Stayin Alive 101 : Casters please read



How to beat assasins:

Never stop moving.
Never walk in a straightline, esp at choke points like milegate doors etc, change direction slightly, frequently and randomly.
If u do stop moving never stand facing the same direction for more than 2-3 seconds.
Try and rotate a bit while casting in combat.
If u need rest for mana/health sit facing a wall/tree or fresh air off a ledge.
If neither of these options is available get up and change your sitting direction regularly.
Make friends with a hi lvl infi or if u see one near sit near him, he can see enemy stealthers from a couple feet away and they can see him..
The main assasin attack is PA or Perforate Artery it is frontal position its also the max dmg "one shot" move.
If your less than lvl50 they _may_ be able to one shot u from the rear as well, but most assasins wont risk a Backstab if other friendlies are around cos the chances of losing stealth is higher.
Lastly roll an infi and take him to the BG's and get to know the way they think if u really want to "Stay Alive"™

Lets be careful out there... ;)

This post is dedicated to critblades everywhere, cos I'm sick of seein em rack up the easy rps :m00:


and if youre a ice wizzie randomly cast aoes
same goes for cleric aoe

but it doesnt help that much ;) paper armors just too weak =P


All good points, unfortunately these assassins seem to be working in teams these days and praying on people during large battles, casters don't stand a chance against two of them. Even tanks are at risk, my level 50 Merc was assassinated by two assassins while firing his bow (Yeah not a real tank I know ;)). We need to be firing off AoE spells around our own people during these fights, especially when you can see people dying from these assassins. Which Albion classes have AoE spells that can uncover assassins?




Our pbaoeing class (on 1.48) is primarily the ice wizard. Clerics have a half assed version as well.

*However* 1.51 gives the Earth Wizard, Eldritch, and Runie, a GTAoE. This removes a lot of the practical use from ice wizards (it's much harder to use pbaoe at a keep door when some eldritch is on the other other side happily, and safely, gtaoe spamming). So expect the number of ice wizards able to bring pbaoe to the party to drop off after 1.51 :( .


good hints, thx.
didnt know the thing that they dont like to attack from behind for example.

damn, with these assasins its the first time im jelous on you, my ice-wiz brothers with your pbaoe...although you are all a bit freaky :clap:


Yeh as far as pbaoe goes i read the lvl7? first ice spec pbaoe spell is enuf and all fire wizards can get it - how many have I dont know, but mine would if he ever reached 50.. As a fire wiz u gotta go full spec fire to lvl40 then u can spend the minidings on earth or ice. Think u can go 50 fire 20 ice/earth or split it, depends if u want dmg shield.


It's hardly like Albion is flooded with Ice Wizards as it is :)
About GTAoE becoming more common, changes situation at doors very little. As you can currently use any AoE DD on an enemy door that already prevents PBAoE. GTAoE is what rules keep door defense, PBAoE belongs up in the lord room and is nasty as hell up there.

Albion will be the gimp of RvR as usual though, because we have no players with PBAoE or GTAoE.


Talking of the lce Wizard shortage...

Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.52F Test Release Notes



A quick note of explanation about bolt spells. As every "robe" caster knows, bolt spells are intended to hit targets that are not in combat. They do much more damage than direct damage spells, but they are usable only in certain situations. A bug was fixed in 1.52C which changes how the game determines if a player or monster is "in combat" - now to be truly flagged as in combat, you must actively be attacking someone (or something) else. Previously, large numbers of players would be flagged as "in combat" when they were in fact not actively engaging someone. So, theoretically, that change made bolts easier to use in RvR, although they still will not be usable in all situations. Please test this on Pendragon.


- Lowered casting time on the Wizard "Summon Fire" and "Minor Combustion" single target direct damage lines to make them more consistent with the casting time of analogous lines in the other realms.

- Put the Wizard's Calefaction "Bolt of Lava" line on a separate recast timer from the Pyromancy "Minor Fire Streak" line.


I used to think the fire and ice wizards were quite evenly balanced, albeit with Earth being a gimp.

But with lovin this gives to primary Fire, secondary Earth Wizards, you have to think Ice wizards are going to be rarer than a Lurikeen Archer standing outside of a wall bug. ;)

Not that I'm complaining about the Wizard lovin mind you, they need it, but just an observation on likely spec shifts.


Why do bolts suck so much?


If anybody in your group is standing even remotely in your view of the target you get that bolt blocked by attacker BS.

Bolts can be completely blocked. They can be resisted. Any target with a shield gets a massive damage reduction to bolts. The cast time is so slow that I want to cry, even with quickcast and major dex buffs. And they're on a 20 second timer :(

I hope mythic make our bolts a little better, because atm i mostly use just DD in rvr as it does more damage overall.



*However* 1.51 gives the Earth Wizard, Eldritch, and Runie, a GTAoE. This removes a lot of the practical use from ice wizards (it's much harder to use pbaoe at a keep door when some eldritch is on the other other side happily, and safely, gtaoe spamming). So expect the number of ice wizards able to bring pbaoe to the party to drop off after 1.51 :( . [/B]

yep i as good as retired my ice wiz soon as 1.48 came out speccing him fuill earth on respec 1.48 ruined an ice wiz's forte :) and running about pbae'ing is kinda ok but you run about pbae every now and then get oop sit down and then the assasin whos been following you laughing just outta range of pbae comes up and ganks joo :p it happens


Defenatly run in a random direction i've been one shotted while running back to our wall at full speed.

Shame half my guild is away otherwise i'd have some cool slash resisit type stuff, arrows are slash too remember.


Originally posted by K0nah
How to beat assasins:
Never stop moving.
Never walk in a straightline, esp at choke points like milegate doors etc, change direction slightly, frequently and randomly.
If u do stop moving never stand facing the same direction for more than 2-3 seconds.

Nice reading, alas 2-3 seconds might be too long a period as well... Have had a couple of nasty encounters with some shadowblades in the battlegrounds, despite not making any mistakes (I could think of, at least, apart from being 4 levels lower than them ;) )


Tbh, albs rarely need to fear hib l33t assasins =/

U´ll face mostly SBs and we hibs more infils + SBs ... And yes they r way powerful than our NS, just ask >.<

And about GTAoE, no need, AE prevent m to pbaoe the door, unless I´ve got a spare healer I rarely pbaoe the door after patch, it´s just stupid, last nite albs made me impossible to do anything beside dying to infils =/ (well... actually I spared some luv in lordroom but no big stuff :( )

And 2-3 sec stand still = casting, when u cast some targetted spell, most ppl will do /face, and then u r domned =/ Beside, yesterday Brommix got me while I´m pbaoeing the climb up ladder, with plain meleeing coz I discovered him and no I´m on his side, so beside PINCER he can´t PA nor BS II... and then 1 hit trapp lvl 50 ranger (1 hit + poison, trapp couldn´t even fight back) when he stealthed, Cute + Brommix cleaned most of our keep till reinforcement, and Brommix killed motorhead too... When will a NS being able to kill a cleric... said karamon? =/

Don´t worry about stealthers, ur casters die to stealther 1/3 of times ours do, try to mez more and make more sorc come to r vs r, that´s wot u use to win battles.

P.S. Vulcan died at buttom of the keep where the merchant, inside lord tower and that´s without dropping stealth =/

Btw salut to niquita, she was lvl 24 and my main headache in BG1, now she´s green con to my main =/ Actually got her 3 times while climbing, we need more pbaoers :_(


Originally posted by K0nah

If u need rest for mana/health sit facing a wall/tree or fresh air off a ledge.

You can PA while standing almost on top of someone, just need correct facing.


Yes I use all the above tricks for my wizard, but that doesn't help when there are multiple stealthers. Yesturday there were 4 SBs all camping AMG, needless to say every caster in the group was PA'd (including me, damn you scratchy) and shortly after our corpse was lieing on the floor.

It was so annoying because the first stealther missed his PA on me but as i turned the second stealther got me :(


Re: Re: Stayin Alive 101 : Casters please read

Originally posted by old.Belthazor
You can PA while standing almost on top of someone, just need correct facing.

Almost, its just riskier for the assasin. The whole deal is to make it hard for them to get a clean PA. In a grp of friendlies they drop stealth they r dead and its the long tele back to the battlefield.. It may not save the first caster but if the guy misses his crit it may save some others, instead of seeing Korv n Co go thru em like a dot to dot puzzle.

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