spread the word: eve-o dev scandal


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
the crap started whit
Disclaimer: The content of this post is taken and translated from the German EVE-O forums, and is therefore not considered a 'third-party linking' source. Official EVEO content. = ) http://www.eve-online.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=116536#116536

The landscape of power in EVE has been undergoing a lot of changes lately, and doing so at an accelerating pace. With what appears to be BoB and D2, and all the combined corporations each name represents facing off in the North, with Redswarm Federation, and an ever increasing number of alliances joining them, facing off against Lotka Volterra in the South.

One of these alliances, have people who work for an Official EVE Online site, and who have cross referenced IPs and log ins to that official site, against IPs and Logins for their Alliance TS, and completely eliminated several spies when doing so.

Want to know more? Keep reading.

From the German forums, translated for all of you loyal secret seekers:

After 8 pages of flame war.

Note: X-trading are founding members of TRUST and D2.

Interesting, wouldn't you agree? A bit more...

Don't forget, your isk keeps the secrets flowing. Donate to Kugutsumen today.


then come

The dbp-judicator case is a year old but it shows how hypocritical BoB members are.

On one side you have digitalcommunist collecting evidence to ban Noh (a corp thief who stole from Celestial Apocalypse) and who's preparing to rob Evolution.

Kinsy > Nah thats not it
DigitalCommunist > Ok, if it was, that would have been really fubar
DigitalCommunist > Since Noh used to be an alt of some guy there
DigitalCommunist > Before it was sold to the current (im an asshole for calling some1 that and i apologise)
DigitalCommunist > He's been bribing people with capital ships in his new home as well, and spewing the same story.
Kinsy > Yep thats what he gave us
DigitalCommunist > Has he ever talked about ebay to you guys?
DigitalCommunist > Pretty much admitted to selling isk to someone over there, who told me.
Kinsy > he suggested selling one of my chars once i think
DigitalCommunist > On ebay?
Kinsy > Yea
DigitalCommunist > Ok, you've been a big help. Thank you
Now on the other side, you have db preacher who buys character for real money:

Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey buddy,

I was wondering what you are doing with your char atm? I am looking to get a Gallante PVP pilot and was wondering if you were looking to get rid of yours

Originally Posted by Judicator
I'm dooing books and books and fucking books and work and well trying to get back in shape :/

Nerf real life or something.

Yeah I coudl unload him. What ya suggesting.

If I ever manage to scrape enough time together to actually play actively my alt can do stuff perfectly fine for it.

Judicator and db preacher took care of deleting most of the messages in their inbox ... Judicator was a bit lazy; he forgot to delete his sentbox and some of his inbox message...

Originally Posted by Judicator
As if CCP would ever know or notice

Not sure really. ISK are nice if you are playing since it buys you stuff. Also, it's kroner

But it's like, what price do you set on it. For me he is just a char with some skills and abilities and thats it. Kinda hard to set a price on off the top of my head. Never sold a char before, or an account for that matter.
Originally Posted by Judicator

All deatils on jud is in tha tpost. Last skill Iset was large hybrid v and I belive its done now
Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah ISK is kinda worthless to me rigth now seeing as I am pretty busy with this so called real life. I think I had a Paypal account once upon a time but not anymore. Guess I can always make one if its not too troublesome.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Had a quick look at paypal. Seems they don't charge fee for withdrawal if you have more than 500 drk. But I also think PayPal requirer you to verify your CC or something. Problem is, if they do, its to see some miniscule charge and some data but danish banks always withhold this data and getting it is a pain inthe ass.

Price wise I am sort of lost really. If he has a ISK vbalue of 1BN one way is to look at ebay. 100 million is rough 25$ wich brings the value of Jud to 250$ if you convert it like that
Originally Posted by Judicator
Yes. 250 USD is the rough value if he is considered worth around 1BN ISK if you take the EBay prices on ISK.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Will look into best way of transfering cash. Not sure if it's PayPal or a downrigth simple bank transfer.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey bud... I got me new account.

It's called Jud1000

Gimmie a shout when you are good to do the transfer

lol the Jud1000 :/

Well, it seems the only really easy/free way per se is paypal. Was reading their site and its kinda confusing, their free account seems as if you cannot recive cash via credit card/debit card, but I think it's just that you cannot use it to sells stuff via EBay and ppl use their cc etc. PP and EBay are so entwined now it's not even funny.

Gonna hve to make an account.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Right been looking at that PayPal shit. Before I did all I heard was bad things about it. I think they are right. PayPal seem fine when it comes to paying people money via them but withdrawing cash is far harder. They reserve the right to requirer all kinds of extra information to ensure you are who you say you are if you withdraw cash etc.

I mean wtf, If someone pays me xx cash wtf do they care who I am?

Seems the only way to avoid the hassel is to make one of the two types of payed accounts. But that cost cash etc. and is a bigger hassel.

IMO I'd be easier if you just give my alt Teutobod 1BN ISK and that's it. Same value really and less freakin' hassel.
Originally Posted by db preacher


I thought we were going to do the Cash thang so i bought a full set of Crystal Implants (for like 2.5 billion) and spent all my isk

How about I send you a cheque? That should be fine right?

Or I could ask my building society about what I need to do to wire the cash along direct to you.

Originally Posted by Judicator
haha lol You blew all your cash on implants!

Aight, yeah. You can do a direct bank transfer actually. You need my banks SWIPE or whatnat code or something. I'm gonna poke my bank about that see what detail I need to give you for you to have your bank do a international transfer.
Originally Posted by db preacher
Any news matey?

I have a nice account sitting doing nothing atm

Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah. I sent e-mail ot my banker and he finally replied, he was out of office but forgot to set it on auto reply. I thought he was lazy. You need a IBAN and SWIFT number. I got the IBAN and I just need to dig up the last accunt transcript they sent me as the IBAN is printed on there.

Will do when I get him, gotta run to work now.
Originally Posted by Judicator

According to my bank this is the information your bank needs in order for them to make an international transfer.
Ok now... Judicator stopped deleting his inbox messages:

Originally Posted by db preacher
excellent, I shall check tomoz hopefully

Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey bruv,

Haven't managed to get down to the bank yet and won't get a chance till next week now!

Will get it sorted out then

Originally Posted by Judicator
No worries mate.
Originally Posted by db preacher
Right finally got some time to get this sorted so will go down tomoz and get the money paid first thing!!

Bang across the char when you get a chance, the account details are JUD1000. I wanna get him training as soon as possible, he's going to be my Gallante Genius!!

Cheers mate,
Originally Posted by Judicator
Can you remove his damn roles or get someon to do it? I can't leave RKK wheN I got roles and even after they are removed the stasis period is 24 hours. But nobodu was r esponding when I logged in :/

Can't trashfer the son of a gun unless he is in a npc corp
Originally Posted by db preacher
Aye mate, I'll log on and do that right now

Originally Posted by Judicator
Goodie, says there is 9 hours untill I can trasnfer now at 11. I'll do it tonight when I get home so you have control after DT tomorrow since a char is in some kind of "limbo" untill next DT after a transfer.

Oh yeah, he has finished large hybrid V
Originally Posted by db preacher
hehe, the saga continues!!!

Gonna need to buy you a drink when I am in copenhagen in the summer for all this

Ok, next problem...

The info you gave me is perfect except you didn't give me the account details that I need to send the money too!

I won't get a chance this week now but if you gimmie the details I will do it first thing next week (off up home for xmas today).

cheers mate,
Originally Posted by Judicator
I wonder what you need then? My bank said that the IBAN + SWIFT was all that was needed :/

The IBAN is my account number + some other numbers that identify the country etc and SWIFT is my bank identification :/
Originally Posted by db preacher

Maybe the name on the account or something? I'll ask again coz I have no clue.

Fucking banks man, you'd think in this day and age it would be a piece of piss to give someone money in another country.


Anyway mate, have an awesome xmas and I'll speak to ya soon again.

Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah. My own damn banker ought to freakin' know what info I must pass on. Maybe danish and english banks have different views on it :/

Dunno, yeah, have a freakin' nice x-mas mate.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Transfer done. You should be able to log into him after DT on friday.

Transfer to: JUD1000
Originally Posted by db preacher
cool mate, I won't be able to touch him till I get home. I'll go in as soon as I get home and get the info I need to get to find out if I need anything else for the transfer.

cheers bruv,
Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey mate,

I have Judicator now but won't get a chance to hit the bank till tomoz morning.

Hope that's cool with ya!

Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah I got an e-mail saying I had a new message and the forums kept not working. I blame haze ^^
Originally Posted by db preacher

The rkk forums went down so i couldn't get your details again.

Will try next week :\

2 week later...

Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey bud,

Not forgotten about you but I do keep forgetting to take in my passport

Have written it on my hand so I remember for tomoz

Hope you had a good holiday!

Originally Posted by Judicator
hehe, your passport :>

Aye, had a good one. Still go it. Did my exams. Off untill Feubrary. How about yoiu?
Originally Posted by db preacher
Pretty fuckign good mate, was at mine for xmas with a lot of my best friends so couldn't have been better really

Originally Posted by db preacher
ok, went in today and spoke to my bank.

They reckon you need to give me:

Your name
Your address
Your account number

And the Iban/swift number which I already have...

You'd think it would be fucking easy this lark but noooooo

If you dont wanna give that out then I could send you a cheque? If cheque's work in Danishland :|

Originally Posted by Judicator
lol for a late reply. I kept telling myself "Yeah I'll do that tomorrow". Anyway, I shall endavor to do it tomorrow. It's late atm. Anyway, my account number is part of the swift or iban number o.0

U go twierd banks in englishland :>
So it took these two losers over 2 months to settle the deal..

6 months later:

Originally Posted by Judicator
How is it going? Was Denmark worth the effort :>

How many times have you gotten Judicator killed?
Proof or STFU
Proof or STFU


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
i make copy because all that now are OFF

after many deletead threads CCP made this

many posts are deleted soo eve-search cache the eve-o forums at every 5 min ( not sure ) more here http://eve-search.com/index.dxd?thread=468189#6254952

then come

and today CCP make next post
yes alot of stuff deleted soo eve-search help u


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
betwen first thread made by CCP and today the crap go on

Originally Posted by Kenshin
I no longer play Eve Online but I think some of you may find this interesting. In response to the BoB+Dev drama on the forums: I have been telling people there are high-up Polaris members, probably GMs, and possible Devs in the leadership of BoB for several years.
"Well yeah," you say, "so have tons of other people. What makes you so special?"

I was a forum moderator. Yep. I probably shouldn't say which one but I was. I also have many megabytes of IRC chatlogs from the private Polaris channels and thousands of emails sent to the moderator alias. Why am I mentioning this? There's something really really specific I want to address:


Posted by: Eponine Astarte
Industrial Holdings Unlimited

I'm not bothered by there being devs in BoB. There should be devs involved in 0.0 politics, just as there should be devs who are high sec mission runners, low-sec pirates, and Jita industrialsits.

But here is what REALLY bothers me:

How did Dianbolic know that the person who petitioned Inos was an alt? The person who petitioned Inos did so anonymously because he feared that BoB would find out the identity of his main. The fact that a BoB director was able to identify who the alt was is pretty disturbing.

That, more than the mere existence of a BoB GM, shows how they are abusing their positions within CCP and using their jobs to gain an in-game advantage. Dianbolic should never have had any clue whatsoever as to who the petitioner was, yet lo and behold he did.

I'll tell you exactly how he did this, because I did it once.

Petitions are tied to your account name. Normal forum moderators (like I was) can see your account name when we give you a warning on the forums. We cannot see what other characters are tied to that account name, but obviously it's pretty easy to identify an alt if you check the warning history on two different characters: not only will the warnings all be there (even though the names are blanked out for different characters) but their account name will be there if you try to send them an email.

There was once someone we suspected strongly as a traitor in an allied corporation. The enemy we'd been fighting was pretty well-informed as to our movements, and there was a certain character that always seemed to show up at the right time. So what did I do?

I looked up both characters on the forum. They were on a different account, sure, but the person behind them hadn't been real smart: one of the accounts simply had a "1" appended to the end of it. Nailed him.

We ended up luring his main character out and podding him in Yulai before booting him from the corp.

What I did was certainly an abuse of power, but trust me, it happens ALL the time. I had a friend in Aurora (the events program) who would feed me intel about where events would be and what they'd be like. I could just show up at the right time in the correct type of ship, participate, and snag the reward. I got a +4 implant that way before level 4 agents existed, much less loyalty points and rewards.

Everyone did this, and they've been doing it since the game came out. About 6 months into the game we were told not to use our Polaris character's /tr commands to scout the game for good mining spots. We still did it because nobody bothered to track us (even if they could--their tools were rudimentary at best back then). Pann's player character was in my corp and she had to leave around that same time because CCP didn't want CCP employee characters to be known.

In my IRC chat logs there is a good amount of circumstancial evidence of high-up Polaris members (people with more authority and rights than me) were in BoB (and others. I don't remember perfectly but I believe one of the major players in MC is a Polaris Captain.) A friend and I were able to identify over the course of several months the other Polaris members that were in our alliance and in other alliances--a fun little game.

Anyway, it's pretty gratifying to finally see this all exposed. There's a lot more of it happening in lesser degrees, and there always will be, but the CCP I know is only going to take care of stuff that's exposed. Just remember it's all subtle--the people that do this stuff have to be smart and cautious, which is why it took so long to get caught. The stuff I did was incredibly minor, which is why I was never caught.

Have fun.


I have decided to make it a three parts post...

Part 2 will be the best part... which is about another Reikoku character and I hope we will collect enough ISK donations before part 2 is posted...

The more isk you donate the faster I'll post part 2...

Lord Stone of Reikoku

The story starts in March 2005.

From: Lord Stone
To: Lion
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:29 pm
Subject: Application for RKK

I hereby apply for a position of battlecharger within Reikoku.

Ingame name is Lord Stone, I've been with Freelance unincorporated for about... 5 months now and grow weary of the roleplay scene and empire wars. Some change is needed.

I've pvp'd for almost as long as I've played.

I carry with me close to 9 mil skill points, all pvp oriented (got 45k in social and 250 in industry ) 2-3 mil sp in gunnery, although I mostly use missiles (Raven and Scorpion pilot)

I'm fun, I have access to TS, although 90% of the time it's listen only. I'm 24 years old and Icelandic, but language is no problem for me. I play nearly every day, around 2-3 hours or more. I really don't know how to mine and my income is mission/npc hunting based. I'm dirt poor, but have 2 BS's ready, insured and kitted out and insane amounts of mods.

If accepted, I'd like to keep my second account in my old corp, but don't worry, there will never be any conflict of interest, that will purely be my secondary

Anyway, contact me on these forums or ingame if you want to chat or need any additional info.
Let's get to know a little bit about each other. Member info

Originally Posted by Lord Stone
Name: Arnar
Where you live: Reykjavik, Iceland
Age: 24
Occupation: work at a book publishers doing everything from sales to network administration to editing/proofreading
Pictures:gotta upload one of those... and take it
A year later, Lord Stone became a director...

Originally Posted by Galavet
Just a quick FYI, I am bumping Lord Stone up to director and pulling Menth up as a manager on the US timezone.

Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:28 pm
Extract from the Directors and Manager alts thread:

Originally Posted by Lord Stone
Lord Stone
Combat pilot - Amarr, Gallente, Caldari

Kha'Chu Quezrah
Combat pilot - Minmatar only

Combat pilot - Amarr only

Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:48 pm
Originally Posted by Gunstar Zero
Gunstar Zero - Main Operational Area
Last Starfighter - NOL
Parker Higgens - NOL (Carebear)
Rodney Munch - NOL
Why does it matter?

From: Lord Stone
To: Gunstar Zero
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:35 pm
Subject: Keep checking out this page
From: Gunstar Zero
To: Lord Stone
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:29 pm
Subject: Re: Keep checking out this page
Lord Stone wrote:


Pulling Lord Stone out

Originally Posted by Lord Stone
For 'unforseeable reasons' I have to pull Lord Stone out of Reikoku. He'll be placed in an NPC corp for the time being, don't know what the future holds. I'll still be on MSN, IRC and on the Forums. I still have a char in RKK. I'm still RKK. I'm just a bit inactive atm.

On the 16th of January, I'm moving to Barcelona with my girlfriend for 6 months. Once there, I expect to have a LOT more playtime on my hands, especially during the day. I'm not gone, just been in a prolonged state of both professional and personal 'omgwaytomuchtodo'

See you all during the Holidays, as I have full 10 days off work during that period.

(With hopes of not being kicked)

Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:48 pm

Originally Posted by Gunstar Zero
best of luck - keep in touch.

Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:18 am
Originally Posted by Galavet

Drop me a line on IRC stone.

Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:13 pm

Some private messages between Gunstar Zero and Lord Stone

From: Lord Stone
To: Gunstar Zero
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:18 am
Subject: Job
Hi mate,

If you're still interested in working for us, we have an opening in SysAdmin department. Send your CV to helgimar@ccpgames.com.

Good luck, and have a nice holiday vacation
From: Gunstar Zero
To: Lord Stone
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:45 am
Subject: Re: Job
cheers - is it ok to mail that guy direct - what if he asks where I got the address from !

How are you getting on - still manic busy?

From: Lord Stone
To: Gunstar Zero
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:21 pm
Subject: Re: Job
Mail it to the guy directly, say it's after a reference from Arnar Hrafn.

Work is slowing down a lot... SO I TOOK A SECOND JOB kekeke. Will be dead by xmas, which is fine cause I have 10 days of vacation coming to me. Eve for 10 days straight on the horizon
From: Gunstar Zero
To: Lord Stone
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:31 pm
Subject: Re: Job
cool I'll drop him a mail - appreciate the ref - thank you.

I got bored of this place, so I've taken a job down in London starting in Jan -- - would prefer to work at CCP though!
You want more? The more isk you donate the faster I'll post part 2...[/b]

Gunstar Zero's forum password was moonkitten.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004


Before we start I would like to remind everyone of Dianabolic's glorious speech:


From: Dianabolic
To: Galavet
Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:45 am
Subject: post draft
Of course, specifically, to ASCN.

Over the last few days we've had various accusations thrown at us on how we hax logins, cause node crashes on purpose and various other, for want of a better word, excuses as to why we're coming out on top. There are a number of reasons for this, in order they are:

1 - Discipline
2 - Experience
3 - Luck

So, in an attempt to increase the gaming experience of EVERYONE in EvE, but specifically to try and help certain parts of our opponent get over themselves and hush the whining, I'm going to explain what I do (note, this is me, personally, what other pilots do may vary, some may do things that I do not know about that also help, hell some of this stuff might not help at all and maybe some of it makes a difference, who knows?).

I've previously posted all of the data that will be concerned in this post in various threads and in the different sub-forums so don't worry, I'm not actually giving away any secrets.

1 - Discipline
We do as we're told. It's as simple as that. We follow our fleet commands without question, sometimes it gets us killed, most of the time that discipline wins us battles in the most immense of odds. We don't spam teamspeak, we don't harass people in gang, we keep quiet, we use the comms channels available to us to find out the answers we need to be an effective cog in what becomes a smooth running machine.

2 - Experience
Not only does experience of combat give us the discipline that is so important, it also means we know what to expect in any given situation AND how to customise our client to get the best possible performance. I personally remove ALL colours and tags on my overview. I also have different overview settings for different shiptypes and roles. If I'm in a battleship and we're in a large fleet fight the only shiptype I show is that of a battleship. The only column I show is NAME. I don't have range showing, at all, it's a needless client calculation that you simply don't need and people who also then show velocity or transversal (etc) need their head checking and will get absolutely no sympathy from me when their client lags in a big fleet op. We ensure our turrets and effects are turned off and our view is zoomed out to the max until the enemy fleet warps in, or when we jump through a gate, we have our overviews minimised until the enemy fleet is visible. I personally play in windowed mode, you should be able to work out which graphics settings are optimal for your client and you can also assign more memory to your client in the prefs.ini file in \ccp\eve\settings. I've also found that removing the z buffer helps aswell.

Experience also teaches me that when I'm logging back in after a ctd, or after a node crash, I will close the crashed client, reload another instance (contrary to some claims I (and we) do NOT sit with another instance already open in anticipation of a crash), login, select my character and WAIT for entering game. We don't sit their whining about it, we don't keep rebooting the client, we just SIT. It may take 10s, it may take 10mins, we_just_sit_there - we'll load eventually.

3 - Luck
I would say this is pretty self explanatory, but everyone needs it some time. Maybe the two CRITICAL points above mean we make our own luck, but who can really say?

At the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, beyond all the accusations of ccp favouritism, cheating, haxing, regardless of how we behave on these forums and the personas we play in this GAME, when you come up against me, when you come up against RKK and when you come up against BoB we're playing by the same rules as everyone else. If people cannot handle that, if this simple truth is unbelievable to you, if you need to convince yourself that the only way YOU could POSSIBLY lose is if the opponent is cheating then it is my humble opinion that you may need to reassess why you play EvE and what it is you seek to get out of it.

I've never cheated, I've never witnessed those I fly with, cheat and I guarentee you that if I DID witness such a thing I would be first in line to petition it.

Sit down, relax, don't hate the players, hate the game.
Dianabolic was so exhausted after writing this stuff that he forgot completely to sign his post and to deselect his alt Louisa Torres. IT is so annoying when you hit preview on the EVE-O forums and the default character is selected again.

Ishos Rerajan

Ishos joined Reikoku forums on 13 December 2005 and started posting on the Reikoku forums in Wednesday March 2006. I can't find any trace of his recruitment post or how he got into the corp. Must be some in-game stuff or maybe some of the posts or private messages were deleted. I can't check his corp history so maybe someone else will do that.

Originally Posted by Ishos Rerajan
Pilot: Ishos Rerajan (main / RKK)
Specialisation: Amarr
Licenced: Amarr BS, Amarr BC, Amarr Command Ships, Amarr Interdictors, Amarr Cloakers, Amarr HAC, Amarr Interceptors
Notes: Maxed out Armored Warfare + Command ships + mindlink

Pilot: Thryr Merim (main / RKK)
Specialisation: Caldari
Licenced: Caldari BS, Caldari BC, Caldari Interdictors, Caldari HAC, Caldari Freighters, Caldari Transport Ships, Caldari Interceptors
Notes: Maxed Out Missile Operation Skills

Pilot: Keith Merim (main / RKK)
Specialisation: Minmatar
Licenced: Minmatar BS, Minmatar BC, Minmatar HAC, Minmatar Carrier, Minmatar Dreadnaught, Minmatar Industrial, Minmatar Interceptor
Notes: no special mention

Pilot: Jean-Pierre Merim (main / RKK)
Specialisation: Gallente
Licenced: Gallente BS, Gallente BC, Gallente HAC, Gallente Dreadnaught, Gallente Interceptor
Notes: Coming close to maxing out Drone skills

Pilot: Mabelle Merim (main / MERIM)
Specialisation: Gallente / Industrial / Science
Licenced: Gallente Cloaker, Gallente Freighter, Mining Barges, Exhumers, Gallente Recon Ships
Notes: Cyno-able pilot, can build everything ingame

Pilot: Francois Merim (main / MERIM)
Specialisation: No Spec
Licenced: can fly all basic tech I ships. frigates,destroyers, cruisers, bs of each race
Notes: has no decent gunnery/missile skills,I just use him to transport ships whenever one of my chars is not available to transport "stuff"


Pilot: Karen de Winter (Friends' account, RKK)
Specialisation: Amarr / Caldari
Licenced: Amarr/Caldari Interceptors, Amarr/Caldari HAC's ... very specialised in small/medijm weaponry
Notes: Training up for Amarr/Caldari Command ships and Interdictors
Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:24 pm
Ishos is promoted and becomes in charge of Reikoku's Capital Fleet:

Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Yes, imo it is - for 2 reasons:

1 - it needs someone to actually monitor it, at this time me and haze kinda hodgepodge it, but there's no real direction for the multiple billions of isk investment that we're putting in to it. Such things as cyno alts on the right chars, who has them, where they need to be, etc etc etc.

2 - If this goes wrong (moving capital ships etc) then it goes wrong in a BIG way, getting it wrong really is not an option and I believe the best way to guarentee that it doesnt' go wrong due to planning failures is to have someone in charge of it that is solely and only responsible for that.

The reason I recommend ishos is two fold:

1 - he has 3 dreadnought pilots, all with their own dread, his gameplay is primarily geared towards capital ships.

2 - on all the ops we've been on so far (he's been on many) he's always been bang up to date, ready with the answers and eager to help - he's pretty much already doing this role and I lean on him an awful lot, making this "his position" will effectively give us a greater control over what is fast becoming a behemoth of capital ships.

(woot )

Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:16 pm
Originally Posted by Alasse Cuthalion
Yeah, Ishos ftw.

I'm forever forgetting where we're up to with pilots, training, builds, cynos, etc, having someone I can turn round to and say "oi, I need xyz" would omgsohelpful.

Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:32 pm
Capital Ship Command: Ishos

Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Dear Capital Ship pilots and owners,

Ishos is taking control of our capital fleet - he will control and coordinate all capital ship movements and monitor your skill training to see and confirm when you are ready to fly these ships with the BoB fleet.

In effect, you're his bitches.

Have fun.
A few months later... Ishos needs to take a break from Reikoku:

Originally Posted by Ishos Rerajan
Sudden, Abrupt yet not Impulsive but rater Unconventional I'm being forced to take a break. How strange this might look and how crappy it might be for some of you (not to mention for me) the reasons behind this break are rather personal and too subtle to undisclose.

I'll be on and off on IRC, who knows what might happen. I've put my characters in my holding corp "Merim Holdings". Catch me on IRC or on a PM in the forums.

Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:23 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
Best of luck Ishos, whatever the reasons may be, you will be missed in corp.

Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:43 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
I'll fly with you any time mate.

Best of luck.

Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:59 pm
Originally Posted by haze

We'll still be here if you can come back.


Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:50 pm
End of Story.

Let's rewind a bit...

Originally Posted by Ishos Rerajan
Lend these to the TMP hangars, iirc these should have been locked down already.

Flameburst Precision Light Missile Blueprint
Phalanx Rage Rocket Blueprint
Havoc Fury Heavy Missile Blueprint

Spike L Blueprint
Quake L Blueprint
Barrage L Blueprint

Malediction Blueprint
Sabre Blueprint

Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:00 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
\o/ /o\ \o/

Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:12 pm
Originally Posted by Menth
Sabres for the win

Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:31 pm
Originally Posted by KSUDruid
Ishos - You're a Pimp.

I don't care what dian says about you behind your back

Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:47 am
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
KSUDruid wrote:
Ishos - You're a Pimp.

I don't care what dian says about you behind your back

Yeah, I always mistake his ass for his face :$

Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:37 am
Originally Posted by Gunstar Zero
tyvm Ishos ))

Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:41 am
Originally Posted by Knuck
\o/ Awesome dude

Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:06 pm
Similar post in the Directors' forum:

Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Spike L Blueprint
Malediction Blueprint
Quake L Blueprint
Barrage L Blueprint
Sabre Blueprint
Flameburst Precision Light Missile Blueprint
Phalanx Rage Rocket Blueprint
Havoc Fury Heavy Missile Blueprint

So thats our 2nd interdictor bpo, 2nd malediction bpo, and quite a collection of t2 ammo.

The ships are locked, the ammos are in RA's hangar, coz i think we want to move them to NOL.

Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:07 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
zomg, SABRE?


Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:32 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
So who sexed him up for these prints?

Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:05 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Galavet wrote:
So who sexed him up for these prints?

nobody, he decided, couple of weeks ago, to give all his prints to us. Guess he likes it in RKK.

Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:08 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
on that note, i beleive that we should give ishos a position in RKK. He more than deserve it, and may be remove 1 or 2 inactive managers (if any)

Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:29 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
dimensionZ wrote:
on that note, i beleive that we should give ishos a position in RKK. He more than deserve it, and may be remove 1 or 2 inactive managers (if any)

He's already in charge of the capital ships, I believe that is enough for anyone tbh. He could do with access to managers forum though.

Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:32 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Dianabolic wrote:
dimensionZ wrote:
on that note, i beleive that we should give ishos a position in RKK. He more than deserve it, and may be remove 1 or 2 inactive managers (if any)

He's already in charge of the capital ships, I believe that is enough for anyone tbh. He could do with access to managers forum though.

He should have forum + irc tbh

Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:32 pm
Now, the missing piece:

From: Dianabolic
To: Galavet
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:24 pm
Subject: Ishos
Ishos has been forced to leave RKK. An alt account petitioned him for being a dev, for cheating (by getting bpos thru the lottery, this is bollox btw, he has't cheated) and for ccp showing favouritism to BoB.

I have more details ofc, but that's the crux of it - we've lost a top pilot... but I've held on to his bpos They are still his, ofc... if he ever can come back.
From: Galavet
To: Dianabolic
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:41 pm
Subject: Re: Ishos
This blows donkey nuts. Do we know who petitioned him?
From: Dianabolic
To: Galavet
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:58 pm
Subject: Re: Ishos
No, not even he does - no ip links or anything.

If I ever find out tho I'll make that pilots life an absolute misery :/

Originally Posted by Dianabolic

Effectively we are looking to pay out AT LEAST 2.23b per month split in proportion to those that invested.

This would be:

800m to skilz.
810m to rerir.
400m to Lord Stone

Rerir, skilz, Ishos Rerajan, Lord Stone

Payable on the 1st of every month.

Mails have been sent to the parties involved informing them of this, first payment is the 1st of April, 2006.

Game on.

Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:06 am
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
1.8b has been put in milaras account to deal with the first months repayments, please make any and all minerals that we are not using in Delve available to the empire team.


Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:50 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
First payment made, this date.

Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:03 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Second payment made, this date./

Fri May 19, 2006 6:08 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
How many payments due?

Fri May 19, 2006 7:48 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Galavet wrote:
How many payments due?

atm we are on time.
10 payments to go i beleive?

Fri May 19, 2006 8:09 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Galavet wrote:
How many payments due?

11 total, 9 to go.

As an aside, the outpost is making well over our projected totals - the bottlekneck is turning it in to cash.

Fri May 19, 2006 9:10 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
This months payment made.

Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:48 am
Originally Posted by Galavet
Are these funds coming off Galavets reserve or from POS sales.

Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:04 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Galavet wrote:
Are these funds coming off Galavets reserve or from POS sales.

GDL i beleive

Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:08 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
this month has been paid?

Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:55 am
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
dimensionZ wrote:
this month has been paid?

Not yet no.

Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:46 am
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
This month paid.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:17 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Payments to Ishos frozen, effective immediately (as he's on a break).

Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:29 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Payment made (not to ishos).

Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:01 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Payment made (not to ishos).

Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:46 pm
Originally Posted by Lord Stone
october payment?

Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:05 am
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Lord Stone wrote:
october payment?


Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:25 am
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Nov and Dec paid.

Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:34 pm
I have a new surprise: I just realised that there will be a total of 7 parts in this non-fiction series. Don't ask me why...

UPDATE: I forgot this thread:

Originally Posted by Ishos Rerajan
Added to Nol directors hangar
- Barrage S Blueprint (we should have two of these now)
- Inferno Javelin Torpedo Blueprint (yay)


Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:19 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ

Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:19 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
very very nice

Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:50 pm
Originally Posted by Soupcan
Spaceman moved to Zinkon materials to make all these missiles in NOL recently so we should be able to get rolling after the next freighter run.


Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:03 pm
He didn't give 8 BPOs that guy gave fucking 10 T2 BPOof them.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
let see if on CODE go better
This part is not as spectacular as the previous one but it is still comedy.

Originally Posted by haze
im pissed off. Iv not worked my arse of for over 2years to be left in the dark on corp intel.

Sort this now else im off.


Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:33 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Are we now a security issue ? Are we untrustworthy ?
I don't really appreciate being left out from major intels.

I'll follow haze if this isnt sorted. I worked thousands of hours, ran the corp almost on my own for a while. I thought i deserved better.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:35 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
CCP are going to run an event in Fountain that lasts 6 monthts, including building a serpentis outpost, utilitising npc dreadnoughts and titans, installing npc POS that we're expected to take down, etc. This will coincide with NPC factions teaming up with player factions to fight other npc factions, for various rewards of whatever type.

Why haven't I blurted this out to all and sundry? You're all pissed off that I haven't immediately made a post on here saying OMG OMG OMG LOOK WHAT CCP ARE GOING TO DO, yet I was sworn to absolute secrecy BY CCP.

You think I WANTED to keep this from you?

You're all acting as if you've been mortally wronged. This event was meant to be a fucking SURPRISE. Molle ruined it.

Now I have to put up with Haze saying stuff that I absolutely fucking despise:

"Do this, or I leave".

Whatever guys.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:44 pm
Originally Posted by Alasse Cuthalion
Nobody should have to make threats because the directorate is supposed to work as a team, together, for the benefit of the rest of the corp. Secret agenda's and "surprises" shouldn't be kept from them for any reason, it just fucks with our plans and undermines people.

Lesson learnt me thinks.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:50 pm
Originally Posted by haze
I realy dont give a crap what the intel was.

I do give a crap that I was left out or we have directors who are higher than others now?

I have put to many hours into this corp to be left out of vital info like this no mater what CCP said you should or shouldn't do.

I do not see there being any point in me putting the hours in anymore if I am going to be left out from future intell.

Im still out unless we sort this perm.


Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:51 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
wtf do you want, Haze? what do you want me to say? What would "fix" this?

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:51 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
could understand such secrets from Galavet, as he is, our boss.
You aint my boss, and you never will, as i wont be ur boss either.
I never kept informations from you i beleive, hell even t20 secret infos i had in the past, i trusted u all with those.

Now that we know, is it going to change anything ? Are we going to yell about it everywhere ? I think not.

Nobody appointed u "rkk ceo" for the time gal is away. And if gal did, well 2 things.
1) no infos about that
2) would piss me off anyway.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:53 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
dimensionZ wrote:
...hell even t20 secret infos i had in the past, i trusted u all with those.

Except you didn't, did you? You knew his character (or said you did) and you said "I can't tell you, I promised".

It's exactly the same fucking thing. What did I say at the time?

"Oh, fair enough".

Cuz I trusted you and didn't want you to break your word, yet you expect me to break mine?

You're a hypocrite if that's the case.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:09 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
Is this how things end? Really guys, the call was mine to make, and this is not how RKK will go down. I dont see where anyone was doubting anyones work or commitment to the corp, and to walk away after after 2 years without all the info is just not right.

The info did come to me via a mail, and I was not going to do anything with it until I got back (last night at 9:30 mind you). It was passed up the chain of command just as it should be for me to distribute, and I wanted to be the one to spread the good news, but you have to forgive me on this one guys, I was sorta working through the middle of a natural disaster when I got the news and it sort of slipped my mind till I read this thread.

To think I dont trust you with intel hurts deep, as I run the most open corp in bob. You guys are in every channel i am in and have privey to all info I do. Dont blame dianabolic on this because its not his fault, and to say some of the things like dmz did, thats just wrong. sorry.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:10 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Dianabolic wrote:
dimensionZ wrote:
...hell even t20 secret infos i had in the past, i trusted u all with those.

Except you didn't, did you? You knew his character (or said you did) and you said "I can't tell you, I promised".

It's exactly the same fucking thing. What did I say at the time?

"Oh, fair enough".

Cuz I trusted you and didn't want you to break your word, yet you expect me to break mine?

You're a hypocrite if that's the case.

I can't see the relevant thing.
You compare intel (the ccp event) with the personnal infos of t20?
I gave all the intels i had from him.
But i decided to keep his ingame char, coz it was personnaL.
Your infos arent personnal.

You aint my ceo, u hide no intels from me. If it was oveur damn personnal email, i would understand. That is not the case.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:10 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
dimensionZ wrote:
Dianabolic wrote:
dimensionZ wrote:
...hell even t20 secret infos i had in the past, i trusted u all with those.

Except you didn't, did you? You knew his character (or said you did) and you said "I can't tell you, I promised".

It's exactly the same fucking thing. What did I say at the time?

"Oh, fair enough".

Cuz I trusted you and didn't want you to break your word, yet you expect me to break mine?

You're a hypocrite if that's the case.

I can't see the relevant thing.
You compare intel (the ccp event) with the personnal infos of t20?
I gave all the intels i had from him.
But i decided to keep his ingame char, coz it was personnaL.
Your infos arent personnal.

You aint my ceo, u hide no intels from me. If it was oveur damn personnal email, i would understand. That is not the case.

It came to me via out of game means. I said let me tell the troops cause it seemed like fun good news. It would be in a RKK update post to you guys first. Quit shouting at dianbolic he just did what I asked him to do. If you think I dont trust you complete then I dont really know you.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:13 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Galavet wrote:
dimensionZ wrote:
Dianabolic wrote:
dimensionZ wrote:
...hell even t20 secret infos i had in the past, i trusted u all with those.

Except you didn't, did you? You knew his character (or said you did) and you said "I can't tell you, I promised".

It's exactly the same fucking thing. What did I say at the time?

"Oh, fair enough".

Cuz I trusted you and didn't want you to break your word, yet you expect me to break mine?

You're a hypocrite if that's the case.

I can't see the relevant thing.
You compare intel (the ccp event) with the personnal infos of t20?
I gave all the intels i had from him.
But i decided to keep his ingame char, coz it was personnaL.
Your infos arent personnal.

You aint my ceo, u hide no intels from me. If it was oveur damn personnal email, i would understand. That is not the case.

It came to me via out of game means. I said let me tell the troops cause it seemed like fun good news. It would be in a RKK update post to you guys first. Quit shouting at dianbolic he just did what I asked him to do. If you think I dont trust you complete then I dont really know you.

So why dianabolic and not haze, why not me ?

Concerning your previous post ...

I'm an hypocrit, i'm selfish, i'm everything you want. And i'm also out of the directorate.
I worked a lot to be in this directorate, i worked a lot to keep this corp alive and well alive. I worked a lot to know all the intel i could.
Tonight i'm just dissapointed in the turns of events, with molle bragging about exciting news, and bragging about him, bl & diana being aware of that.
Diana isnt my superior. If he knew, i should know too as we handle the corp, with haze and a couple of others, while you arent around.

If you dont understand how i feel, well, too bad.
I thought u knew me too.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:16 pm
Originally Posted by haze
Galavet wrote:

It came to me via out of game means. I said let me tell the troops cause it seemed like fun good news. It would be in a RKK update post to you guys first. Quit shouting at dianbolic he just did what I asked him to do. If you think I dont trust you complete then I dont really know you.

How long have you known about this? Why on earth didn't dian tell us when you couldn't? Why oh why did we have to find out this way? Not like its important or anything.

I guess some peoples efforts are worth more than others.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:19 pm
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
haze wrote:
Galavet wrote:

It came to me via out of game means. I said let me tell the troops cause it seemed like fun good news. It would be in a RKK update post to you guys first. Quit shouting at dianbolic he just did what I asked him to do. If you think I dont trust you complete then I dont really know you.

How long have you known about this? Why on earth didn't dian tell us when you couldn't? Why oh why did we have to find out this way? Not like its important or anything.

I guess some peoples efforts are worth more than others.

That's not true, Haze. It's not about "effort", it's about passing the information up the chain for Galavet to deal with. As dmZ keeps saying, he is our CEO. If Galavet didn't tell us, so what? Do we NEED to know?

There's alot of stuff that goes on in and around bob, even in and around RKK, that may not be a secret, but that isn't instantly broadcast.

I told Galavet, he said "I'll deal with it" - isn't this something nice to announce? Did he know he was gonna be without net for x weeks? When I told Gal, we thought he'd be back in-game within days. He wasn't.

Blame the hurricane if you like, the fact you and dmz think this has been kept from you out of spite of malice is just wrong.

edit: and the fact that you'd walk away from all our hard work, from one of the best directorships in the game, over what is either a misunderstanding or, at worst, a delay in dissimating information is quite baffling.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:23 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
Thanks for understanding my situation DMZ, I knew you would really think it though.

The intel came to dianabolic from CCP, he said uh gal here take this. I said ok dont speak of it, I will when I am back.

I came back late last night, and have had exactly 1.5 hours of internet working at home and me being infront of it.

He knew not because I only told him, he knew because they came to him. He did what I asked, nothing more. He was not privy to any specail intel from me. He was the messanger, and your slaying him.

Blame me if you want. Say Galavets poor call drove me out of the directorate, but dont blame other. Tell me I made the wrong choice, and that your leaving over it and I will be fine with it. Because at the end of the day thats what this boils down too. My choice, you dont agree, now you say your leaving. I have always gone out of my way to help every freaking single director when this stuff happens. so that we can work as a unit. Nobody is above anyone else not even I. I was without eve, irc, internet, everything. I only got mail. I take full blame for the collapse of the directorate and can only say next time a hurricane takes my connection for over a month I will endevor to do better in my delegation of ceo ship to a director so this does not happen again.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:25 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
haze wrote:
Galavet wrote:

It came to me via out of game means. I said let me tell the troops cause it seemed like fun good news. It would be in a RKK update post to you guys first. Quit shouting at dianbolic he just did what I asked him to do. If you think I dont trust you complete then I dont really know you.

How long have you known about this? Why on earth didn't dian tell us when you couldn't? Why oh why did we have to find out this way? Not like its important or anything.

I guess some peoples efforts are worth more than others.

Haze I can only say I am sorry for not acting on it sooner. The next time I am out for so long I will make better plans. You have to understand I did not intend anything like this to happen. I say again I am truely sorry bro, its me and you know this is not how I work.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:28 pm
Originally Posted by haze
Galavet wrote:
haze wrote:
Galavet wrote:

It came to me via out of game means. I said let me tell the troops cause it seemed like fun good news. It would be in a RKK update post to you guys first. Quit shouting at dianbolic he just did what I asked him to do. If you think I dont trust you complete then I dont really know you.

How long have you known about this? Why on earth didn't dian tell us when you couldn't? Why oh why did we have to find out this way? Not like its important or anything.

I guess some peoples efforts are worth more than others.

Haze I can only say I am sorry for not acting on it sooner. The next time I am out for so long I will make better plans. You have to understand I did not intend anything like this to happen. I say again I am truely sorry bro, its me and you know this is not how I work.

I understand. However, its done and dusted now. Dont think I can really stay.


Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:30 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
So your leaving over me forgetting about a forum private message, man I do suck and offer my resignation to you and the directorate. You guys can run it and I will not be the one to kill the corp as I seem to have done.

I am truely sorry for killing rkk. I hate to blame things on mother nature, so I will say my poor planning lead to this.


Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:32 pm
Originally Posted by spaceman
haze wrote:
Galavet wrote:
haze wrote:
Galavet wrote:

It came to me via out of game means. I said let me tell the troops cause it seemed like fun good news. It would be in a RKK update post to you guys first. Quit shouting at dianbolic he just did what I asked him to do. If you think I dont trust you complete then I dont really know you.

How long have you known about this? Why on earth didn't dian tell us when you couldn't? Why oh why did we have to find out this way? Not like its important or anything.

I guess some peoples efforts are worth more than others.

Haze I can only say I am sorry for not acting on it sooner. The next time I am out for so long I will make better plans. You have to understand I did not intend anything like this to happen. I say again I am truely sorry bro, its me and you know this is not how I work.

I understand. However, its done and dusted now. Dont think I can really stay.


Take a step back guys, the full situation is out in the open. Sleep on it and don't let a rush descion ruin what we have built.


Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:34 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Your situation, i'm affraid has almost nothing to do with it.
I know you are limited on internet capabilities, and you couldnt log ingame for a loooonnng time.
I also know that dian took most of the politic work.
He received information from ccp, and he delivered it to you.
Thats where i dont get it.
Dianabolic is our equal, he knows something, then we should know it. A director know an information, all directors should know it. If you restrain this information to only dianabolic ("dont tell the others"), then either there's a trust problem or dunno, you prefer keep it between you & dian.

Beleive me, i'm not dropping my director status with much enjoyment, and i'm not especially blaming you. But i just can't stay a director, with the work it brings, and still be kept out of the "interesting" stuff.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:35 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
This breaks my heart and is truely not what I wanted to happen on my first day back. Whats done is done, its my fault. Haze dont leave, I would rather step down than lose a friend.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004


Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:35 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
dimensionZ wrote:
Your situation, i'm affraid has almost nothing to do with it.
I know you are limited on internet capabilities, and you couldnt log ingame for a loooonnng time.
I also know that dian took most of the politic work.
He received information from ccp, and he delivered it to you.
Thats where i dont get it.
Dianabolic is our equal, he knows something, then we should know it. A director know an information, all directors should know it. If you restrain this information to only dianabolic ("dont tell the others"), then either there's a trust problem or dunno, you prefer keep it between you & dian.

Beleive me, i'm not dropping my director status with much enjoyment, and i'm not especially blaming you. But i just can't stay a director, with the work it brings, and still be kept out of the "interesting" stuff.

dmz, if you learned of somehting top secret direct from ccp and took it to others before taking it to me first I would think that would be a bad thing. He did what anybody else should do it that situation, which is relay the info up.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:38 pm
Originally Posted by haze
Galavet wrote:
This breaks my heart and is truely not what I wanted to happen on my first day back. Whats done is done, its my fault. Haze dont leave, I would rather step down than lose a friend.

Galavet u are a fine CEO. You stepping down is not what or what in any way for RKK. Me stepping down would not make me hate you, will still class you as a friend.


Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:40 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
dimensionZ wrote:

Beleive me, i'm not dropping my director status with much enjoyment, and i'm not especially blaming you. But i just can't stay a director, with the work it brings, and still be kept out of the "interesting" stuff.

I think this is the part that is hurting the most. I never once dmz held intel critical to the corp from you. I run the most open corp in bob and you guys know everything that I know the minute I learn it, minus the current info. I have said everything i care to say as to why this wanst released to you right away, because I think you see it only as a cover.

I never held back from you dmz, never.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:41 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
haze wrote:
Galavet wrote:
This breaks my heart and is truely not what I wanted to happen on my first day back. Whats done is done, its my fault. Haze dont leave, I would rather step down than lose a friend.

Galavet u are a fine CEO. You stepping down is not what or what in any way for RKK. Me stepping down would not make me hate you, will still class you as a friend.


If I cant relay basic intel in a timely manner, than I tend to disagree. The fault of this sits on my shoulders and the weight of it crushes me. I ask and beg you and dmz both not to leave RKK or the Directoriate. You are the corp, I am a token. If the heart leaves the body dies. We all know that I can not do this alone. I fucked up and beg forgivness.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:43 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Galavet wrote:
dimensionZ wrote:
Your situation, i'm affraid has almost nothing to do with it.
I know you are limited on internet capabilities, and you couldnt log ingame for a loooonnng time.
I also know that dian took most of the politic work.
He received information from ccp, and he delivered it to you.
Thats where i dont get it.
Dianabolic is our equal, he knows something, then we should know it. A director know an information, all directors should know it. If you restrain this information to only dianabolic ("dont tell the others"), then either there's a trust problem or dunno, you prefer keep it between you & dian.

Beleive me, i'm not dropping my director status with much enjoyment, and i'm not especially blaming you. But i just can't stay a director, with the work it brings, and still be kept out of the "interesting" stuff.

dmz, if you learned of somehting top secret direct from ccp and took it to others before taking it to me first I would think that would be a bad thing. He did what anybody else should do it that situation, which is relay the info up.

We knew nothing before this thread. All we knew was
"<molle> hey uber stuff coming !!!!! check ingame news often!!!"
"<molle> oh and only dian, blacklight and I know about it "
on ts, more or less ...

So, i'm like "oh ok, talking about G operations"
and on irc dian is like "o// \\o, no its something else ! "
Both Haze and I were really disapointed, if not disguested to be left behind while molle, and the others were aware about it, and were even bragging about it.

Then you know me, i went mental of course.

This thread appears, and we finally know that diana gave the info to you, and u told dian to keep it for himself.
As i said, while i understand dian not telling us (now i do, coz u told him not to), i dont get why u told him not to tell us, i mean, if dian is aware, what would it change if we know too ... It's not like we are going to post it on eve o forums ...

May be my bad english and my warm blood (if that make sense in english) make it look harsher than what i really mean, but thats how it is.

I was very proud to be a rkk director, i was very proud to get secret informations and share others with you. I always tried to do my best for the corp and for everybody.
Today i felt left behind, forgotten, and just ... powerless.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:44 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
Dmz and haze, it comes down to me wanting to make a surprise post for you guys and you learned of it all before I even rememberd to post it. I just wanted to spread the good news myself. I got greedy and then forgot.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:47 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Galavet wrote:
dimensionZ wrote:

Beleive me, i'm not dropping my director status with much enjoyment, and i'm not especially blaming you. But i just can't stay a director, with the work it brings, and still be kept out of the "interesting" stuff.

I think this is the part that is hurting the most. I never once dmz held intel critical to the corp from you. I run the most open corp in bob and you guys know everything that I know the minute I learn it, minus the current info. I have said everything i care to say as to why this wanst released to you right away, because I think you see it only as a cover.

I never held back from you dmz, never.

And thats the point. I was proud to be a trusted person to you. To have your blessing for most of the decisions i took for rkk.
And tonight i felt like a total peon, and That kinda broke my heart. First thinking that dian held informations from us (was the easy answer), coz it was hard to beleive that u knew about it, without telling us, somehow.
But then, truth blew up.
I'm not dissapointed in you, as a person, i always considered you as a friend (seems it was one sided but heh), but i'm dissapointed on how things turned out.

Like dbp could say, i'm a softy, so tonight i'll sleep as a peon, but i'll think about the whole situation bit more tomorrow.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:51 pm
Originally Posted by dimensionZ
Galavet wrote:
Dmz and haze, it comes down to me wanting to make a surprise post for you guys and you learned of it all before I even rememberd to post it. I just wanted to spread the good news myself. I got greedy and then forgot.

Well, the thing that made us angry, is molle's damn brag on ts ...

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:51 pm
Originally Posted by Galavet
Dmz, your a good friend dont ever think your not. I consider each of you close friends, hell I talk to you guys more than my old friends back home.

I would have you in my house if you wanted, just as I have some of the others. Sometimes I think your like hugging steel wool, but thats just who you are and I have never really had a problem with it. Trust me dmz, your more of friend to me than most people I see on a daily basis.

Haze man, rethink this and lets not stop a good thing. I cant think of RKK without you bro, and I mean that

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:56 pm
Originally Posted by Alasse Cuthalion
Well, personally, I think it was a crappy situation to start with, but Molle and Dian baiting me in the bobsec chan just to fucking annoy me was out of order, grow the fuck up.

However, I don't think anyone's done anything here to warrant anyone leaving, we're better than everyone else not because we're infallable but because we learn from them and we don't make them again. So lets learn from it and put it behind us?

Don't leave

Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:22 pm
Originally Posted by Gunstar Zero
Alasse Cuthalion wrote:
Well, personally, I think it was a crappy situation to start with, but Molle and Dian baiting me in the bobsec chan just to fucking annoy me was out of order, grow the fuck up.

However, I don't think anyone's done anything here to warrant anyone leaving, we're better than everyone else not because we're infallable but because we learn from them and we don't make them again. So lets learn from it and put it behind us?

Don't leave

yeah I'm with Al here.

Diana, the stuff you wrote on IRC could have been written better:

e.g. 'Look guys I really cant say anything, sorry. It's nothing too important and we've been asked not to say'


(1221:1221:1255) (@Woodie) logining
(1221:1223:1224) (@haze) what they on about?#
(1221:1223:1239) (@Woodie) No idea
(1221:1223:1248) (@Dian) lalala
(1221:1223:1248) (@Woodie) Not seen anything on bob man forum
(1221:1223:1250) (@Dian) LALALALA
(1221:1223:1254) (@Dian) \\o
(1221:1223:1255) (@Dian) o//
(1221:1223:1256) (@haze) speak the fuck up
(1221:1224:1244) (@dmZ) lol
(1221:1224:1251) (@dmZ) its about the G thing
(1221:1225:1208) (@dmZ) thats no secret
(1221:1225:1235) • @Stratego slaps Dian around a bit with a large trout
(1221:1225:1239) (@Woodie) Esotera is bugged
(1221:1225:1240) (@Stratego) we know you wanna tell us
(1221:1225:1242) (@Woodie) Oh no
(1221:1225:1244) (@Woodie) in now
(1221:1226:1207) (@Dian) no dmz
(1221:1226:1208) (@Dian) it's not

That could be considered annoying.

It's a situation that could have been handled better. Learn and move on.

Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:08 am
Originally Posted by Grimster
Guys, this needs to be directed ******ds not inwards.

Gal - without you RKK will collapse, nobody wants that

Haze - man I'm not doing more fecking POS haulage than my alt already enjoys....

Dian, although I'd prolly do the same and speak to Gal first - diplomacy ftw.

dmZ - point taken but you, like our other comrades here are a kingpin, and I for one don't wish to drive without the security you provide.

/me bangs everyone's head together.

K, let's go pwn something and direct some of our will ******ds.

Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:44 pm
Writing Part 4...


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
and that is only the start rest of other day is sufficient crap for one day


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005

As a player of Eve I agree that this should be followed with interest but somehow doubt that anyone will try and read the volume of information you've just posted mate!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
taB said:

As a player of Eve I agree that this should be followed with interest but somehow doubt that anyone will try and read the volume of information you've just posted mate!
i saw that thread the access on kugutsumen is OFF so none can see that
well google make the job :D and not many forums have the full discussion from kugutsumen web


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
he reopened hes site because CCP ban hes 5 accounts
i dont need to cosy paste here u can read there :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Doesn't matter if devs get their chars deleted, they should take away BoB the t2 BPOs they got.

Such drama in EVE nowdays


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Doesn't matter if devs get their chars deleted, they should take away BoB the t2 BPOs they got.

Such drama in EVE nowdays

couldent be arsed shifting through all the posts on the forum and here, the dev was/is in BoB? >.<


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005

dev t20 was in BoB (RKK corp) - spawned himself some BPOs, people found out his character was a Dev so he had to leave the corp (six months ago), but he decided to give the BPOs to them when he left. For some reason CCP left the spawned BPOs in the game until now when people have got rightfully pissed about it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
why is it always BoB that gets theese ppl? ok maybe not always but they DO seem to get most of the retards in their alliance. owell, cant say i pity them.


Dec 26, 2003
Interesting - I dont play eve but still illuminating - happens in all mmo games to some extent but worse where there's pvp.

I cant say it looks like the company are taking it that seriously though - theres no mention of any penalties being applied to those who have benefitted from such collusion - without some public attempt at justice this could be a gamebreaker?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
cant do much more then to remove the original blueprints tbh. if they started to chase everyone that benefitted from them they would probably have to punish a good portion of the playerbase. and well, that aint good for the cashflow ;)

but yeah, ur right. they have kinda started to slack off abit. think atm they just fighting a retreating battle without loosing to much face...

not saying they dont still ban ppl. they do. they just dont seem as hellbent on catching them anymore.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I am not suprised and since you will never hear anything good about Evolution and their lap dogs called BoB I save you from my flames.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
This was a real non-event that got blown up out of all proportions by forum trolls.

The VAST majority of EvE players don't give a crap about any of this and it could have easily been sorted out in-game. The end result is EvE's name has been tarnished which is a shame as it is still easily the best mmorpg on the market and has been for 3 years


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
idiot ?

OK, being in BoB is one thing. Cheating is another, but this is just beyond stupid.

Wall of text incoming.

All this info is pulled from the Kali data export from http://myeve.eve-online.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=406.

This is run by t20.

The file used is dbo_eveNames.sql

Every station in Eve has a number of properties, which define it. These are itemID,itemName,categoryID,groupID,typeID. Between those, the station's characteristics are defined. What we'll be looking at here are itemID and itemName.

Take any normal conquerable station, which was around back when that export came out. Look it up in that file.

Remember the pattern (itemID,itemName,categoryID,groupID,typeID)

My clone is in 28Y, so let's look at that.
VALUES(60014865,'28Y9-P V - Moon 1 - Manufacturing Outpost',2,15,12242);

See the fact that the name is totally functional? Every other non-Dev station in Eve is like that. Apart from one:

VALUES(60014926,'TIS MINE BIATCHES',2,15,12295);

Oh right, what's that station then?

Request that ID ingame, you get:
retval=Row(stationID: 60014926,stationName: The Alamo,stationTypeID: 12295,operationID: 47,ownerID: 844498619,solarSystemID: 30004712,constellationID: 20000689,regionID: 10000060,x: 356915896320.0,y: 6744)

The Alamo. BoB HQ in NOL-M9.

Fuck being fired for cheating, this guy should be fired for terminal stupidity
:twak: :twak: :twak:



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah true, now it's been blown out of proportions and smudged EVE's reputation by the forum trolls and several alliances. Really a shame :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah true, now it's been blown out of proportions and smudged EVE's reputation by the forum trolls and several alliances. Really a shame :(

like BoB isnt deserving every bit they are getting :p

could probably make it my life mission to keep throwing this in their face once a week or so :) like everytime they try to act "innocent" to anything :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
It continues, a new series with a brand new drama. This has more incest than Ramsey street.

Letter to CCP

Forum post at 41 pages in 9 hours, some people have been working hard at writing bollocks: stuff


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It continues, a new series with a brand new drama. This has more incest than Ramsey street.

Letter to CCP

Forum post at 41 pages in 9 hours, some people have been working hard at writing bollocks: stuff

And the apple got even more rotten in the core... sigh :(
If all this is true, then it sucks. Rather not know about it tbh


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
CCP have responded and to be frank they have done an excellent job. Yes there are still some legitimate concerns but players need to take this to them in a much more constructive manner.

I am with CCP on this one.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
CCP have responded and to be frank they have done an excellent job. Yes there are still some legitimate concerns but players need to take this to them in a much more constructive manner.

I am with CCP on this one.

Yeah, I trust they are a professional gaming company and have strong internal routines. It's just that some bitter alliance heads like goonswarm and such scatter this kind of shit everywhere and blow it up to proportions.
Mistakes were made in the past, but that is exactly what it is.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
CCP have responded and to be frank they have done an excellent job. Yes there are still some legitimate concerns but players need to take this to them in a much more constructive manner.

thats not gonna happen until they cant hide behind the internet anonymity :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Well i'm still amazed that BoB didnt get the shaft after their abusing Concord 1.0 space or what its called at release podding alot of players.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Well i'm still amazed that BoB didnt get the shaft after their abusing Concord 1.0 space or what its called at release podding alot of players.

that wasent BoB tho. that was m00 and they are all banned :) well most of em anyway ;)

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