Spiritmasters, give me your opinion.



Having tested the 49 Suppression/21 Darkness/8 Summoning spec, and being impressed at the 49 PBAOE damage, I still feel lacking direct nukes.

I have made a new template, which I, unfortunately, cannot test on Gorre.

The spec is as follows:

41 Suppression/35 Darkness/ 3 Summoning

That is the 2nd last PBAOE (Base damage 273 instead of 331)

A -30% Spirit resist debuff on 35 Darkness, 2nd AE Mezz and the 3rd Last Lifedrain, which itself stands for a shitty nuke, but handy in those situations where you gave your life to your friends and need some yourself.

3 Summoning for the looks =]

Tell me what you think.


I believe your spec will work great. That's exactly what I'd spec as SM.

Your nukes won't be superb, neither will your PBAE but both will be good.

Karl [DAOC]

depends really, what your spec is an avrage all rounder... Fine for some play styles...

But some dont like to have... the 2nd best everything...

If u wanna be good at ONE thing spec fully in it... but it also means (PBAOE) that sometimes u cant do that much good for lack of decent nukes... (but everything helps) :D :D


It's all about versality and enjoying your char.

If you will enjoy it more by choosing the spec above, more power to you! Some believe the uber build is the only way to go, but more often than not you end up likeing your char more because you made it the way you can enjoy it and didn't just copy a spec off someone else due to their "omfg, my pbaoe is teh oobah".

So go with your own template there, you'll most likely end up likeing your char more.



And yeah I am excited about the patch today



It's not a personal dillema about liking my char, it's the fact that is this spec going to be good in RvR?

I know for one 1 on 1's I will kill as easily as with 49 supp, that being due to the -30% spirit resist, which you will not get at all with full Supp.

But the overall RvR, I mean, 60 damage less base wise, is it that bad?

That's what I want some opinions on.

Also Erl, I appreciate you pasting that link here, but I don't like VN boards.

All they do over there is whine whine whine whine whine whine.

And if someone comes up with a good suggestion you get kicked back in your cave on the VN boards.

I'm still not sure about my spec.

Trying it once, means no turning back...

-The SevenSins

Roo Stercogburn

You still have the lvl43 baseline nuke which most people seem to forget about. Though it doesn't heal the SM, its damage output isn't THAT much lower than the lvl47 lifetap. This is partly what makes generalised SMs still effective. 155 base damage from nuke as opposed to 183 base damage from lvl47 lifetap. Get augmented acuity or wild power (when available to SMs) and this also ramps up the damage output. In combat switch between nukes and lifetaps as the situation demands.

I agree that no generalised character will ever be as good as someone who specialises in that particular field, but the common mistake is people who go for 1 vs 1 ownership and DAoC isn't about that imo. I know several generalised SMs and some are in the top 10 for Prydwen in the RP lists.

If you want mega ranged damage, DON'T roll up an SM, runie is for you - its better at it and the class is more geared around that. SM is the master of closeup nastiness with lesser ranged capability which I believe is partly why the suppression nuke is best in game to balance this.

I think your spec will rock and you'll have a lot of fun being able to adapt to many situations instead of being mainly focused on one type of activity.


I agree with you about the vnboards, I usually feel bad everytime I've been there ;)

But I advice you to just read the first post in the thread, it describes the damage you will do with that spec. Don't go ahead though, I think the whine starts after that :p


I have respecced...

To what I suggested, 41 Supp, 35 Darkness and 3 Summoning.

I can recommend this spec to anyone who is a spiritmaster.

I do not desire the "uber dmg n00ks from 1875 range 1 shot keeel diee!!!! owned kthxbye" sort of thing, I like spiritmasters for what they are, and now I am a very versatile one.

I have found the AE Mezzes damned handy from the Spirit Dimming list, about 100 times handier than PBAOE Mezz =P

As for numbers, I was right.

In 1 on 1's, having either the 49 Supp PBAOE or the -30% Spirit Resist combo with 2nd last PBAOE (41 Supp) is more or less equal damage.

Have wiped about 5 people in 4 pbaoes in a big zerg, alas the ability to debuff is not AE, I made about 100 dmg less than a 49 Supp sm would do. So 1 PBAOE more does the job =]

I am very satisfied with my DD's, the difference in RvR is a rough 100 damage, in PvE I'm missing 140, but I'm not really missing them.

I like the new strategies aswell, when killing an orange mob, debuff pull -> Send spirit, let it get some agro, dd it once, spirit debuff, then stand in, PBAOE when the monster just hit the spirit, pbaoe again, then QC Pbaoe.

I don't loose as much mana here as would I do with 47 Darkness, although I need more time to kill it, I guess it's efficient in both ways, chainpulling with MCL and no purities whatsoever ;P

Thanks for all the imput everyone, I have to say I'm very happy with my new spec =]

-The SevenSins

Old Nicodemus

41/35/3 is a good spec to have. I also thought about it but have decided to continue with my current spec of 36 supp/ 33 dark/ 23 summ.

It's netted me 213k so far so I see no need to get rid of it yet.

If I do decide to respecc I'll probably go 42 supp/ 32 dark/ 11 summ.

In the end though it's all about how you like playing your char. One man's Uber is another man's gimp! ;)

Happy Hunting!



Originally posted by old.Nicodemus /Pryd
with my current spec of 36 supp/ 33 dark/ 23 summ.

REZ MI PLS!!!!!!!!!! REZ ME REZ ME!!!!! REZ ME NOW!!!!!!


Sorry - just trying to acclimatise you to it :)


or the "What do you mean you don't have ress? You are such a gimp! why did you spec like that! go and respec so you can ress me! now!"

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