


Just saw it myself, GOOooooo celtic dual FIX!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Oh and nerf zerkers :D ;)

Tho imo the damage done isnt the problem, the problem is the damage done while having overpowered endurance regen in combination with 100% crits(imo it should be 25-75 or 33-66 or something like that).


Wish I hadn't respecced out of CD / pierce :x


Im going for 34 CD myself ;) :)

Heres hoping they add a stun style at 34! :D


Now I want an easier dragon for respec stones too.. argh!

Sharp Thing

you would want the world vf :p

but, we all would :p


:mad: I WONT BE UBAR/1337 ANYMORE :puke:

on the other hand, sucks that they didnt plan any fixes for midgard :(

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by VodkaFairy
midgard is pretty good as it is.. ;)
yeah, the only realm with ae stun and all :>


And the only realm with no good RA's either


Originally posted by Arnor2
:mad: I WONT BE UBAR/1337 ANYMORE :puke:

on the other hand, sucks that they didnt plan any fixes for midgard :(

1.60 = alb loving
1.61 = fluff
1.62 = hib loving
1.63 = fluff?
1.64 = mid loving??


woot dw fixes?

is that pig over there flying...


Originally posted by old.Flamin
And the only realm with no good RA's either

and the only realm who dont need good RA's


Originally posted by old.Atrox
and the only realm who dont need good RA's
And the only realm who will need those good RA's when they nerf our best classes.


Originally posted by Sharp Thing
yeah, the only realm with ae stun and all :>

Because we all know AE stun makes midgard uber! Resists/ RA's/ anti-CC spells. Pfffft what do they matter... healers can cast a stun once every 10 minutes that lasts for 2 seconds if it isn't resisted outright!!11 Over powered!

I'm glad they'll be addressing the LA/end issues. It's annoying to see 1001 flavour of the month zerkers ruining around. But, like it or not, midgard classes do have issues (as do all) that need addressing:

Healers Aug line. (I'd love an excuse to spec out of the ever nerfed Pac line)
Warriors needing something unique, plus the block/ parry fix (for all realms). Warriors throwing line: Why do we have this? :p
Skalds need looking into desperatly.

Every class in the game has some flaw or other that needs addressing. Having a healer and a warrior myself, they're obviously the classes I pay most attention to. Having played a warrior since the start of the game, I can definately say they need something to make them more fun, and definately need defence in RvR fixing (again this would effect all realms).


Midgard has its share of gimp lines....

probably less than the other realms (only due to having less classes)

Wonder if warriors will start feeling a bit better about themselves when they're not being out-damaged by zerkers hitting at twice the speed...


Looks good to me :D .. hope i'm not disapointed but 1.62 is like 4 months down the line most likly unless GOA hire more translation monkey's.

For warrior's.. the throwing line is used to pull mobs of course! other wise u'd have to run into grp of mobs to pull em ;)


Some good news here i think...

Looks like LA/endurance gets toned down a bit, which i think is a good thing, because it has been so obviously powerful... i wonder what zerkers think about this themselves... they KNOW they are incredibly powerful, but they won't like being toned down...

Imo it would be more than enough if they made CD/DW/LA comparable in damage vs. specced points and adressed some of the styles.

What i am REALLY interested in is what they suggest to change in RvR... looks like they want to revamp/expand RvR, but they couldn't be more vague about this :).

Implementing housing and revamping RvR is what will keep many gamers in DAoC instead of moving on, i think.


yep proper keep sieges, epic battles :) that'd be ace...

gank groups in emain can only hold you so long (especially when you're being ganked rather than ganking ;))


Well, my little berseker troll is still only 47.5 so Id like to experience a bit of 50 before they 'explore' why Im so 'overpowered'. Which means a big nerf-bat.

Id agree, there are issues with endurance regeneration and the ability to hit an anytime style that simply does too much damage. If Doublefrost, and only doublefrost, was reduced in damage, Id be happy. Keep our reactionaries and positionals as they are.

Not everyone in the frontiers has access to endurance regeneration, though...we dont all run around in preset groups trying to get the best abilities from the entire realm.

Id be extremely surprised if CD and DW were raised to LA standards, as all that would mean is that Albion and Hibernia would have a major influx of stealthers ( :p as if they havent already) and Mercs/BM's as FoTM. And then major complains from Hibernia and Midgard as they dont have this incredible RA that reduces melee damage to toothpick attack standards, albeit for 30s...but with the Albion zergs who needs more than that..

Even if they did so, you may then realise what its like to wield such high damage on the might as well have a big neon sign saying 'take me down first' as everyone rushes to slap you silly before you can even pull out your weapons.

A 'fix' Id like to see is removing LA/CD/DW from assassins, and bumping CS to be what its described as...berserkers arent the real problem here, as at least you can identify them and remove them from the battle. Its shadowblades that hit for insane damage, but could be anywhere in stealth. Yes, that might annoy a lot of existing assassins...but good. Its not as if we need any more. And if Warriors needs a bit of love, after LA has been removed from the shadowblade give it to the warrior.

But to be brutally honest, Mythic are again dodging some of the big issues whilst concentrating on screaming Americans on what to 'fix' next. Yes, Id agree that CD/DW do need looking at, and the RvR aspect. Both are good things to 'look' at, provided they're not reduced further.

But what about archers, from all three realms. Pet issues. LOS inside keeps (with the exception of those archer guards who can seem to fire from anywhere to anywhere). Pbaoe. High resists for magic with various realm spells and abilities, yet only Albion can do the same for melee. Missing styles (you prepare to perform your hit for X. no style was performed..), target not in view when youve been standing in front of it, pathing issues.

Im sure theres more that Ive missed, but instead of listening to screaming Americans that cant kill everything with their 'ubah l337 r0xx0r' character - fix the damn game.



aj, well written post - however it's not just Doublefrost - the entire Left Axe line has bonus damages twice that of every other line...

They're all within a couple of percent of each other except Left Axe. Myself I think the la/dw/cd should be about 20% higher to make up for double speccing

(I'm not sure what I think about polearm/2h :) they should have the double-spec removed imho but that's an entirely different issue and has it's own balance problems - being able to choose any damage type would be too powerful so there's gotta be a catch somewhere)

People used to do left axe styles with a 4.2 speed weapon getting 4.2 speed endurance reductions and 4.2 speed damage (doubled thanks to LA style bonuses). They generally got about 4-5 hits in a fight. It's nastier than anyone else would be but it didn't last long.

Nowadays they have end regen so they hit for double the style damage of every other class on _every_ hit...

For those without end regen you don't lose as much if they nerf it. If the styles are set at a higher endurance cost than the other realms then I'd be all for fixing that along with the damage.

As to the other stuff: it's triage... there's only so much they can focus on at once - the light tanks have been ignored for a year.


Mythic fixes:
LA styles will now all use high end

Blademasters ability triple wield is now on a 7minute timer and will add 5% damage per hit

Mercenary's ability dirty tricks is now on a 7minute timer and is non resistable and makes target fumble for 10%

CD/DW styles get 5% damage bonus to them

This should ensure blademasters/mercenary's do comparable damage.

As a side addition elves will now be eligable to become blademasters to increase roleplay enjoyment and satisfaction.


Got 34 CD spec on my ranger so hope I get something nice for it :)

Can't see that I'll be given any reason to take recurve bow over 27 still yet tho, but if the CD changes are good I wont need to ;)

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