Apparently it's released already in Australia, which means the torrentgroups have it already - and looking about it seems like it's cracked, yeah that protection really did it's job there EA, feels nice fucking over the actual buyers yes?
Dont you need to register the key with EA though? Otherwise you miss out on all the good space age stuff spore offers realy. Seeing friends species evoling on planets ect.
Got a warning from EA for making my towns entertainment building look like some boobs
GIFV review on this game. I want to know if it's worth playing (I like some sandbox games)
Why should someone pirating the game have an easier time playing the game than someone who actually paid for it.
I completely disagree Helme. What happens if the activation servers get taken down at some point? What happens if you forget to deactivate? What happens if you don't have a net connection handy.
Fuck all of it, especially since Mass Effect was a single player game, it struck me as absurd to make paying customers jump through hoops. Why should someone pirating the game have an easier time playing the game than someone who actually paid for it.