still no AU whine thread?




cmon folks, thats disappointing me. after this really annoying /as chat in the evening where really all ppl biched against each other i want at least enjoy the flame war on this board here, before the whole thing goes down the toilet.

:twak: :flame: :touch:

you dont want to start NOW with "no we try settle this in privacy in our own alliance forum", dont you? nah, we arent that grown up, let the show begin then...

need a bit more motivation?

hm damn im not good in re all murons? will this work?


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :sleeping:


.... still no flames Eraser ... maybe you didnt hit a soft spot ...

As for me, I don't mind a bit AU is no more. When it was first started, the alliance did some good stuff, looked well organised and 'professional'. I just read /as at those times being only a young paladin needing to learn more and looking up to some of the people in AU for their achievements.

As I got a bit higher in level and experience, I started to use /as myself for RvR information and what seems ... people have no ear for a 'low' lvl. Is it because I am 'just a not-lvl50 paladin' from 'just a smaller guild' that people laugh or ignore any comments ? Is it because some people base their judgement on who is a good player just on level and rp's ?
If people get laughed at or mocked when they try to help out in a relic defend 'when they are only lvl 40', isn't it normal they lose interest in RvR ?

And yes, maybe some players go all defensive now flaming my butt, some even just for the fact that they recognize themselves in above situations and can't take it.

But go ahead, I am proud of my 46 levels which I done without endless chaining or trees or whatever. I am proud of my guild and the people in it and they and the many others I have grouped with always welcomed me in their midst. We will continue to have fun with DAoC and see what the future will bring.


just too many ppl have /as access

I dont know why ppl that are exp'ing all the time, never play RvR should have it....
/send <guildmaster> must be a very difficult command ;/


Simple reason Aussie, there is a difference between having /as read and /as speak rights. Peeps will want to know what is going on at RvR or who to contact for cg ... and since this is often send on /as, many will have access to read it.
Even for the ones that are not RvR 24/7, /as gives helpfull info as to where to go or who to help.

/as speak has just grown so much since many people hit higher 4x's or 50 and have more time / need to dedicate to RvR. Maybe the initial idea of /as for scouts, infils or just a few peeps per guild was a bit too limited but in the end, yes ... you have a point there.


Only people that should have /as should be the guild leaders. Not some idiot who wants to make jokes about bananas.
The guild leaders should carry the authority to get a reaction. All these people shouting out rvr here, rvr there, defend this, defend that.. kind of pointless...

Nice when people make a cg for a certain area, but no need to spam it in the /as and get upset cause people do not respond enough. That is just the way most people are in this game.
So, take away /as talk right from most people, and just give them read. They can pm the right people anyway.

Too many "leaders" gives this crap result.
Regards, Glottis


If people get laughed at or mocked when they try to help out in a relic defend 'when they are only lvl 40', isn't it normal they lose interest in RvR ?

that is just crappy attitude from some players. ive seen it and find it resentful. what u see on the screen be u lvl 40 or a lvl 50 - its the same. If a lvl 40 sees 50 mids in excalibur it wouldnt make any difference if a lvl 50 saw it.

When it was first started, the alliance did some good stuff, looked well organised and 'professional'.

well....times have changed, and so has au ..:(

just too many ppl have /as access

very very true... as an example:

just cos a guy is lvl 50 doesnt mean he has the right to have AS.
imo only guildmaster and officers and maybe the rogue classes (mins infil scout) should have it. it may sound too harsh on other ppl but in order to have a proper alliance, u dont only need guilds and members, u need discipline and enough common sense to see what is spam and what is relevant info.

I am proud of my 46 levels which I done without endless chaining or trees or whatever. I am proud of my guild and the people in it and they and the many others I have grouped with always welcomed me in their midst. We will continue to have fun with DAoC and see what the future will bring.

only 1 thing i can say..

:clap: :clap: thats it :)

any nn gl hf whtvr bye salute au revoir hasta la vista ciao arribedechi (spelt right?)


Personally I wouldn't say you need to limit /as speak to a particular class as some have suggested (Scouts/Infils are just as capable of talking bollocks as anyone else). Nor would I limit it to just gms, as they aren't always on. But it certainly needs to be limited to about half a dozen per guild.

Unfortuately this would mean basing your upper guild ranks solely around who can be trusted to use /as speak both effciently and correctly. And I can understand why not all guilds are willing to do this.

Ho hum.


Oh, and yes, the lvl 50 thing never made much sense to me either.

Unless at level 50 all classes get an 'ability to identify and count hibgard characters' skill that no-one told me about?


nice and peaceful arguments in very astonished.

about the /as speaking rights: i still think its all about the guild leaders to keep their sheep calm and behave the way they should. for me it would be ok if every guild gives /as speak ability to whom they think he should have it...everyone has a different opinion about long as they hold up the disciplin. /gc demote seems also a very difficult command, i personally have no problem taking away /as rights from a guild member if he cant behave in there. so its up to the guild masters. if the guild leaders in the alliance would have been be unified enough on this, the whole story woulnt look the way it does now.

imo there seemed to be some conflicts between several guilds long before. /as use rules where set up in the beginning but changed in the time also by the ppl who always reminded others to stick on these rules...

but the breaking now is not about the use of /as chat mainly i think.

to throw some oil in the fire:

can someone please explain me who got the idea first that our own keeps when claimed by enemy have to be taken back almoust instantly, at all cost?

"clearing our own backyard"..."ffs, still 50 ppl in emain, get ur asses away from farming there and help your realm"

wasnt it not that long time ago: dont go try get back a keep when its heavily defended and give free RPs to mibs and mids?

2 FG of middies running around in sauvage are a hazard maybe, but keeping busy half of albion to hunt them is officious and not worth it.

and about the emain problem and the ppl who dont want to leave there to help with keeps:

this situation is a bit extrem now since we got RAs with the last patch...ppl try get some points together now, thats an easy explanation, but this will die down soon i hope...



But seriously, the banana started as a sarcasm about too much irrelevant spam. One of the more noted ones at the time, was, I think, the guy who reported 1 norseman by graveyard outside APK.. So whenever the /as is filled with non important crap or someone wanting to flame/defend something on /as because his pride was hurt or someone did something stupid which is equally unimportant.. We like to put a banana in there for good measure. ;)

Bleri McThrust

Well I have an opinion, (surprise surprise) :) Only my opinion remember not neccesarily everyone elses opinion in guild.

The AU alliance has been threating to break for weeks. There have been discussions within our own guild as to leaving before now.

The alliance was formed originally mainly to provide a communication channel to help protect the realm. This it did very well at the start, attacks on Excalibur and door repairs where frequent. However time passed, patches came and went, attacks became less frequent. By this time the alliance was a huge monster with no clear focus. There where so many people with so many varied ideas on what it was for. Focus was lost the /as channel became an annoying sideshow at times, a channel of ridicule at others. The relevant, informative sends would find themselves lost amongst the trivia. It became to big and to elitist.

As for things like /as speak rights, very few in our guild had those rights, not that anyone took any notice of what was said by them anyways.

Personally I wouldn't say you need to limit /as speak to a particular class as some have suggested (Scouts/Infils are just as capable of talking bollocks as anyone else).

This in itself is so true and quite tame really. What we started to see was one rule for one and another for everyone else. How many private tells or guild admonishments where given to those people of (supposedly) "high stature". I bet the (so called) "lesser players" got loads of /send's, I know I did when I lost my cool with it all once before. Being accused of adding to the spam.

The AU alliance is breaking/broken for many reasons, not just one. I, for one, think that maybe such an alliance may not see the light of day again. Also I dont think thats such a bad thing to. Alliances should maybe be between like minded guilds to provide help and support for many things. From RvR to Epic mobs. But then thats just my opinion.

Finally I would like to apologise to both my GM's Erren and Lenda for venting my frustrations and anger of these things in the alliance channel. Also to those that dont deserve any of my comments I apologise too. I wont name those that I think are "good and just" as Im not naming those that are (mmm cant think of how to put this) "complete and utter arseholes" .

And to have a go at myself..... I cant believe I have got so angry about all this .......... ITS JUST A GAME AFTER ALL.


Ok i will make this as short as possible

AU is a complete and utter pisstaking waste of time.

In the begining it was great well run and every one treated as equal. I at this time was proud to have my guild part of AU.

I am angry and hurt that AU found it fitting to take my guilds money each and EVERY week for door repair funds but was not willing to deam myself or my guild as worthy of the aliance forum.

I was pmed last night by numerous so called lower guilds backing me up for my remarks so at least i no its not just my guild who are treated as poo on a shoe.

Unless u where lvl 50 of high status or a member of a so called top and all mighty guild u have no rights in game what so ever.

Thank god AU has folded as i will no longer allowe my guild of hardworking keepretaking fun loving decent ppl be treated like dirt.
Thw au has not been Albion for ages its been 2 guilds calling the shots thats not what aliance should be.

Here here bleri no need to say sorry as far as im concerned as your gm u snapped after weeks and weeks of provication and no repremad will be comming your way



Oh wait, types /release and I was alive again :clap:

But seriously, in my oppinion, it broke because of two reasons... One was the spam... The other was expectations...

Its funny, because some people saw stuff as spam due to different expectations... I personally didnt mind the occasional "50 mids at amg in emain" because I expected this of the alliance... But some saw this as spam... (not this wasnt the case all the time, "the mids stole my banana's" is spam, first time it was funny, but still, spam none the less)

But some other people expected a big turn-up when there was said : "people needed for keep raids" ... Some expected actual help when a guild shouts : "bledmeer under attack, we need help" ...

With no clear guidelines on how to use /as (at least not clear to everyone that could speak on /as) and no clear list of expectations from guilds in that alliance... Then there's no way it can hold...

The iniative was nice, but with no clear guidline and list of expectations of its members... .... ....

I'm supprised it went 'ok' for so long... Even The Brethren have discussed leaving the alliance, simply because it was not (not anymore) what we expected...

Btw, all this is my own idea about the current situation, NOT the Brethren's standpoint... (my little disclaimer :p )


Some facts straight

- AU itself never 'ruled' anyone.

- AU itself never made any 'rules' only that /as was not to be accessible to every jioning guiulds member. How this was to be achieved was never under any rule or suggestion.

- AU was meant to be a communications chance between all of the active guilds. Anyone was invited to join, not all chose to. Never did I personally refuse any guild to join and everyone was free to leave at any time. If some ppl found themselves treated unfairly by AU then you were treated unfairly by someone IN the alliance that felr to be above the alliance not part of it since the guild Albion united was never meant to be a ruling organization.

As playing actively in Guardians of Light that has left the alliance AU yesterday, I will withdraw my character out of the guild AU. Note though, that I was not present when the decision was made to leave AU and I would have voted AGAINST leaving the alliance. I still believe the idea was and is a good one and am sad to see it falter.

For my understanding the alliance AU still lives and has alliance mebers as well as some guild representatives in it. Those guild still interested in the alliance AU to prevail please message me in game to take up an inactive char to join the guild AU at GM level to make sure it continues to exist.


Too many ppl has AS speak rights. The amount of information exploded, and personally I grew numb. I am NOT playing this game to do RvR 24/7. I don't give a crap about DF (so I'm not standing about the entrance waiting for others to open the door for me). I go RvR IF and WHEN I feel like it!

Apart from attacks on our relics, I can't be bothered to go to Sauvage/Emain/Odins every time someone feels threatened (because their claimed keep is under attack), or when someone gets ganked on Excalibur road. If I had to heed the calls of everyone who felt it important to remove the 1FG of mids ganking away at Excal road, I would never go any farther south than Prydwen Bridge. "Keep our backyard clear!!!" - heh, I can't sweep forever.

In short: Ppl use(d) AS speak for way too many purposes. There's ALWAYS keeps to be taken, ALWAYS keeps to be defended, ALWAYS someone needs help for something. Sometimes I got RvR for a night, but I'm sick and tired of being yelled at for not being an RvR-minded person. DAoC is much more than RvR. I got guild mates that needs help, I have alts I want to lvl.

And lvl/RR shows NOTHING about leadership or hoe good you are at RvR, nor does membership of any particular guild. Lvl/RR is a direct function of your playtime/RvR time. Anyone can become lvl 50/RR10, as long as they stick to it. That doesn't give them any special rights or special valuable opinions. Of course ppl with more experience has more knowledge of the workings of the game, but I've seen a lot of RR5+ people acting like noobs in RvR, not following any orders given to them, making senseless attacks etc.

Just my opinion. Flame away...


It's funny, without saying it, you prove my point...

Everyone expects something different from AU... And thats the problem, its not the number of ppl, because if thats what you expect, then its not a problem...

For AU to 'survive', you need to make sure what to expect from the alliance... And from its members...

You do not plan to leave Emain or your XP area to defend a keep, ok, but someone else expects you to... And unless its written down somewhere what to expect from AU, then its doomed (sorry)...

We, The Brethren, expect some help from the alliance (some, not all) when we ask for it on /as... That help never came, not even one PM... (on more then one occasion)

Ok, now at least we knew what to expect from AU... And it wasnt active participation in keep taking/defense...

If its just to warn guilds for (possible) relic attacks... Then I think AU is not an alliance for us... An alliance with a guild of similar intrest in RvR & PvE might be a better choice for us...

Anyways, our decision isnt made about AU yet...


I think a lot of the problem here is the dreaded Elitism.

Personally I have a healthy dislike of the "big guilds" due to the fact that they form their own little groups and act holier than thou to everyone else. I'm not naming anyone.

Albion needs to stop being so Elitist.

If we don't - we're going to get walked all over.


At last :) ppl who really have there eyes open to the GAME yes GAME :clap: :clap: :clap:

No one rules the realm we all play for our own individual pleasure.
No one is better then n e one else
No guild is best we are all equals
but most inportantly we all play for fun relaxation and companionship.

The main problem was not spam nor was it to many ppl having as it was pure and simple it was the out right eliteism of the aliance.

ppl gave up and became unintreasted and spammed due solelyto the fact they were treating as lesser beings just for not being part of the "major guilds"

Crusaders of albion feel very simular to wedge in the fact that maybe a aliance with like minded guilds is the way for us to go.

I will leave u all with one thought
we are all equals we all have good valid ideas and we all diserve to be treated with the same respect


would be nice if we can get a council up with the remaining guildmasters to talk about the future, about our thoughts and fears.
i wasnt online last evening, so im not sure what i missed, but i think the situation we have at the moment should be discussed in a more direct way then here on the boards.

just my thought...


Main reasons why guilds left/leave are prolly:

1. Too much useless spam. Some days it was ok, and almost no invalueble talk, but on some days it was just too much about solo mids on the road, and 1 fg of mids inc to amg.

2. Not helping eachother out. When anyone wanted to take some keeps back in our frontier (which are needed, look at what happened saterday), you get little help. And the guys who do help are almost allways from the same guilds.

3. Some ppls attitude against others.

The alliance is a very helpfull tool to organize a large army, either for relic attacks or defending. It's a shame it is dying. DVE is discussing if we should leave or not right now, and looking at the poll it looks like we're leaving soon...

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