Start Your Own Barrysworld ... Extremely Simplistic ;)

  • Thread starter old.[FMD]Stu_Granger
  • Start date


How about starting your own Mini Barrysworld. Of course using your own "corporate" image :p

Get a group of web designers, computer technicians, Unix/Linux network support technician, marketers and create your own "Barrysworld". Simplified to the extreme here you go on your own mini business plan ;)

I have an office, you can port a 8Mbps connection costing £60k per year (inc. kilostreams), set up a router and hub, 16 powerful 19" Rack servers (P3 800Mhz, 9.1Gb SCSI, 512Mb RAM running Linux). Each server running a different MOD, 5 14 player games per server. Equipment will cost you £30k. Put 5 workstations in the office with desks, chairs and telephones for 1x web designer, 1x computer technician, 1x unix/linux network technician, 1x entrepreneur/marketer and 1x secretary costing about another £7k in equip/furniture, plus 1 years salary for each costing £60k (each of the 5 staff will assist in getting news, and new busines, etc), plus heating, lighting and office expenses £12k :)

Set up a virtual ISP using Telinco/World Online lines (costing about £2k), paying on average quarter of a penny for every 2 minutes. Set up a webserver offering news, reviews, articles, listings, files, free webspace, forum & chat room. Set up banner advertising on every page of the site (paying penny per impression) and promote the dial-up service as "better latency, fewer hops to the game servers), etc.

Do some promotion in the games magazines, send out some promotional material to some potential sponsors, etc. Spend 3 months up front costing £6k.

Total investment for 1 year = £165k. Servers and workstations should last for 3 years (give or take a stick of memory and the odd harddrive). You need to generate £120k a year in revenue from dial-up, sponsorship and banner advertising.

You can have up to 1,120 players on all servers at one time. Average gameplayer plays 2 hours a day. 24 hours in a day = potential 13,440 players (could be more, could be less).

Out of 13,440 players 30% will want to be a clan = 4,000. The average clan is 10 players = 400 clans = 400 x clan web pages (inc. web pages, files, forums, guestbooks, etc). Lets say each clan web site gets 40 hits per day (each clan member visits website once a day and hits 4 pages) = 16,000 banner impressions at a penny per impression = £160.00 per day. Plus you get sponsorship of news pages, articles, chat room, etc. Lets say an additional £320.00 per day. Total Advertising & Sponsorship is £480.00 per day - could be more or less.

You are promoting your dial-up service which will allow you unlimited diallers (telinco lines & isp service is large, they handle tech for dial-ups and bandwidth for users, etc. ;)) so lets say out of your 13,440 players 20% use your dial-up = 2,000 people. Plus a further 500 just surf and use email = 2,500 people spending average 2.5 hours online (2 hours playing and 30 minutes email and surfing) would generate quarter penny for every 2 minutes on average. Would equal 375,000 minutes = £470 in dial-up revenues (could be more could be less).

Your business could survive on just the ad revenue or dial-up revenue alone ... or if ad revenue and dial-up revenue were at 50% of their current figures.

Using these figures, your income would be £950.00 per day, equalling £345,000 per year. Less your £120k per year costs = £225, less 12% interest on the £165k invested = £20k and say a misc cost of £50k for any problems, equipment, bonuses for staff, etc. Would give £155k less your equipment over 3 years at 12k = £143k in profit.

Lets say someone of the clans wanted a clan server. You would have to buy a server at £2k which allows 5 clans (if public ... but they are clans so give 8 clans per server ;) Each server would require 500Kbps each average over course of period. Over and above 8Mbps, 4Mbps extra is £25k per year. Gives say 5x clan servers (40x clans) and another 4x public servers (280 players at one time = 3,360 more players over a day - could be bookable servers which you could have another 2 or 4 servers for the bandwidth used). Cost of clan servers etc would be £20 in bandwidth + £10 other costs per month + £7.50 per month for server after 3 years) total = £37.50, rent as public/private servers with rcon and FTP for £75.00 per month.

League websites and League servers could be arranged without much disruption to standard services :)

It is possible to do a Barrysworld on a smaller scale and properly so the service generates a profit. Getting bigger as revenues increase using investors, bank loans and leasing arrangements to set up and improving with new servers, services, benefits, etc. If the 5 dedicated staff were partners taking less wage and investing a bit of money themselves it could be possible. If anyone would be interested in persuing this "dream ;)" no timewasters please contact me at

With thanks



You're willing to do all that, just so you can have a low ping? :p


60k per year for staff?

thats near enuf to $180k per year in australia
seems like they're being overpaid


Especially as web monkies are 2 a penny.


I think you'll find that's code monkies paul :)


Problems :)

Community. You'll have to build it. BW and WP have long established communities. New GSP (gaming isps) are always lacking in community aspect.

Then there's content... :)


Community is the hardest thing to develop ever. To start to develop a community and help it launch quite quickly, leagues are moved in to action, get some leagues going, you get the ppl coming in. They visit quite a lot, forums are essential for building up community though, as are public servers. Everything else is just an aid to the community.

You look at WP, Gamesinferno and BW. Each have their own community, one person from one community wouldn't touch another 1 with a ten inch barge pole. Mention the others ones name in a channel owned by the others, the slagging match begins.

UKCCL, jolt etc don't have big communities and therefore don't get bitched at (except the UKCCL which always does). Jolt as far as I can see keeps out of it!


Oh you experts ;p

I would expect a 1 year lead time to break even (at 50% of figures stated) and another year to generate the profits stated :)

5 people can do a lot of online promo, promotion to 500k SE/Class/FFA/MB sites doesn't take more than an hour these days :)

With thanks


Testin da Cable

can't believe how much bandwidth costs over here in europe :(:(


[FMD]Stu_Granger ,you gonna mail me back?


Aye Psycho, I've emailed you m8.

With thanks



There's certainly room for another network similar to the content of BarrysWorld certainly.


You forgot to carry the 1 (could be more, could be less) :)


You gotta ask yourself tho - why bother? Surely Jolt have proved that no matter how much financial backing you have, you'll only make it if you have a decently sized community. Jolt have shit loads of backing from nilly, but are still not bringing in as much as in your business plan, simply because people wanna join a community that's already established (ie bw).

Testin da Cable

aha well thats where the gimmicks an other stuff kick in like [par example] dropping rates slightly for registered clans an whatnot.

ppl will come to you if you pull stunts like that.



Look at jolt though, they have no means of building up a community on there site as there's not a lot you can do there. They have the servers, they just need a website to back it up with.


You overestimate Barrysworld incredibly. It's only such a big part of your online community because you're already part of it. The vast majority of people I know who have net connections are relatively inexperienced (including those that dabble in the odd game of Quake etc), and have no idea what Barrysworld is, or if they do, they think it's just another server provider.

BW has made a strong base amongst the "hardcore" gaming community, but the "incidentals" outnumber us about 10/1. And BW still hasn't managed to break into that particular sector properly imo (Wireplay did, but then it had the advantage of being run by BT).


Just regardin the ammount specified for payment of your ppl!

I work in the Internet and I'm only just 18, with 9mounths exp now.

I get 22k for DHTML, JavaScript, ASP, PHP etc.

P.S my Sony (code morphing equiped) C1VE came today so I am on a high.


whos, the bastard?

and why? it couldnt be little old iligitmate me surely?!


lol, this has to one of the most off the wall threads on BW :D Me like.

Seems u put alot of thought into this, and your figures seem to look good. But to be honest I got a gut feeling it ain't gonna work. :(

I'm getting the subltle [!] feeling your trying to clone BW. Unfortunately Bw ain't no molly, well some of the users have a sheepish qualities.. you know who u are! ;)
Trying to compete directly with the mighty greeness is just suicide. Yull have to be a heck of alot more sly in your tactics if your going to succeed. Ie don't appear as an alternative to the basic Gaming ISP!!

I got some ideas but they probably ain't going to do u much good if i spill them out here. Mail me if want some suggestions, if not then gl m8.


Just thought I'd let everyone know, I've put my mini-business plan into action ... I have people creating the games portal as we speak and we have the equipment and bandwidth in place to offer 4 good public games servers (we will add more as we get more traffic - initially we will concentrate on HL Mods TF1.5/CS/FLF/DoD and progress to Quake, Unreal and others in due course).

Clans and other 3rd parties can rent servers when we add more hardware (3 different products, private clan, public/private clan, and public ports). We intend to offer a dial-up service which will include both 0845 and unmetered (via SurfPort24/FRIACO2).

We will also be able to offer clans free webspace (with some pre-installed cgi - inc. forum, formmail, guest book) and web-based email accounts.

Its extremely ironic, at the same time I was doing the deal for the bandwidth for the 4 games servers Barrysworld was releasing its 'closure' press release.

Although there's not much up on our website at the moment, you can visit our future portal (a 'coming soon...' page will hopefully go up in the next few days).

If you want to contact me please email

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

With thanks

On behalf of TIEM In A Bottle

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