Still love the game



Been playin the game for 6 months now, and no I'm not bored with it, in fact it's the best game I've ever played.
The interaction between all the player/mobs/scenery is so flawless that you sometimes feel you are all in the same room.
When running in a group in various frontiers, I actually feel the pressure and the excitement of finding or being discovered by the enemy.

I ran up to a fellow Hibby standing outside the central keep in the always empty BG3, and he spun round ,then said "fook me I sh@t when I saw you behind me then"
How many games can invoke that response, you really are transported into your character.
OK any MMORPG should be able to do that but I think DAOC is the first to get it right.
All the game needs is a major graphical improvement, the textures are far to low quality, and the polygon count on much of the landcscape is very poor. Also all the sounds need improving to make the game much more atmospheric, the last patch did improve sound , but a lot more imagination is required.
I'm hoping SI fixes all this, but I have to say the screenshots have yet to convince me that it is mostly little more than sprucing up.
Please let me be wrong.


Said it many times before, i've played for months and months...since feb or march and the first 6 months i used only to run around, not even a bit of PL:ing, trying classes, realms and such. Now i still love the game because i started to PL :D


I still like the game also... but maybe not as much as i did in the end of beta/start of retail :D but still i find it fun to run around looking for new adventures and stuff, playing alts and RvR in BG's and Frontiers...

i think many find this game fun just that even fun stuff get boring if u do it to much :) and i know several people that has left the game (deleted) and are now back playing ....


Said it many times before, i've played for months and months...since feb or march and the first 6 months i used only to run around, not even a bit of PL:ing, trying classes, realms and such. Now i still love the game because i started to PL

What i dont understand though:

if you've been playing for 6 months, you'd think you had discovered the dying bug by now? :p

old.Ayam Ganbatte

I still find the game enjoyable as well, although I'm not playing as much any more. I find that the less I play it, the more I enjoy it when I do go on. It's easy to overplay this game, I'm only just starting to realise the lack of content (and that's just in Midgard, there's still two other realms), so I've decided to hold back a bit.


I don't think that the game will ever be as exciting now as it was the first time it booted up, I heard the incredible tune at Campcreotin (?) Station with my first (out of 3!) wizards, and eventually found my first group. The first time I went to RvR and everyone was purple will never be forgotten. Whilst the game may not be that good again, I do think that the replayability factor is great with so many classes and the three realms, and despite what some people say, RvR is still an amazing selling point.

j000 d000d

<-- Still love the game until i have RR10 or something :)


Originally posted by old.Teador
<-- Still love the game until i have RR10 or something :)

Woo hoo! Teador will leave when he's RR10! Come on, Albion! Make an orderly line up towards the Lord's room and let's get this over and done with! :m00:


Aye, I agree with ye... game's great!

Now if only the campaign would start for real, it might be even better.


I can wait to be lvl 50, *more* RvR. Ah well, only 20 more bubbles to go. Whilst RvR is gr8, I am getting a little tired of xping now :(, but at 50 its a whole new ball game.


Aye, I must say I enjoy this game. From the first point where I made my Briton-Paladin running around near Prydwen, to Ludlow and Snowdonia trying to find new fun things, exploring the whole place. Never really getting the /bind command. I've played most classes in all realms. I still am missing a Nightshade, Capitalist(what are those called again? Those funny saracans with staff and a pink golem), Eldritch and a few other classes for my collection. I've been playing about 6 months. I really enjoy this game, meeting friendly people and having fun. RvR is great. In Uppland as an example, up in the snowfields, me and a mate of mine jumped up in our seets when a Ice imp walked by us(you can only see their feet) thinking it was a stealther :p . It really is thrilling. I'll wait for SI that's for sure.
Get the GFX up, make the scenery like in Dragon Empires, give a new cooler helmet for lvl 50's epic (like SB getting a skullhelm or something), and the game would be rather... perfect.
I still think it is the best game I've ever played / play. I wont stop it in the near future that's for sure.

I love it

Uncle Sick(tm)

Agreed... a friend from Denmark convinced me to get the beta client - that was in January... and I am still as hooked to the game as on the very first day:D

Why does the game get boring for a few people? Rushing through the levels, I say. Going slow myself - heck, my main (started in April) has only just reached his 39th season.
Just started exploring Sheeroe Hills... and we are having a ball.

And like hell will I camp the same spot on my way to 50 just to get capped xp... and going nuts while doing so.;)

old.Gombur Glodson

Haha a dane got you hooked! Fear teh danes!

Uncle Sick(tm)

*starts chanting*

They are red!
They are white!

They sure produce a lot of pr0n... yes, changed it a little.

Uncle Sick(tm)

I forgot the delicious Tulip canned ham.... a real treat.

Oh... and the bacon.


Originally posted by liste
Said it many times before, i've played for months and months...since feb or march and the first 6 months i used only to run around, not even a bit of PL:ing, trying classes, realms and such. Now i still love the game because i started to PL

What i dont understand though:

if you've been playing for 6 months, you'd think you had discovered the dying bug by now? :p

I just found it out yesterday...isn't THAT weird :D


been playing since UK release. still enjoying it, really looking forward to PvP server.
My EQ-europe beta cd arrived recently. The piece'o'crap lasted an hour on my PC before it was uninstalled. I seriously thought it must have failed to detect my vid-card or something, as the graphics were a steaming hot pile of buffalo dung. (Note this was my first experience of EQ ever)
As far as I'm concerned, DaoC is getting better & better. More goodies each patch but I'm yet to experienced any of my classes being gimped majorly.
at the end of the day it doesnt really matter how great the game/graphics/headshot kill frenzy/guild is, there will come a day when something 'better' comes along.... so, enjoy it while it lasts.


Originally posted by liste
you'd think you had discovered the dying bug by now? :p

player1: yessssss, yesssssssss .000000001 till lvl50!!!!!!!!!!!

Player1: ^%)*&%@~:~{:{:~:!}{"£$$ ARGH!!!!!


Can imagine my suprise and why i went for the holy quest to remove this bug...but they didn't take me seriously...

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