stealth hunter?



What do you think of this:

Briton infiltrator, using slash and NO CS...

Something like this at lvl 24:
Slash: 20
Dual Wield: 19
Envenom: 15
Stealth: 19

Hmm, infimerc?


Why replace the best spec line in the game for the worst?


Maybe... But after seeing them shadowzerkers whack alb stealthers with ease, I thought there might be a way to make a similar alb char... Hmm..


DW isn't LA.

Unspecced, DW/CD is better, but if you're going to spec it, it's gotta be LA, because of the way it works.

Sure infilmerc is great for leveling due to the huge damage-output, but for RvR... You're hurting bad.

old.Cruel Heart

cs 21 for the first bg.. unless u wanna a g1mp ^^

wolvon fury

Shadow zerker rocks, cuz left hand styles rock...

Go with CS, Shadow zerkers are a special breed, only classed to

Midgard:clap: with there double frost style (which does get a bit a nerfing) Pffffffft mythic, can't us middys have anythink special to a class, apart from the Hunter.


Doublefrost deserved the nerfed ;) The styles are neat anyway, when you outdamage a 2-h axe and swing faster :p


the strength of LA is/was not so much doublefrost, but the fact that offhand swings every time, and style to-hit/dmg bonuses apply to the offhand weap.
I'm abandoning my infilmerc project (hah... lasted long eh?) and leaving DW at 18 for the use-anytime detaunt with a high defence bonus. Given i'd only be raising DW for the extra chance to swing offhand - the realm ability dualist's reflexes is equivalent to 6pts of DW per lvl of the ability. So i really can't be bothered. Rather make a normal inf and just get dualist's before i get dodger etc.....

a stealther killer is a standard infiltrator with slash instead of thrust. But then... you don't need slash-vs-leather bonus to kill them, so why bother? Go thrust and be able to kill all those chain-clad middies ;p


and style to-hit/dmg bonuses apply to the offhand weap

The left hand is always an unstyled attack.

Doublefrost deserved the nerfed

Not while there are sickening styles like defenders rage/revenge and dragonfang in the game.

The styles are neat anyway, when you outdamage a 2-h axe and swing faster

Its funny how people always seem to make it feel like a privelage to barely outdamage 2handers, somehow forgetting we giveup 15% absorb in studded aginst plate (maybe i should say 10% since chain is the best middies have, but nm) , the use of a shield, and a ranged weapon for this purpose.

Imo, mythic nerfed left axe cos shadowzerkers are so strong, sort of forgetting there was another class that kinda relied on it.

Thats also why they can't fix mercs dw and BMs cd, it would leave infils and NS overpowered.

GJ mythic!:puke:


It did deserved the nerf (nerf & nerf, it was configured as doing damage of a side-positional), 2-hitting a leather wearer non-zerked and out-of-stealth with that speed is overpowered. Talk about DF being overpowered - lvl50 style which chains off evade that does less damage than a lvl12 CS style, albeit it has a stun. A lvl50 style should be good, unlike a lvl34 style... Barely outdamage 2-h user when you do more damage than them per swing and swing 2 seconds faster? Ok...


2-hitting a leather wearer non-zerked and out-of-stealth with that speed is overpowered.

In other words we don't drop you nearly as fast as you drop casters, not to mention finding a unstealthed rogue ain't exactly a regular occourance.

A lvl50 style should be good, unlike a lvl34 style

And its not like a zerks 50 style is near useless... oh wait, it is!

And instead of using doublefrost, a level 34 style, zerks in the U.S servers have to use snowblind or the atropy chain, level 10 and 12 styles. So much for higher level styles being stronger!

Talk about DF being overpowered - lvl50 style which chains off evade that does less damage than a lvl12 CS style, albeit it has a stun.

Go read some logs showing how a infil beat a warrior in straight melee, no crit styles used, because he had the RA dodger and used dragonfang to stun him, it might enlighten you.

Barely outdamage 2-h user when you do more damage than them per swing and swing 2 seconds faster?

You have to take into account what your hitting.

I was swinging at a armsman for around 200 or so, when both of my weapons connected, while he was hitting me for just under 400, and once over, per swing. We both swung our weapons the same number of times, though i was slightly faster.

Also my parry is severly less effective against a 2 handed weapon, while he has no such problem with my two 1 handed ones.

I can only hope the ease with which he killed me was due to him being uber buffed, and having all the strength relics...

Not that that will matter when the defenders combo gets 'fixed', since his second hit, or third if he hit me first, is gonna be a nasty stun...

In closing, yes we hit hard, but our armour is either barely better or equal to the rogue classes, so we get hit damn hard too.

And a infil, or any stealth class for that matter, telling a tank he's overpowered... lol!:clap:


In other words we don't drop you nearly as fast as you drop casters, not to mention finding a unstealthed rogue ain't exactly a regular occourance.

Ofcourse you don't, we have more HP and stealth, we're supposed to kill casters. Duh.

And its not like a zerks 50 style is near useless... oh wait, it is!

And instead of using doublefrost, a level 34 style, zerks in the U.S servers have to use snowblind or the atropy chain, level 10 and 12 styles. So much for higher level styles being stronger!

I didn't know they removed doublefrost, so you're forced to use something else? Ok...

Go read some logs showing how a infil beat a warrior in straight melee, no crit styles used, because he had the RA dodger and used dragonfang to stun him, it might enlighten you.

What did the warrior do? Use 2-hander that's notoriously easy to evade, stand there without using any tactics? Was a troll with 35 qui? Swing without styles?

You have to take into account what your hitting.

I was swinging at a armsman for around 200 or so, when both of my weapons connected, while he was hitting me for just under 400, and once over, per swing. We both swung our weapons the same number of times, though i was slightly faster.

Get rid of those 89-90 qua 25% bonus weapons...

Also my parry is severly less effective against a 2 handed weapon, while he has no such problem with my two 1 handed ones.

Maybe he specced more in parry?

I can only hope the ease with which he killed me was due to him being uber buffed, and having all the strength relics...

Ban him for having buffs! :rolleyes:

Not that that will matter when the defenders combo gets 'fixed', since his second hit, or third if he hit me first, is gonna be a nasty stun...

In closing, yes we hit hard, but our armour is either barely better or equal to the rogue classes, so we get hit damn hard too.

9% damage reduction and 700 more hp do make a nice difference... Just don't play dumb.

And a infil, or any stealth class for that matter, telling a tank he's overpowered... lol!:clap:

Read more carefully, I said doublefrost deserved to get fixed...

Looks like someone realized his 50 zerk isn't über.

:m00: :m00:


In the classic log refered to the Warrior repeatedly tried Slam, a style notorious for it's lack of to-hit bonuses thus easy to evade :)


Ofcourse you don't, we have more HP and stealth, we're supposed to kill casters. Duh

What makes you think we're not meant to kill stealthers caught out in the open? We have more HP and are a pure melee class.

Maybe he specced more in parry?

Maybe he did, but two-handed weapons apparently causes the opponents parry to have a penalty, triggering it less often than a one-handed weapon.

9% damage reduction and 700 more hp do make a nice difference... Just don't play dumb.

Notice i said rogue classes, hunters/scouts/rangers are rogue classes and also wear studded armour same as zerks, and 9% is small when theres around 15% absorb differance between myself and albions toughest tank.

(in other words, barely better than the assassins, equal to the archers)

I only have 1400 hp, if you have 700 then im not surprised you die fast when something gets to hit you.

It did deserved the nerf
Doublefrost deserved the nerfed
Read more carefully, I said doublefrost deserved to get fixed...

You obviously feel differantly about what fix means than i do;)

As for being uber, i hardly think i would have chosen berserker if that was my goal, i merely dislike seeing my class get
nerfed which is somewhat understandable is it not?

- Pathfinder -

At least on prydwen we don't have many Infiltrators with Dragonfang (Supposedly Mercs/Minstrels might get it, but it'd be fairly useless to them), which is a shame :) That said the style rocks, wouldnt be suprised if it's nerfed at some point :)


Notice i said rogue classes, hunters/scouts/rangers are rogue classes and also wear studded armour same as zerks, and 9% is small when theres around 15% absorb differance between myself and albions toughest tank.

Well, if you look at Albion/Hib zerk counterparts, Merc/BM, they wear the second best armor in their realm, as does zerk in theirs. Can't really give a zerk chain with evade3 ;)

I only have 1400 hp, if you have 700 then im not surprised you die fast when something gets to hit you.

Currently I have about 950 hp, but that's with heavy +con & +hits.. Haven't checked base-hp, but it's somewhere around 700, maybe bit above. Base con 55 which never raises, currently 110 or so, adds quite a bit. I still get mown down by zerkers in 2 hits if they use doublefrost and suitable weapons. Being hit for 400-500+ hurts.

You obviously feel differantly about what fix means than i do;)

If an anytime style has it's damage-bonus calculation set as positional-style bonus and it gets changed to what it should be, it's a fix :p

As for being uber, i hardly think i would have chosen berserker if that was my goal, i merely dislike seeing my class get
nerfed which is somewhat understandable is it not?

To some degree yes ;) That said, I don't like the one-shot "nerf" in 1.50, but hey, it's not like I one-shot many yellow/orange casters anymore, so it doesn't really affect me :cool: I'll not go in to that deeper, some class brought it on us :p


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
At least on prydwen we don't have many Infiltrators with Dragonfang (Supposedly Mercs/Minstrels might get it, but it'd be fairly useless to them), which is a shame :) That said the style rocks, wouldnt be suprised if it's nerfed at some point :)

Afaik only 1 lvl50 thrust infil on Exca without Dragonfang :D Doubt they'll nerf it, that'd mean nerfing Slam and what an outrage that'd be ;) Rather make the other 50 styles better, like the one in CS so I can respec from 44 cs to 50 :p

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