Spiritmaster question...



I've tried a sm a few times in the passed... but recently I've started leveling one higher.

as I've got higher in my main spec started to add a few points to the summoning line, but I noticed the dmg sheild "buff" only lasted 1 minute... from my memory I was show it was 10 minutes...

Anyone know about it, any info please.. can't remember if it was always 1 min or 10, if it was why did they reduce its time?

thanks any help cause its been naggin in my mind! grr :)


New spell i think, always lasted 1 min since it was added im sure. ;)


Magician baseline damage shield

Damage Shield
Anyone that hits the target with a melee attack is damaged by this protective shield.
2 Aura of Turning Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 0.8 dps (Enrg) 2 power
4 Greater Aura of Turning Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 1.0 dps (Enrg) 3 power
8 Aura of Redirection Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 1.3 dps (Enrg) 5 power
14 Greater Aura of Redirection Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 1.9 dps (Enrg) 9 power
22 Aura of Reflection Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 2.6 dps (Enrg) 13 power
33 Greater Aura of Reflection Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 3.6 dps (Enrg) 21 power
44 Aura of Global Feedback Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 4.6 dps (Enrg) 28 power

Spiritmaster summon specline damage shield.

Damage Shield
Anyone that hits the target with a melee attack is damaged by this protective shield.
4 Gift of the Fallen Friend 4.0s/1m/0s 1.5 dps (Cold) 3 power
11 Blessing of the Fallen Friend 4.0s/1m/0s 2.5 dps (Cold) 7 power
20 Boon of the Fallen Friend 4.0s/1m/0s 3.9 dps (Cold) 12 power
29 Benison of the Fallen Friend 4.0s/1m/0s 5.2 dps (Cold) 18 power
39 Imbuement of the Fallen Friend 4.0s/1m/0s 6.7 dps (Cold) 25 power
49 Infusion of the Fallen Friend 4.0s/1m/0s 8.2 dps (Cold) 32 power

Wizard earth specline damage shield
Damage Shield
Anyone that hits the target with a melee attack is damaged by this protective shield.
1 Minor Shield of Magma Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 0.7 dps (Mttr) 2 power
5 Shield of Magma Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 1.1 dps (Mttr) 4 power
9 Greater Shield of Magma Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 1.4 dps (Mttr) 6 power
14 Minor Shell of Magma Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 1.9 dps (Mttr) 9 power
22 Shell of Magma Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 2.6 dps (Mttr) 13 power
33 Greater Shell of Magma Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 3.6 dps (Mttr) 21 power
44 Exalted Magma Shield Friend 4.0s/10m/0s Rng: 1000 4.6 dps (Mttr) 28 power

As you can see the spiritmaster one more damaging, guess the 1 minute duration is somewhat justified.

[Edit]: Added wizard shield for comparison.


Im not sure, but I think the duration timer was decreased at the same time they made this spell castable on realmmates.


hmmm I guess higher dmg, lower duration makes sense.


it would probably help a lot to cast it on your aggro tank in PvE situations, but can't see it being too effective in RvR to be honest... then again i want a TG suit for the epic frame so what do i know? :D

Tesla Monkor

Higher damage = lower usage time.

Sounds logical, but in reality it means noone bothers using it. (To those that yell it's useful in RvR .. it's not. By the time you're done buffing all your tanks, you're either dead or the fight is over.)


The lower ones arent even worth having at your qb. The higher ones can be used during pve, or you can even cast them on your pet if you dont want to use fs.


Souls, don't bother with SM's... they *will* get nerfed, just like all your other characters


Roo Stercogburn

The damage shield used to be a 10 min self-only buff that in 1.62 was made into realm castable, but only with 1 min duration.

The focus damage shield remains unchanged for the moment.

EDIT: If you are Dark spec, you can boost the damage output from the shield as you will have a spirit debuff.


Originally posted by SilverHood
Souls, don't bother with SM's... they *will* get nerfed, just like all your other characters


only gona say "thane" Korvy hehe you sausage ;)

But I'm dark spec and lovin it, much more fun then pbae imo anyways. :p


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Higher damage = lower usage time.

Sounds logical, but in reality it means noone bothers using it. (To those that yell it's useful in RvR .. it's not. By the time you're done buffing all your tanks, you're either dead or the fight is over.)

remember you've still got one in base the same as the wizard top spec one. And it's useful in PvE and to some degree RvR if you notice the healer being whacked and spare one of them. It's better then nothing and it being 10 min timer AND all realm useable would be almost double that of the other realm :/

Roo Stercogburn

I'm missing something here I think.

If we're still talking about the realm castable damage shield then its not on baseline. Spirit Masters have no baseline damage dealing spells other than the DDs on the Dark base line. Both the realm castable and focus damage shields are on the Spirit Enhancement spec line.

The realm castable damage shield is great on pull in PvE for Dark/Summ SMs. Try this:

Cast realm castable damage shield on pet.
Cast spirit debuff on mob to pull it.
Send pet to mob.
Because you have a damage shield active on the pet, when the mob charges it automatically takes damage from pet and pet instantly is guaranteed agro. This allows you time to either recast the spirit debuff if it was resisted or to start casting your focus damage shield, which will overwrite the realm castable one.
When you're done getting agro on pet start nuking the mob.

I find the realm castable damage shield combined with spirit debuff is sufficient for mobs up to orange con and the above technique has close to zero downtime for farming yellow cons, I only need the focus damage shield for red cons to make sure Junior does enough damage to hold agro once I start nuking it.

EDIT: You'll notice that in 1.65 this technique will probably no longer work for red cons as the debuffs will run out, the damage shield will do less damage and also the agro distribution is being changed.

EDIT2: For zero downtime farming you need to be handy at switching staves unless you have some nice uber items or are using a low power multi purpose staff like the Frozen Soul Shatterer.

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