Finally realized my DAOC long dream of a staffblade. Had this lil char in mind since i started Fafnir and finally started him up. LVL19 103 rps in bg0. Longtime since i enjoyed this game so much and fun to see thoose alb infils comming along from so far off cept that lil bluecon infil. Strangly enough he got better stealth than the rest of them.
17stealth/18 criticalstrike/12 envenom/2 axe (yes I botched the training ) 380 backstabb cap on lvl1 char unbuffed. Hit 350 on lvl19 caster running thru me.
Thx to Kredith and Affraruilirg for the armor and sc.
And Ulrica for the buffs....
And Klan Nidstang for the laughing support and lvling help.
17stealth/18 criticalstrike/12 envenom/2 axe (yes I botched the training ) 380 backstabb cap on lvl1 char unbuffed. Hit 350 on lvl19 caster running thru me.
Thx to Kredith and Affraruilirg for the armor and sc.
And Ulrica for the buffs....
And Klan Nidstang for the laughing support and lvling help.