Being a bit bored on alb and seeing that hib Prydwen is the most underpopulated realm I started a manachanter there. I enjoyed the class so much that I would love to take it to 50 but a /who in my level range rarely ever gives enough references to make a decent longlasting XP group. So if you have a lvl 20-24 BG alt thats capped out and parked on your account somewhere or if you just want to roll a hib and get some xp on your char fast without worrying about the low population then feel free to join.
XP times will be evenings till late at night (will determine exact times when we got 8 players) The goal is level 50 asap. If you are not a hardcore player willing to put some time and effort in this the coming week(s)then don't sign up.
Group composition (Trying to be as vague as possible here the some group combos will work better then others but I don't want to narrow it down too much.)
Manachanter = taken
Manachanter/eldritch = free
Bard = free
Warden = free
Druid = free
Champ/Hero = free
Champ/Hero = free
Chanter/mentalist/eldritch/Blademaster = free
Starting lvl for all chars 20 - 24
Pm me If you are interested and I will update the grouplist. XPing starts as soon as the group is full.
XP times will be evenings till late at night (will determine exact times when we got 8 players) The goal is level 50 asap. If you are not a hardcore player willing to put some time and effort in this the coming week(s)then don't sign up.
Group composition (Trying to be as vague as possible here the some group combos will work better then others but I don't want to narrow it down too much.)
Manachanter = taken
Manachanter/eldritch = free
Bard = free
Warden = free
Druid = free
Champ/Hero = free
Champ/Hero = free
Chanter/mentalist/eldritch/Blademaster = free
Starting lvl for all chars 20 - 24
Pm me If you are interested and I will update the grouplist. XPing starts as soon as the group is full.