stalble harm turning tincture



just won this tincture in the sidi lotto but doubt that ill be able to use it with maximum utility so id rather give it away to somebody who can use it better then me

its a damage absorb buff (150 value/50absortion) proc wich lasts for 10minuts
imho this would fit best of all on a mp weapon of a random platebearer
was thinkin of using it on zakna but it doenst seems such a major extra for an infil
but thats my opinion its up to u guys to persuade me who would have the best use of it

i dont need any money for it, just a good excuse :)
but if u would totally feel bad about it i wont say no for some G since i lost 200seals due some bug wich im not sure im gone get back(reported it)


I thought the sidi lotto was meant to be for items you could actually use?

Anyway - thats a 150 value ablative proc - not 50.

Kinda perfect for an infils vest surely since its better than alchemists procs? You cant put it on weapons, its a reactive armour proc.


Doesn't stable mean its a charge, not a proc?

Proc : Volatile
Reverse Proc : Reactive
Charge : stable

Ablative charges seems a little dubious.

Btw, the 10 minutes is the maximum it lasts - once the 50pts have been absorbed, then the ablative is gone, and you'd have to use another charge to get it back.


euh it aint an ablative proc
its a melee absorb buff
50damage reduced on each hit for 10minuts i think
similar to the new minstrel song
not 100%sure thoo but almost :)


Ah I see now - it is an ablative, but its a charge, not a proc. Nice if your an alchemist that can recharge it as required without hassle I guess - a bit of a pain for anyone else.

Anyway, itll just work the same way as the ablative procs when its used - but absorbing up to 150 hits rather than the usual 100.

See for a list of all the Sidi (and other) drop procs.


euh it aint an ablative proc
its a melee absorb buff

'Melee absorb buff' is the in game spell delve term for an ablative.

EDIT: And incidentaly the minstrel chant does not absorb x damage every hit - it's a pulsing ablative, each 6 second tick it renews an (up to) 70 point ablative aura. So under normal circumstances it absorbs 70points (it's value) every 6 seconds (It's pulse rate).


hmm lol why the hell did someone offer 2plat for it then

Hit ^_^

i could use it on my armswomans bp as im up to making a sc kit for her.
i can pay for it but have no idea what i could be worth,..


Originally posted by fl_gorre
just won this tincture in the sidi lotto but doubt that ill be able to use it with maximum utility so id rather give it away to somebody who can use it better then me

its a damage absorb buff (50 value) proc wich lasts for 10minuts
imho this would fit best of all on a mp weapon of a random platebearer
was thinkin of using it on zakna but it doenst seems such a major extra for an infil
but thats my opinion its up to u guys to persuade me who would have the best use of it

i dont need any money for it, just a good excuse :)
but if u would totally feel bad about it i wont say no for some G since i lost 200seals due some bug wich im not sure im gone get back(reported it)

Ok, a few reasons why you should give it to me ;)

Im in your guild :D

I asked for it when you won the lotto :p

It would make me more uber and thus more able to save you more often in RvR

I have a MP weapon to use it on.

I can offer you services (SC & PL :p )

I can give you some cash if u want.


so pick me!!

Hit ^_^

Re: Re: stalble harm turning tincture

Originally posted by Tilda
Ok, a few reasons why you should give it to me ;)

Im in your guild :D

I asked for it when you won the lotto :p

It would make me more uber and thus more able to save you more often in RvR

I have a MP weapon to use it on.

I can offer you services (SC & PL :p )

I can give you some cash if u want.


so pick me!!
and best off all you can beg him to stfu cause you gave him the proc.


Guys, it's a charge. Probably an ablative charge.

Please for the love of God don't put it on a perfectly good piece of armour or a weapon you actually plan to hit people with. Unless maybe it's a crossbow or something.

hmm lol why the hell did someone offer 2plat for it then

I suspect because they thought it was a *volatile* equivalent in which case it is worth some money - but not 2 plat.



There you go. 150 pt ablative charge.

Usable from lvl 48.

If you are not convinced that 'Melee heath Buffer' means 'Ablative' then compare it with this...

And look under 'effects' and 'reactive effects'.

Only difference between this and an ablative proc/reverse proc is...

1) It's a charge so you have fire it manually and you can only do so a limited number of times (fixed by item qual%) before you have to find an alchemist who knows how to recharge.

2) It absorbs a total of 150 points before falling, wheras the standard craftable proc only absorbs 50 points before falling.


Charges also rape item dur%, if legion flute is anything to go by ;>


hmmm a nice bit of equipment,would be good to put on my 3rd weapon :)
so whats the deal with it then :)

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