the crap started whit
then come
Disclaimer: The content of this post is taken and translated from the German EVE-O forums, and is therefore not considered a 'third-party linking' source. Official EVEO content. = )
The landscape of power in EVE has been undergoing a lot of changes lately, and doing so at an accelerating pace. With what appears to be BoB and D2, and all the combined corporations each name represents facing off in the North, with Redswarm Federation, and an ever increasing number of alliances joining them, facing off against Lotka Volterra in the South.
One of these alliances, have people who work for an Official EVE Online site, and who have cross referenced IPs and log ins to that official site, against IPs and Logins for their Alliance TS, and completely eliminated several spies when doing so.
Want to know more? Keep reading.
From the German forums, translated for all of you loyal secret seekers:
After 8 pages of flame war.
Note: X-trading are founding members of TRUST and D2.
Interesting, wouldn't you agree? A bit more...
Don't forget, your isk keeps the secrets flowing. Donate to Kugutsumen today.
then come
The dbp-judicator case is a year old but it shows how hypocritical BoB members are.
On one side you have digitalcommunist collecting evidence to ban Noh (a corp thief who stole from Celestial Apocalypse) and who's preparing to rob Evolution.
Kinsy > Nah thats not it
DigitalCommunist > Ok, if it was, that would have been really fubar
DigitalCommunist > Since Noh used to be an alt of some guy there
DigitalCommunist > Before it was sold to the current (im an asshole for calling some1 that and i apologise)
DigitalCommunist > He's been bribing people with capital ships in his new home as well, and spewing the same story.
Kinsy > Yep thats what he gave us
DigitalCommunist > Has he ever talked about ebay to you guys?
DigitalCommunist > Pretty much admitted to selling isk to someone over there, who told me.
Kinsy > he suggested selling one of my chars once i think
DigitalCommunist > On ebay?
Kinsy > Yea
DigitalCommunist > Ok, you've been a big help. Thank you
Now on the other side, you have db preacher who buys character for real money:
Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey buddy,
I was wondering what you are doing with your char atm? I am looking to get a Gallante PVP pilot and was wondering if you were looking to get rid of yours
Originally Posted by Judicator
I'm dooing books and books and fucking books and work and well trying to get back in shape :/
Nerf real life or something.
Yeah I coudl unload him. What ya suggesting.
If I ever manage to scrape enough time together to actually play actively my alt can do stuff perfectly fine for it.
Judicator and db preacher took care of deleting most of the messages in their inbox ... Judicator was a bit lazy; he forgot to delete his sentbox and some of his inbox message...
Originally Posted by Judicator
As if CCP would ever know or notice
Not sure really. ISK are nice if you are playing since it buys you stuff. Also, it's kroner
But it's like, what price do you set on it. For me he is just a char with some skills and abilities and thats it. Kinda hard to set a price on off the top of my head. Never sold a char before, or an account for that matter.
Originally Posted by Judicator
All deatils on jud is in tha tpost. Last skill Iset was large hybrid v and I belive its done now
Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah ISK is kinda worthless to me rigth now seeing as I am pretty busy with this so called real life. I think I had a Paypal account once upon a time but not anymore. Guess I can always make one if its not too troublesome.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Had a quick look at paypal. Seems they don't charge fee for withdrawal if you have more than 500 drk. But I also think PayPal requirer you to verify your CC or something. Problem is, if they do, its to see some miniscule charge and some data but danish banks always withhold this data and getting it is a pain inthe ass.
Price wise I am sort of lost really. If he has a ISK vbalue of 1BN one way is to look at ebay. 100 million is rough 25$ wich brings the value of Jud to 250$ if you convert it like that
Originally Posted by Judicator
Yes. 250 USD is the rough value if he is considered worth around 1BN ISK if you take the EBay prices on ISK.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Will look into best way of transfering cash. Not sure if it's PayPal or a downrigth simple bank transfer.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey bud... I got me new account.
It's called Jud1000
Gimmie a shout when you are good to do the transfer
lol the Jud1000 :/
Well, it seems the only really easy/free way per se is paypal. Was reading their site and its kinda confusing, their free account seems as if you cannot recive cash via credit card/debit card, but I think it's just that you cannot use it to sells stuff via EBay and ppl use their cc etc. PP and EBay are so entwined now it's not even funny.
Gonna hve to make an account.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Right been looking at that PayPal shit. Before I did all I heard was bad things about it. I think they are right. PayPal seem fine when it comes to paying people money via them but withdrawing cash is far harder. They reserve the right to requirer all kinds of extra information to ensure you are who you say you are if you withdraw cash etc.
I mean wtf, If someone pays me xx cash wtf do they care who I am?
Seems the only way to avoid the hassel is to make one of the two types of payed accounts. But that cost cash etc. and is a bigger hassel.
IMO I'd be easier if you just give my alt Teutobod 1BN ISK and that's it. Same value really and less freakin' hassel.
Originally Posted by db preacher
I thought we were going to do the Cash thang so i bought a full set of Crystal Implants (for like 2.5 billion) and spent all my isk
How about I send you a cheque? That should be fine right?
Or I could ask my building society about what I need to do to wire the cash along direct to you.
Originally Posted by Judicator
haha lol You blew all your cash on implants!
Aight, yeah. You can do a direct bank transfer actually. You need my banks SWIPE or whatnat code or something. I'm gonna poke my bank about that see what detail I need to give you for you to have your bank do a international transfer.
Originally Posted by db preacher
Any news matey?
I have a nice account sitting doing nothing atm
Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah. I sent e-mail ot my banker and he finally replied, he was out of office but forgot to set it on auto reply. I thought he was lazy. You need a IBAN and SWIFT number. I got the IBAN and I just need to dig up the last accunt transcript they sent me as the IBAN is printed on there.
Will do when I get him, gotta run to work now.
Originally Posted by Judicator
According to my bank this is the information your bank needs in order for them to make an international transfer.
Ok now... Judicator stopped deleting his inbox messages:
Originally Posted by db preacher
excellent, I shall check tomoz hopefully
Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey bruv,
Haven't managed to get down to the bank yet and won't get a chance till next week now!
Will get it sorted out then
Originally Posted by Judicator
No worries mate.
Originally Posted by db preacher
Right finally got some time to get this sorted so will go down tomoz and get the money paid first thing!!
Bang across the char when you get a chance, the account details are JUD1000. I wanna get him training as soon as possible, he's going to be my Gallante Genius!!
Cheers mate,
Originally Posted by Judicator
Can you remove his damn roles or get someon to do it? I can't leave RKK wheN I got roles and even after they are removed the stasis period is 24 hours. But nobodu was r esponding when I logged in :/
Can't trashfer the son of a gun unless he is in a npc corp
Originally Posted by db preacher
Aye mate, I'll log on and do that right now
Originally Posted by Judicator
Goodie, says there is 9 hours untill I can trasnfer now at 11. I'll do it tonight when I get home so you have control after DT tomorrow since a char is in some kind of "limbo" untill next DT after a transfer.
Oh yeah, he has finished large hybrid V
Originally Posted by db preacher
hehe, the saga continues!!!
Gonna need to buy you a drink when I am in copenhagen in the summer for all this
Ok, next problem...
The info you gave me is perfect except you didn't give me the account details that I need to send the money too!
I won't get a chance this week now but if you gimmie the details I will do it first thing next week (off up home for xmas today).
cheers mate,
Originally Posted by Judicator
I wonder what you need then? My bank said that the IBAN + SWIFT was all that was needed :/
The IBAN is my account number + some other numbers that identify the country etc and SWIFT is my bank identification :/
Originally Posted by db preacher
Maybe the name on the account or something? I'll ask again coz I have no clue.
Fucking banks man, you'd think in this day and age it would be a piece of piss to give someone money in another country.
Anyway mate, have an awesome xmas and I'll speak to ya soon again.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah. My own damn banker ought to freakin' know what info I must pass on. Maybe danish and english banks have different views on it :/
Dunno, yeah, have a freakin' nice x-mas mate.
Originally Posted by Judicator
Transfer done. You should be able to log into him after DT on friday.
Transfer to: JUD1000
Originally Posted by db preacher
cool mate, I won't be able to touch him till I get home. I'll go in as soon as I get home and get the info I need to get to find out if I need anything else for the transfer.
cheers bruv,
Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey mate,
I have Judicator now but won't get a chance to hit the bank till tomoz morning.
Hope that's cool with ya!
Originally Posted by Judicator
Yeah I got an e-mail saying I had a new message and the forums kept not working. I blame haze ^^
Originally Posted by db preacher
The rkk forums went down so i couldn't get your details again.
Will try next week :\
2 week later...
Originally Posted by db preacher
Hey bud,
Not forgotten about you but I do keep forgetting to take in my passport
Have written it on my hand so I remember for tomoz
Hope you had a good holiday!
Originally Posted by Judicator
hehe, your passport :>
Aye, had a good one. Still go it. Did my exams. Off untill Feubrary. How about yoiu?
Originally Posted by db preacher
Pretty fuckign good mate, was at mine for xmas with a lot of my best friends so couldn't have been better really
Originally Posted by db preacher
ok, went in today and spoke to my bank.
They reckon you need to give me:
Your name
Your address
Your account number
And the Iban/swift number which I already have...
You'd think it would be fucking easy this lark but noooooo
If you dont wanna give that out then I could send you a cheque? If cheque's work in Danishland :|
Originally Posted by Judicator
lol for a late reply. I kept telling myself "Yeah I'll do that tomorrow". Anyway, I shall endavor to do it tomorrow. It's late atm. Anyway, my account number is part of the swift or iban number o.0
U go twierd banks in englishland :>
So it took these two losers over 2 months to settle the deal..
6 months later:
Originally Posted by Judicator
How is it going? Was Denmark worth the effort :>
How many times have you gotten Judicator killed?
Proof or STFU
Proof or STFU