Starting Pbaoe Group BG1 - LvL 50



Being a bit bored on alb and seeing that hib Prydwen is the most underpopulated realm I started a manachanter there. I enjoyed the class so much that I would love to take it to 50 but a /who in my level range rarely ever gives enough references to make a decent longlasting XP group. So if you have a lvl 20-24 BG alt thats capped out and parked on your account somewhere or if you just want to roll a hib and get some xp on your char fast without worrying about the low population then feel free to join.

XP times will be evenings till late at night (will determine exact times when we got 8 players) The goal is level 50 asap. If you are not a hardcore player willing to put some time and effort in this the coming week(s)then don't sign up.

Group composition (Trying to be as vague as possible here the some group combos will work better then others but I don't want to narrow it down too much.)

Manachanter = taken
Manachanter/eldritch = free
Bard = free
Warden = free
Druid = free
Champ/Hero = free
Champ/Hero = free
Chanter/mentalist/eldritch/Blademaster = free

Starting lvl for all chars 20 - 24
Pm me If you are interested and I will update the grouplist. XPing starts as soon as the group is full.


Update 1

Druid just signed up so 6 spots left. Group as it is now.

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Manachanter/eldritch = free
Bard = free
Warden = free
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = free
Champ/Hero = free
Chanter/mentalist/eldritch/Blademaster = free

keep em coming so we can get started :)


Update 2

5 left to fill

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Mana eldritch = Lvl 21 Ceoda
Bard = free
Warden = free
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = free
Champ/Hero = free
Chanter/mentalist/eldritch/Blademaster = free

Keep em coming :)


if u havent already , a good idea to make an irc channel (help's immensely) :)



Easyer to find people on then here :D

This is sort of our whine all you want forum, where we take teh serios *cough* stuff to :)


Greetings fellow Hibernian,

I really would like to join your exp-group although i would like to know on which days the group will start.

I would like the Misc ( Mentalist ) spot to be taken by me.
My Mentalist is curently 21, but has MCL.
You can find me as /who Sebu ( Sebula )

Hope we can get started asap. :)


Group slots.

Reason I wanted to sort this group over PMs was because of the first come first serve principle. eg: chanter x signes up before chanter y, chanter X has the spot.

Group will start as soon as all the slots are filled. PLaying time will probable from around 20.00 CET till 2.00 or later CET so that would be 19.00 GMT and 1.00 GMT for you Brits. We WILL have a a break during that session. And if ppl would like to go out during the weekends we just keep it on weekdays + sunday thats something to worry about later.


update 3

Ok new update. Last spot in the group is taken and another person isn't too sure about the class yet "any free slot would do" are his memorable words. So right now group looks like.

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Mana eldritch = Lvl 21 Ceoda
Bard = free
Warden = free
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = free
Champ/Hero = free
Chanter/mentalist/eldritch/Blademaster = Taken

*one other spot IS taken so 3 free slots left but you can still pick any of the classes that are marked as free as the last player is flexible in choosing a class.


Update 4

OH NO !! Dimerian on hib pryd, group is off , rerolling a mid and starting an xp group there hehe. j/k Roll a bard alt and join us :p

Anyhow update for the group.

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Mana eldritch = Lvl 21 Ceoda
Bard = free
Warden = free
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = Lvl 22 Hero Fimpen
Champ/Hero = Alt of sebula ->powerleveling him the coming days help is welcome :p
Manachanter = Lvl 21 keanox

So now we are missing a warden and a bard, bard being very essential since the group is going up without a mentalist for crack.
An IRC channel will probably go up for the xp group. I'm toying with the idea of making a channel for hib pryd XP in general. It should be easier then the ingame system of sends.
This post is also getting a link to now.

Keep em coming.



Mana Eld

what else would you ever need with your chanter? :)


mm, was thinking of going mid and make a group with a couple of shamans 2 healers and a savage or 2 but that would only be adding to the server unbalance as most albs I know are already playing on mid pryd while hib needs a player injection. If everybody left hib for mid there would soon be nobody left :(

Still lf bard and a warden so if you have one dont hesitate.


Update 5

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Mana eldritch = Lvl 21 Ceoda
Bard = LvL 22 Taken (not sure about his ingame name yet.)
Warden = free
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = Lvl 22 Hero Fimpen
Champ/Hero = Alt of sebula ->powerleveling him the coming days help is welcome
Manachanter = Lvl 21 keanox

Only looking for a warden now then we are set. Should this take a few days plz hang out in bgs a bit, get mcl if you can and dont try to get too much over 24 :)


oh crap got a 22 chanter on pryd but chanter spots are full :rolleyes:


Originally posted by [AoP]Abra
if u havent already , a good idea to make an irc channel (help's immensely) :)


#pbaoe on Quakenet.


Final Update

All right, Group is full thought 2 members will ne receiving some PL till they get to the point where they have some utility for the group, they will catch up fast enough after that

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Mana eldritch = Lvl 21 Ceoda
Bard = LvL 22 Taken (not sure about his ingame name yet.)
Warden = Chiarore
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = Lvl 22 Hero Fimpen
Champ/Hero = Alt of sebula ->powerleveling him the coming days help is welcome
Manachanter = Lvl 21 keanox

First XP session will be this Sunday evening, suggest we keep it simple and meet in mag mell and then see where we go from there. I'll send some pms later but my internet is acting up atm so I'm lucky to get this message in.


This seems to be final. We start on Sunday.

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Mana eldritch = Lvl 21 Ceoda
Bard = LvL 22 Taken (not sure about his ingame name yet.)
Warden = Chiarore
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = Lvl 22 Hero Fimpen
Champ/Hero = Champion Blocked
Manachanter = Lvl 21 keanox

Start time 20.00 CET - 19.00 GMT
Meeting place Mag Mell near the stable boy.
Hope to C u all there.
First meeting is Important I think So if you can't make it and don't tell the group about it I will look for replacements. The idea is to get to 50 together.


hey Arthwyr if a pbaoer cant come, I can replace him, will be on at sunday if someone doesnt come :eek7:


stop right there!

you MUST have at least one ranger or one NS (prefable someones alt and grey con)



Argh ! DUTCH People, must ... kill hehe. but thx for the welcome :p
Oh and Osrim you being happy to see me on hib playing a caster doesn't happen to have anything to do with the fact that you have a savage and a zerker does it :D

Anyhow group starts TODAY, meeting at mag mell near stable boy
19.00 GMT 20.00 CET. If you fail to make it today and don't let me know in advance I will consider it a no show and look for other ppl to fill your place. This is the first meeting and I think its important for the morale and motivation of the ppl who do show that as many ppl who signed up are there.

Contact me ingame when you get on. Character name = Maximalus

Manachanter = Lvl 23 Maximalus
Mana eldritch = Lvl 21 Ceoda
Bard = LvL 22 Taken (not sure about his ingame name yet.)
Warden = Bananodlarn
Druid = Lvl 25 Moog
Champ/Hero = Lvl 22 Hero Fimpen
Champ/Hero = Jayden
Manachanter = Lvl 21 keanox


let's try again

Since we had a couple of no shows a few times it's pretty safe to say the group has a sollid core of 4 players and the other spots are open for grabs.

Manachanter = Lvl 26 Maximalus
Mana eldritch/chanter = OPEN
Bard = Kel
Warden = OPEN
Druid = Lvl 26 Moog
Champ/Hero = OPEN
Champ/Hero = Jayden
Manachanter = OPEN

In other words the group has a pretty reliable core of dedicated players (Bard, druid, manachanter, hero) and we need a few more. If you were on the list at first, didn't show and would like to reapply feel free to do so if you think you are not dedicated enough plz dont sign up.


Don't know if you are too late, what class do you play ?


Manachanter = Lvl 28 Maximalus
Mana eldritch/chanter = LvL 25 Give
Bard = lvl 24 Kel
Warden = OPEN
Druid = Lvl 26 Moog
Champ/Hero = OPEN
Champ/Hero = Jayden
Manachanter = Lvl 24 [Tekla

Thats it for now, more ppl are welcome but we can handle all pulls like this. Should you be hesitating to join in after 1.62 and the free level command think that we want to get this group higher before it hits to avoid the overcamped XP spots when everybody comes in at 20 or possibly 30

*Most ppl in the group are working so XP times are from 20.00 Cet till around 1 am CET occasionaly later. The group does not XP on saturday evenings.

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