Status on Legion drops!



After yesterday's Legion Raid, I tried to trace the missing items. After still missing 4 Master Daemon Seals, and a Scepter, I filed a request to GOA. They gave me this answer:

Im afraid I have to agree with your last paragraph. This is not something GOA can interfere with, but something you will have to sort out on your own. I can understand the problems in this however, and why the situation is frustrating. We can not interfere with how loot is shared or give out information about personal characters however.


These are the facts:

Legion dropped 20 items. 10 Seals, 10 Drops. ONLY 2 ppl received those items via autosplit. All other group members got teleported at Legion's Death. Everyone I have talked to claims they handed over the drops. Somewhere, however drops have disappeared. We'll never know where they went.

What we can learn from this, however, is that if you are in the receiving group and you can see who the autosplit gives items to, take screenshots! Also, enable your chat.log BEFORE the raid.

This way you cannnot be suspected.

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