+stats to Enhance



I was messaged by a Cleric last night who asked what the +3 he had to his enhance would do so I told him it'd increase the stats on his enhancements but he couldn't notice any differance.

So as I had +10 Enhance on I tested it. I cast all my buffs at 22 +10 on myself and took a note of my stats then did it with 22 +1 (missed one item 2 remove :( ) then compared the stats again and they were ...... almost exactly the same.

Has anyone tested this ?

Is this the way it's meant to happen ?

Could be that my caps were kicking in (my yellow af buff now adds exactly 0 AF when wearing Epic Armour which seems abit stupid) but I didn't have enough time to test it further so I thought I'd post here.


Officially Sanya says....

"Q: What does +enhance bonus on some items do for clerics?

A: It mostly helps clerics that are not fully specced in enhancement. Having a +enhance item does not grant you access to higher level enhancement spells, but it allows you cast the spells you do have with the authority, cost, and strength of someone with a higher spec. "

Which is a cop out answer that translates to...

"Any spell cast affected by your training level beyond simply being available at level x, will include any item or RR bonuses giving a plus to the skill involved when factoring in your current training level.

Eg. If I have 40 points in a specDD line, and cast a spec40 DD with +5 skill items, then the spell will do the damage, have the cost, take the time, and have the overall effect it would have had if I had cast that same spec40 DD when I had 45 points in the relevant line (but no +spec items)."

In the case of enhance...

IF higher enh training made buffs of lower levels cheaper to cast, then so would +enh items.

IF higher enh training made lower level buffs more effective, then so would +enh items.

IF higher enh training made lower level buffs quicker to cast or last longer, then so would +enh items.

However, since these things don't appear to be true +Enh appears to do sod all. It may reduce the concentration point cost of buffs - but not so that you would notice.


It does increase the amount that a base buff will increase a stat by, but not over the cap.

This means that if you have high enough enhance you can use a lower (and cheaper) buff spell and still hit your cap, eg I am level 48, and I can buff myself with 48 dex using the holy agility spell which costs 14 conc, rather than using the holy coordination spell which costs 18 conc. However if i remove all my +enh items holy agility only increases my dex by 45.

The amount it increases by works in the same way as the heal spells I think ie. If you have the same, or maybe one greater, enhance than the level of the buff you are using you get 1.25 * the delve value stat increase, the same as for the spec buff spells.


Kinda thought that was the answer Ramas :(

So if it gives reduced power = irrelavent buffs use virtually no power. :(

The most I could get was +4 to one of my stats (forget which one) when I had +10 enhance compared with +1.

So basically anyone that goes for the +4 enhance hammer for their epic is mad then ?

Glema ur tests are pretty much the same as mine then :(
A small saving in conc + small stat increas isn't really worth much, the number of buffs I do it normally the thing that stops me doing more and not the conc I use.

Any idea why my yellow af buff adds 0 af when I wear my epic armour though but the green gets me to 689 which I assume is my cap although a pali buff can get me to 700+ ?


On your question about epic armour + buffs...

Specific buffs are considered to be inside or outside the various caps.

Cleric AF buffs are all in the basic af cap, not all other classes af buffs are.

This gets fixed in 1.52 when both base and spec cleric af buffs get moved outside the all caps - with that patch you should find that your af buffs will always have the full effect.


so +enhance doesn't give you more conc points?? is that level based?? its a bit confusing


+enh certainly doesn't give more conc points - I tested that one myself.

Hit ^_^

whit my oracel shiled my dex buff gets 2points higher :)


Originally posted by Glema
It does increase the amount that a base buff will increase a stat by, but not over the cap.

This means that if you have high enough enhance you can use a lower (and cheaper) buff spell and still hit your cap, eg I am level 48, and I can buff myself with 48 dex using the holy agility spell which costs 14 conc, rather than using the holy coordination spell which costs 18 conc. However if i remove all my +enh items holy agility only increases my dex by 45.

The amount it increases by works in the same way as the heal spells I think ie. If you have the same, or maybe one greater, enhance than the level of the buff you are using you get 1.25 * the delve value stat increase, the same as for the spec buff spells.

Bah, he's in my guild and doesn't even tell me such things. What else do you know Gle.. And when did you become so clever?


Part right!

And Bill, you are a smite cleric and so buff quality doesnt concern you :)

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