Starting Guild!



Hail my fellow Midgardians!

Have now started a new character here on Midgard and was thinking of forming a guild!
Only accepting members that are (currently) level 5-6-7 so we can hunt together and grow in season!
Rules for joining:

Roleplaying is a must! If you wish to speak in none-character form then please do so with a prefix OOC (Out-of-Character), i.e OOC: At what level do I get the AE spell. Something like that.

No abbrivations, i.e m8, gr8, lol. Includes no smilies. Smilies are however allowed when OOC prefix.

Do not spam!

Be polite and do not provoke!

Understand that not everyone is roleplaying!

These are some rules, more will be given when a guild is created!

Hope to see you out there!
(Keep in mind that the people who are with me and creates this guild will be ,naturally, given a high status within the guild!)

Please send a message either to this forum or to


Greetings Sephrath, I wish you luck with your plans. Just to broaden the picture, I am part of a role-playing guild on Midgard-Prydwn already, Nyd, which keeps close relations with another such guild, Sons of Thor. You may wish to look at either of us (for Nyd try, for Sons of Thor and/or if you form your guild to seek us out to form closer ties. These are just the guilds I know well, there are other good role-players in a number of guilds (Talon's Reach and Savage Conclave spring to mind). So don't think you have to do it all alone!

Good luck to you.

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