Spirit Con 2002!


Roo Stercogburn

The Midgard event all you Spirit Masters have been waiting for!

Sunday 6th October, live at the Malmohus Open Air Amphitheatre - Spirit Con 2002!

Meet at the Malmo entrance stone. 3pm CET/2pm UK time.

Any Spirit Master of ANY level. Bring your pets and your bad ass bags of tricks to Malmo. Leave your zerks at home, leave your skalds at home, come on down to the pit, the gravel pit.

Some of you may want to log rezzer alts at the entrance stone too if you have them... just in case. Auto-release might kick in before 1.52 comes along ;)

Make sure you are not agro to svartalfs. Work on faction if you need to before the event. Anyone who is agro will have difficulties joining the hunt.

Basically we'll do a hunt together and get drops/xp for peeps...

.. then we'll also do competitions to see who can solo certain mobs the fastest or at least stay alive longest in the case of lower level chars.

If we get enough high level SMs, after that, we'll go play with the drakulv execs. (Lvl50 SMs can solo Prots, so no challenge).

Should we make it through to the lair we will start doing Protectors and Execs for a laugh.

Though this is a high level/epic area we will be hunting in, even if you are level 5 you are welcome to come, so long as you are a Spirit Master.

Guest Speakers:

Many famous Svartalfs such as Kariig aided by presentation props such as Diamond staves of various colours and bloodbound armour.

Several slavering Drakulvs from the Old School Of Dismemberment.

I've been talking about organising an all-SM hunt for a while now. Here it is at last.

Show us the size of your lifetaps... ooooh suits you sir!


Actually I don't think that really suffices for a Spirit Master event like this...



Yay, this sounds like fun. :)

I just hope my routing problems will be sorted out until then... :/


weee I'll grab my alt Aesma Daeva and come along , sounds like great fun :clap: :clap:


Hmmm, what alt to delete to join this fun... :)


Heh it sounds fun I'll be there - shame we haven't got the SM Ressing and PBAOE'ing patch yet but should still be a blast !!!

How bout a best looking pet competion or Blind Date for Spirits :)

Or pet that most looks like his/her owner !!!

Phew - too much caffeine!!!!


How should i spend the creation points for a kobold SM????


<tries to think up excuse to be there and watch without having to learn how to play a spiritmaster>
What about all those poor level 5 spiritmasters whom those nasty drakulvs find too good a snack? You're going to need a healer there who isn't too fed up with Malmohus yet and return those poor souls from Valhalla before they're stuck as someone else's spirit pet.

I'm not going to suggest anyone, I'll just leave you to that :)

Roo Stercogburn

I'm working on some team competitions so that low level SMs can compete in some of the contests, survive, and still have fun:

for example:

2 teams of SMs. Each pulls mob at same time. Fastest kill wins.

Mix in some high level SMs with some lower and you get to have fun in an epic area you couldn't normally join in.

I'll post the full list of competitions later in the week, i.e. I'll shamelessly bump this thread ;)


Roo Stercogburn

PS one competition for sure is the NO PET competition.

I like SMs.

... but I'm still basically nasty ;)


Gah - I think the outlaws are visiting from Caledonia, so this little SM may have to stay at home in the longhouse with a long face :(

Raising Hel, 35th season SM

Roo Stercogburn

Ok, here it is, the event and contest listing for the day:

Swapmeet: this is a chance for higher level SMs to share with their less seasoned fellow servants of Hel. Lets face it, how many Frozen Soul Shatterers can one Spirit Master use?

Named mobs spawn every 20 mins or so, so the plan is to hunt some named svartalfs, then while waiting for respawn, do some stupidity. The drops we get will become the prizes for the various events. Contestants are expected to hand over all drops for prizes.

For most timed events, the clock starts ticking at the casting of the first offensive spell.

Not all contests will be to everyone's taste, as there is a high chance of losing xp in some of them. Peeps can pick and choose the events they want to play in.

Buff checks will be done on contestants to make sure they aren't cheating with buffbots and friends :p

Contests as follows:

Solo event: Individual SMs take down mobs in fastest time. SM says he is ready and clock starts the next time he starts to cast a spell or pet is seen moving forward to mob... so make sure you've buffed before saying ready.

Team event: SMs in groups pull down baf mobs, fastest team wins. Group split must be based on SMs that show so that all get into team: The lvl50s aren't allowed to form teams just for themselves ;)

Team Stupidity Event: Release pets. Pull baf mobs. Fastest kill wins. Kill referring to mobs of course, not your team buddies. Team must have at least 1 member alive at end of pull to win. No summoning of pets during pull either ;)

Ritual Sacrifice: Sub lvl30 Spirit Masters pull Svartalf Infiltrator. The one that lasts longest before dying... wins. Clock starts ticking when pet first hits mob (so no just rooting and mezzing til you run out of power ;) )

Destruction Derby: You chain pull mobs til you lose. The Spirit Master that kills the most mobs before dying or electing to stop pulling, wins. You must pull next mob within 10 seconds of death message of previous or your pull is over.

Rescue Mission: Spirit Masters place pets in designated area then move to pull area. Fastest mob kill wins. They are not allowed to bring pet to them until after mob has taken damage.

Once we've completed these, we'll head for the lair or Yar and pull the big beasties.


The final event will not be revealed until the day, in fact until the time we will do it. Be assured it is an event of such supreme stupidity, I'm fairly sure its not been done before.

Since this whole event is for Spirit Masters of any level, some peeps are probably wondering how the less seasoned SMs can contribute or join in: in team games, quite simply, they are our healers. Life transfer to pets and other SMs. Also, some of the event involves us all working as biiiig team together when hunting, so there will always be things to do, even if its just breaking mez with area debuffs :)

Remember to work on faction with svartalfs if you possibly can.

Roo Stercogburn

Well we had mixed results for this one.

First off, we lacked high level SMs for the various events and the lower level ones lacked faction to get in past the svarts so we could get to drops. As suggested with the benefit of hindsight, next time we'll do it somewhere else. With the levels of the SMs present spread out so wildly, there was no fair way of doing the contests.

We did have lots of nice toys to share out though, some SMs gonna find levelling a bit easier now :)

We were chaining all the Drakulv Missionaries and gobbling them up grand style when suddenly everyone was face down for no apparent reason. The Big Chick had left the lair for her lunchtime fun. Everyone had forgotten it was dragon time. Doh!

It became obvious fast we weren't going to be doing this with the mixed levels we had :)


Off we went to Vanern to pull Orms, Hagbui and Jotun Outcasts. We had 2 healers with us and the Jots were good fun, going down surprisingly fast between us - we had peeps ranging from lvls 5 to 50. We even managed to get a nice bow for Mortymer (the shooting arrows kind, not the kind to put in your hair).

When 3 of them managed to take out the healers though it was time to move on.

( I still intend to go back to Vanern and solo an Outcast, its one of those things I've GOT to do).


We went for RvR and this was a scream, though we had to cut short to get ready for Legion raid.

The usual zerging and running around was going on. We picked up some more (high level) SMs and headed for the Emain MMG just in time to reinforce our guys there.

Shedload of spirit pets charging through the mmg, the kind of thing that makes you chuckle every time you think about it.

I think the lowest level SMs actually got enough realm points so they could get some realm abilities to help leveling.

Thanks to all that showed up, it was good fun hunting together.

Great fun, even though not quite as intended.


:( I missed it.... YOu have to make it again sometime


Congratulations to what sounds a GREAT idea and a EXCELLENT execution !!


Thanks Roo,

I had an excellent time with my level 5 Alt and learn't a little about what SM's are all about, this Alt will be staying :D

A sight I will never forget is the 8 Spirits charging a Jotun, backed up by 8 Caster nuking.

Thanks again, until the next event :clap:


Regular thing?

It was good fun - I had never been hit for 3615 damage before :)

Its inspired me to push on till at least 47 for the final dark dd though I am in the middle of a bid to reach 1000 tailoring (way off so far - too much fun to be had elsewhere).

Any chance of making it a monthly thing - with a bit more practice and closer levels we could really do well I think - a hoard of pets can really do some damage then the Jotun's just disintegrated under a withering hail of fire :)

Shame we lost both healers on the same pull tho :(

Once again - cheers for organising it Roo!

Roo Stercogburn

Will definately do another one after we get 1.52. I've learned from this one that though we may get the best SM drops in amongst the Svartalfs in Malmo, its too much hassle. We'll go to either Raumarik or Vanern. The lag in Darkness Falls makes it hard to control pets at the best of times so I wouldn't even consider it.

Fancy taking on a WoW with just SMs?

Perhaps a Spindelhalla rampage.

Who knows.

One thing's for sure, we absolutely will go RvR again with SMs gathered for destruction. It was amazing to see all those pets rocketing towards the enemy. It must have been like Dawn of the Dead for the hibbies on the receiving end.


Fek Fek Fek... missed it.. do another one pleeeeezzzz

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