Stealth Question


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
A little question for the ones that know.

I have stealth on shield on my scout, so....

Does the stealth skill only affect you when you go into stealth, or will my stealth lower when I switch to bow while in stealth?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Stealth check is only made by the game at the moment you enter stealth.

So feel free to swap to bow once you have stealthed - it won't make any difference to your detection or ability to be detected.

If you want to test this:

1 - Note your /loc. Equip shield for max stealth. Enter stealth.

2 - Have a friend move away from your /loc until the exact point at which you "disappear". Have him note his /loc.

3 - Swap shield out for bow (without destealthing).

4 - Have your friend move away from your /loc again until you disappear once more. Note his /loc.

5 - Observe that the two distances are the same, even though in the second test, your stealth skill was less than when you entered stealth.

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