged mode: You'll see him in the middle of the little temple, start with setting up your fields near that entrance. Send all SM pets at the same time and have the SM's stand ready in the door. Now this is pretty random, I have seen it 50/50, but he can spawn a load of about 8 red con setians in that door. Bomb them down, have everyone focus on that pop (yes they can whipe you fast) while pets will do their job on the keeper. Once they fall (if they popped) just follow the pets, heal them, and melee the keeper untill he bites the dust :clap: He drops a Gem of Chaos, give it to the person with the Tuning Fork, run outside the town, around it to the back, just behind is a small temple. /use your fork there, and the stone will appear on one of the stones.

What to keep in mind?
He ae mezzes, ae nukes, bolts.
In case he stealthed before you got any pets on him, have people pbae at his spot and he should unstealth pretty fast.
Not all setians in the town will aggro, so only pick those that aggro you -> saves you alot of time/trouble
He's not magic resistant at all(can nuke for 300-400+ with pbae), so having a shield tank with you is not necessary, but always helps.
If he aggros you before you actually enter the temple or attack him, he might spawn the load of setians also.
The keeper himself has pretty low hp, and doesn't hit hard at all. So don't worry about your pets too much. If you get aggro he won't run at you but nuke you from range.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
Farbaute2 said:
If lilinalte bought the radar maybe he can buy the items also?

ok, well, shows the same nickname...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
or of course there could be someone else registred on e bay as "lilinalte"


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2004
Tnx Ncr for helpful answer :cheers:

As for the rest: I can only say it IS NOT the same Lilinallte...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2004
Have send the 'gentleman' a 'kind' email, to not use my name and change his ebay-nick... hope he will listen...

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