Starting a 8 man group on Hib/Ywain - Need advices please!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Hi all guys,

We are a group of eight friends starting a 8 man group on Hibernia/ywain this Monday.

We did play many years like albs and mids and now we want to try a Hib setup in the new cluster but we dont know so much about the new classes, new places etc..

So would be nice if yours can tell us some advices:

1. Please we need to know what setups are the best working atm for Hibs, hybrids, tanks, or casters setups are welcomed.

2. Please we need to know what classes are needed to PowerLevel our entire group and at what place. We are planning on make a PL group and start to PL each member and class needed changing the leechers but we need some advices because we dont know whats the best way to pl at hib. ¿animist, chanter, bards, droods?

3. Too would be nice to know what urs will do if in the same situation like us to get to 50 fast and get templated + mls etc.

Many thanks, Zalok.

And sorry for my poor english ofc :(


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
1) Tank of Hyrbid setups are the strongest for hibs currently. This is because hibs have some very strong hybrid tanks such as vamps and champs and also because hibs lack the kind of classes that say an alb caster group would have access too.

The standard setup is:
Warden (Other BGers such as VW or Hero are ok)
Then you want 2-4 tanks and 0-2 casters.

The group that I run in has BM, Champ, Vamp and Eld but we have also run 2xBM, Champ and Vamp very effectively in 8v8 when our eld is away. However running multiple vamps/champs or adding in a VW should also work well.

If you look at the other threads in this forum you will see that Tedious Ten are planning on running with BM, Champ, Chanter, Eld/Menta.

2) The most straight forward way to PL is Chanter + Druid and to just focus farm. Its still reasonably fast and one person can basically PL 6 leeches. Fins is good, if you can do it in the Frontier it is fasters. The other way to PL is with multiple pbaoers such as chanters/eld/animists and maybe a blockbot. The fastest place is in PoC. Bards aren't really needed in PLing. Another way to pl is if you have a vamp + leech, its not very fast but you don't need a bot so one person can easily dual log two accounts and do the leveling.

3) If I was in your position and everybody was active, you could roll a group with bard, 2x druid, warden, eld, chanter, champ, bm. You can spec both the chanter and eld to pbaoe. You can then do instances and level up extremely quickly together. Leveling a vamp is extremely easy, you can do it solo in a matter of hours and then you can swap vamps in if you need for RvR. With the dragon scales now available the best way to get kitted out is farming with pbaoe classes.


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
I never run with warden anymore as i think they just suck alot these days... low dps and their range on celerity is stupid when they have to stay back to bodyguard people reason i never run with one, so valewalker is alot better nuking in s/s from range and doing the disease job... + if they spec high enough aboreal they get the insta disease pbaoe like shaman gets on mid as they dont need lvl 50 style that much;) Better run around just doing front snare style and do position blizzard blade incase for doing dmg.
And mentalist is hawt in grp ;)

Bard (Sojo)
Druid Nature//Nurture and Convoker//Perfecter
Druid Nurture and Perfecter
Valewalker (Bodyguarder)
Mentalist (Mentalism) got 35% Nearsight and alot of nice heals
Champion (Banelord)
Blademaster (Banelord)
Hero (Warlord)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I never run with warden anymore as i think they just suck alot these days... low dps and their range on celerity is stupid when they have to stay back to bodyguard people reason i never run with one, so valewalker is alot better nuking in s/s from range and doing the disease job... + if they spec high enough aboreal they get the insta disease pbaoe like shaman gets on mid as they dont need lvl 50 style that much;) Better run around just doing front snare style and do position blizzard blade incase for doing dmg.
And mentalist is hawt in grp ;)

Bard (Sojo)
Druid Nature//Nurture and Convoker//Perfecter
Druid Nurture and Perfecter
Valewalker (Bodyguarder)
Mentalist (Mentalism) got 35% Nearsight and alot of nice heals
Champion (Banelord)
Blademaster (Banelord)
Hero (Warlord)

Plz dont take this serious. Sure wardens celerity might suck but thats not why they are in grp.

Classic setup druid*2 warden bard champ bm eld chanter is still the best setup


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I agree hybrid is best way to go, though if you had realm ranks, and/or good players then caster heavy is always fun :)


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
We always found the 5 tank hib grps hardest to beat. Not that we beat much anyway... but they generally killed us quickest :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
many thx all urs guys

we prolly run:



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Or have a void eld to debuff for a mentalist + some other energy nuker?


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
How i can please?

Do instance dungeons which will get you aurlite when you are low level.

Once you get to level 40+ you can do task dungeons and the quests.

There is no real secret, once vamps get powered up they can go through mobs very fast.


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
Plz dont take this serious. Sure wardens celerity might suck but thats not why they are in grp.

Classic setup druid*2 warden bard champ bm eld chanter is still the best setup

Trust me ive tried this setup and it works VERY well...


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
Most setups works pritty well imo. Depends on the player material and what playstyle you have as a group more then anything.

Beeing well templated doesn't hurt either.

Base would be imo ( as others mentioned )

BM ( ml10 + traitors and then swap for more dps oriented weaponstup )

then you could add in, VW, champ, warden, another BM, Menta, chanter and ofc a vamp - they all offer nice things but depending on how you wanna play you pick a combo that fits that the best.

BGing is overrated, having 50% body resis on none stoic + det tanks is not. But if all your tanks have charge3/purge3 and stoic/charge3 then I would look past a warden since then you can nische the group more with another caster/melee.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
1 sorc
7 heretics

I think this setup would be a bitch to play against if the players knew wtf they were doing and were rr5+..


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Ran a group of 8 bards in OF, one night for a laugh, all high RR and we where unbeatable.

Has to be said we though that we couldn't kill f**k all ourselves though it was fun trying to assist DD targets down and the amount of kiting we did that night was just silly!! :D


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Ran a group of 8 bards in OF, one night for a laugh, all high RR and we where unbeatable.

Has to be said we though that we couldn't kill f**k all ourselves though it was fun trying to assist DD targets down and the amount of kiting we did that night was just silly!! :D

OMG that was so random. I think the point i was making was that you can run any setup and have fun.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Plz dont take this serious. Sure wardens celerity might suck but thats not why they are in grp.

Classic setup druid*2 warden bard champ bm eld chanter is still the best setup

hear hear!

not really on topic: my only tip is to call dibs on the warden spot as fast as you can. by far the most fun class in DAoC.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
come play it the mr roleplay!

run out of players again so you have to come and scrape the bottom of the barrel, carl? :)

actually i have a small urge to reactivate my account that i haven't acted on yet. you don't need a BB anymore, right?

was thinking of trying a skald, scout, ranger or hunter. maybe try and kit out that valkyn huntress i never finished.

valkyn huntress, norse skald or lurikeen ranger.... or nothing at all.. choices, choices.

hi2u mr Pierce Elf BM :worthy:

hi there! the elf bm was indeed mighty, to bad i lack the skills to achieve the heights she deserved :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
run out of players again so you have to come and scrape the bottom of the barrel, carl? :)

actually i have a small urge to reactivate my account that i haven't acted on yet. you don't need a BB anymore, right?

was thinking of trying a skald, scout, ranger or hunter. maybe try and kit out that valkyn huntress i never finished.

valkyn huntress, norse skald or lurikeen ranger.... or nothing at all.. choices, choices.

hi there! the elf bm was indeed mighty, to bad i lack the skills to achieve the heights she deserved :(
Majt u are never a backup, as long as u talk u rock!


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
after running without a warden, we've switched back to having one.

worth it just for the resists.

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