Star Wars Galazies



That game is gonna suck bigtime, no one will play it, the grafics is like from a Commodore 64 game, the ppl who play it are lamers, it has virusses, its gonna cost 100£ / month, you will be disconnected every 3 min., which is not a bug, there are only 2 classes in the game...etc,etc,etc........

Dammit you ppl, I just payed for another 6 months of DAoC, please stay loyal to Albion and not some Jedi master.


agreed on the last one but dunno about SWG! :)


SWG is only tempting me to stray slightly. When World of Warcraft is released however, I'm gawn!!1

Blizzard know how to make damn fine games and they are fkin loaded with ca$h. No expense will be spared. And I just cant wait to play a bloodlusted Abomination :flame:


lmfao, i dont think the number of players left after swg arrives will go into double figures. who the hell would play this crap if they had the opportunity to play a game thats 600x better for the same price!?

its like saying, i'll drive this 30 year old scoda rather than this porche 911 for the same price..

you shouldnt have bought 6 months, not good idea! i bet you 50 quid you'll want to quit within a months time.


Personally SWG doesn't interest me in the slightest. Star Wars is ok but im not that bigger a fan of it. I prefer swords'n'sorcery in my fantasy mmorpgs.

As for World of Warcraft, ok thats a little more tempting but personally i'll still be playing this for a long long time yet, theres still so much more to come and personally I prefer the lower populations on the servers lol, means the best spots are less camped and most of the people with short attention spans, usually the twats, have buggered of to the pvp server or a different game.


Yes, Kagato maybe this is a good thing for DAoC, only the good ones will stay.
Woohoooo and don´t remember that the patches are flowing in atm and we will be getting Shrouded Island as well, OMG there is sooo much.
When I think of that crappy SWG, I come to think of the gazillions of patches and adjustments its gonna need, before it gets anywhere near to DAoC 1.49. I´m glad I´m not gonna go thru that hell again in another MMORPG.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Personally SWG doesn't interest me

thats how much of your post i read before closing the browser.


I don't get it, why do people always compare fantasy mmorpgs to sci-fi mmorpgs? SWG isn't built for PvP first of all. They're making it so ewoks and gungans can hold hands and cybersex0r with eachother. They've mentioned a PvP server but it's gonna be as broken and unbalanced as EQ's PvP servers =P


Originally posted by old.Xarr
I don't get it, why do people always compare fantasy mmorpgs to sci-fi mmorpgs? SWG isn't built for PvP first of all. They're making it so ewoks and gungans can hold hands and cybersex0r with eachother. They've mentioned a PvP server but it's gonna be as broken and unbalanced as EQ's PvP servers =P

firstly, people compare fantasy and sci fi rpgs because theres no difference.

secondly, i know swg isnt built for pvp, but eq was a great game and i didnt do any pvp in the entire time i played

and thirdly, why shouldnt ewoks and gunguns hold handguns? they have hands..


no difference between sci-fi and fantasy? alrighty...

i'm just annoyed that they decided to put the whole episode 1,2 & 3 crap in the game. it would've been alot cooler without gungans =/ ah well one can't really judge a game that ain't finished yet so i'll shut my mouth


firstly, people compare fantasy and sci fi rpgs because theres no difference.

If there was no difference we wouldn't have different words to designate them.


Originally posted by old.Xarr
no difference between sci-fi and fantasy? alrighty...

i'm just annoyed that they decided to put the whole episode 1,2 & 3 crap in the game. it would've been alot cooler without gungans =/ ah well one can't really judge a game that ain't finished yet so i'll shut my mouth

it wouldnt work if they didnt have gungans etc in it, think about it, its set just after a new hope (i think), therefore anything from the first 3 films should rightly be in the game, otherwise it wouldnt make sense as to where everything went.



Pronunciation: 'fik-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ficcioun, from Middle French fiction, from Latin fiction-, fictio act of fashioning, fiction, from fingere to shape, fashion, feign -- more at DOUGH
Date: 14th century
1 a : something invented by the imagination or feigned; specifically : an invented story b : fictitious literature (as novels or short stories) c : a work of fiction; especially : NOVEL
2 a : an assumption of a possibility as a fact irrespective of the question of its truth <a legal fiction> b : a useful illusion or pretense
3 : the action of feigning or of creating with the imagination
- fic·tion·al /-shn&l, -sh&-n&l/ adjective
- fic·tion·al·i·ty /"fik-sh&-'na-l&-tE/ noun
- fic·tion·al·ly /'fik-shn&-lE, -sh&-n&l-E/ adverb


Pronunciation: 'fan-t&-sE, -zE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -sies
Etymology: Middle English fantasie -- more at FANCY
Date: 14th century
1 obsolete : HALLUCINATION
2 : FANCY; especially : the free play of creative imagination
3 : a creation of the imaginative faculty whether expressed or merely conceived: as a : a fanciful design or invention b : a chimerical or fantastic notion c : FANTASIA 1 d : imaginative fiction featuring especially strange settings and grotesque characters -- called also fantasy fiction
5 : the power or process of creating especially unrealistic or improbable mental images in response to psychological need <an object of fantasy>; also : a mental image or a series of mental images (as a daydream) so created <sexual fantasies of adolescence>
6 : a coin usually not intended for circulation as currency and often issued by a dubious authority (as a government-in-exile)

As you can see there is little difference, but I assure you that noth Muthic and Lucas Arts are playing with the same product, in the mind of marketing.
Every language has some irrational words and grammer, even my language (danish). This is due to the fact that it is humans who made the languages and not machines...Humans behave irrational per defintion. They may try to act rational, but cannot.

reason to this thread:

I don´t want too many ppl to leave DAoC, so they may have to close an english server.


lol i would go to that game but im not a huge star wars fan..Shadowbane may intrest me but DAoC is stilll got me somehow hoocked with its..erm..dunno...just like it


SWG will be ownage..its not jsut 2 classes theres loads of paths to choose from.

World of Warcraft will however own it :eek:


i for one is HOPING and BEGGING that ewoks and Gungans are in the game... so i can BLAST those biatches to hell and back, and then im gonna kille their mothers, and then im gonna kill...... etc etc etc ad infinitum.

I hate them, but weill love killing them over and over again .. like venomspitters on Gna Beach =)


Originally posted by old.Galieran
That game is gonna suck bigtime, no one will play it, the grafics is like from a Commodore 64 game, the ppl who play it are lamers, it has virusses, its gonna cost 100£ / month, you will be disconnected every 3 min., which is not a bug, there are only 2 classes in the game...etc,etc,etc........

Dammit you ppl, I just payed for another 6 months of DAoC, please stay loyal to Albion and not some Jedi master.


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