


Ok 1 question, how much is the difference in putting all points into you Piety so you get 80, than just go for 70, and get more con. Making a kobbie sm. So have high dex/qui to start with.

Roo Stercogburn

When i started playing I had no idea how to spec. I just shoved points in wherever they looked useful.

There, my secret's out.

I actually put some points in con, and since I'm Norse this helps make life nasty for backstabbers since they can rarely one-shot me. (They can still get me, its just an interesting fight).

That was just a fluke though, I had no idea what I was doing when I rolled my char and decided I was keeping my stats and not restarting char - I like my char the way it is, warts and all.

Qui, dex and Pie are the obvious ones. Don't put more than 10 in each though.

If you're rolling up a norse SM, some points in con are worth it if you want to spec as backstabber killer. If you're going suppression for nukes, don't waste your points though.

PM me in game for some nice SM items, but you can't have my voodoo armour I'm afraid ;)



Is QUI really worth it for a caster?

A fighter's attack speed is based on how fast he swings a weapon - and that's QUI based. But our main attacks are the spells, and spell casting speed is DEX based.

So a higher QUI will allow you to swing your staff faster, but doesnt help cast any quicker. If it comes down to flailing your staff at something, you're in deep dudu.

I thought the current prevailing wisdom was +10Pie for spell power, +10Dex for casting speed (and damage variance too), and then increase Con for hits or Str for carrying capacity. Con makes most sense. Guess which I picked?

Chisel, 45.5 season Runie
Raising, 35 season SM


Qui was another of Mythics amazing cockups.

Much like Friars and theirn Tert stat, Str whoch they have no use for, Qui for casters is onlt goof for making them swing their pointy stick a tad faster.

The only 3 stats of concern for any casters is PowerPool stat, Dex and Con in that order.

Usually 10 in each is ideal.
So for any SM/RM, +10 Pie/Dex/Con imo.


Well, cant say Im an expert here, just started an SM a few days ago, lvl 17 now. Awsome solo class, really awesome.

Starting points.

There are guides there that suggest putting 15 to power, 15 to dex. The theory being that if an SM gets hit, he is dead already.

I believe this is nonsense. A well buffed SM and his pet can solo reds (not efficient but sometimes there is mixed high orange low red spawns). In such cases, pulling with a pet is usually not an option. One must pull with a debuff and let the pet take aggro. Now, the pet has to get ONE hit in and you are home free. He has to get that one hit in before you die. So, con is useful to a spiritmaster.

Quickness for a caster is totally irrelevant. Casttime is affected by dex.

Best way to put points is 10pie, 10dex, 10con.



Well, made a spiritmaster and he is fun, its just he runs out of power from all chain pulling. But tonite i had some real fun, chain pulling otm's and a few rtm's, thx to some nice buffs, but when i reached half lvl. I get some strange add, of 4 otm mobs. :((

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