Spells being interrupted



Can someone please tell me why my spells is being interrupted even though no one seem to be attacking me? No text saying that the spell was resisted/the attack missed. Nothing. Just now we ran into a group of albs, Tilde attacked me, red text that he missed and then I saw the standard "blahb lah attacks you, spell interrupted etc" message. Fine. But what about the "attack" Veeshan made on me, the one that I didn`t resist or anything, yet no damage, no red text, no nothing. Gozu? did the same thing. Not the first time this happens. Earlier against a ranger, against Veeshan in Yggdra, against some other caster at amg etc. Seems to happen a lot, and this was NOT the case before 1.48, as far as I recall anyway.

Anyone know anything about this? I know at least one other RM that is experiencing the same "problem".


Amnesia you say? Since when did Rangers get amnesia? And why would Veeshan want to use amnesia on me in a 1v1 (until Ruki showed up and saved my ass) when she has faster casttime than me with her standard dds?


because Veeshan was so nice to do it for us ;)


No, its an interrupt bugg.... they can interrut you from miles away.. :(


Hopes this gets fixed by mythic some day... coz its pissing me off.. sometimes it takes ~4 sec to get anything off coz of interruptions..

Still veeshan could have used Amnezia wich interrupts your spellcrafting..


Aussie, you just can`t read can you? I said the 1v1 in Yggdra.

Finally I got an answer to my question. I believe this bug started after 1.45? Cannot recall seeing it before that patch anyway.


the chance of getting interrupted was increased a lot from 1.36 to 1.45. afair the patch notes said you cant be interrupted as easily by greys. reality was in 1.36 i could odins wrath with 3 greys and one green on me most of the time, in 1.45 any lvl 5 druid pet will interrupt a lvl 50 caster almost every time.

so maybe the bug was there all the time (i dont think its really a bug, rather poor sync between server and clients), but i wasnt as noticable before.


The bug is there and has been there and is not yet fixed in 1.51...

It´s single bug that bugs me the most... even stunned people interrupt my casting- in hibernia we call it the stun bug, but it´s not important... it can even be "abused" ,but as im a caster and like to protect my own sorry ass i´m not telling how :p


Hmm.. Since it doesn`t seem to happen *too* often, I assume that it`s likely that the people doing it to me know how to abuse this bug. At least if two times in a row from the same person?

And does anyone know if Mythic knows about this? I mean, I started noticing it after the patch, thus it was implemented between 1.46 and 1.48 (and how did they manage to "create" a bug like that? Clearly they must`ve been fumbling around with the code, but why?), and it`s still not fixed in 1.51?!


It's not a bug, it's a feature :)

It works like this - Say a tank comes up to you, and he takes a swing at ya... he swings every 4 secs ( speed of weapon).. well, the game works it out as, you are both, now in a combat round, of 4 seconds.

So, any spell you cast in this round, will be interrupted, since you are in a melee round.

But check this out - If you start casting a stun spell, and the tank takes a swing at you, and 1 second after the swing, the stun lands on the tank... there are STILL 3 seconds left in the combat round...so if you immediately start to cast a spell within those 3 seconds, it WILL be interrupted, since you are in a combat round, and even though the tank IS stunned, you will still be interrupted.

It's a pain in the ass, and apparently to make any changes to this sytem will be a massive undertaking or whatever.

I'm just wondering if it will be better with independant combat rounds (ie, the tank has his own combat round, and the caster has his own).


Tzeentch, you`re wrong. This was not the case before the patch. And how can a caster or archer interrupt me twice in what, 2 secs? Yet no attack, no red text etc. What sort of attack does the ranger have that can interrupt my spellcasting twice between his shots?


As if the people at Mytic would read your minds, here is somethign fresh from yesterdays grab-bag:

Q: Please explain how interrupts work in your game. In another game I used to play, if a magic user started casting a spell, he could finish it so long as he wasn’t hit during the cast time. In DAOC it seems more random.

A: It’s not random at all, but it is a very different system than you may be familiar with. It’s a lot more fair to large weapon users, as their potential to interrupt a caster is exactly the same as a small fast weapon user. Hold on to your backpacks, this is going to be fun.

First, we need to understand how melee attacks work in DAOC. Let’s say you’re swinging a weapon with a five second delay between swings. You press attack. It goes SWING (tick tick tick tick tick) SWING (etc). Obviously, this means a two second delay weapon goes SWING (tick tick) SWING (etc). Now, according to the game, you’re attacking for that whole swing/tick cycle. The damage you do is registered at the same time as the swing, but a full cycle consists of the swing AND the ticks.

If you attack a caster, you have a chance of interrupting his regular (non-quickcast) spells during the whole cycle. The chance to interrupt is purely level based – if the caster is higher level than you, your chance to interrupt is lower.

A quickcast spell does not have any chance of being interrupted – doesn’t check for that at all. However, a quickcast spell does not wipe the interrupt check of a cycle. For example, let’s say I am swinging an enormous hammer at Mahrin Skel. There’s a ten second delay. On the third second, he quickcasts something at me. It hits me. Let’s say I’m stunned. But when he casts a regular spell at me during the same ten second cycle that began when I first swung my hammer, I may still interrupt him even though I am stunned by the quickcast, because my cycle is still running.

Still with me? Let’s see what happens when multiple people are attacking our caster friend. (It’s hard to explain in text, please forgive the sophomoric illustration at the bottom of all this.)

I have a weapon with a five second delay. Chris has a weapon with a three second delay. And Jason also has a five second delay weapon. Mahrin will yet again serve as our caster, and he is casting a spell with a three second timer.

First, I swing. One tick later, Chris swings. One tick later than that, Jason swings. One tick after Jason, Mahrin starts to cast. Who will have a chance to interrupt him? It’s all in the timing. In this BEAUTIFUL diagram, s = swing, c = cast, and t = tick.

Mahrin: cT T T
Sanya: sT T T T T
Chris: sT T T
Jason: sT T T T T

At about the halfway point during Mahrin’s cast, the interrupt check happens. So, go to halfway (the middle T in Mahrin’s row). Chris’s cycle is finished, and will not interrupt Mahrin. My cycle is ending at about the same time Mahrin’s interrupt check begins on that spell, so I’ve got a 50/50 chance of interrupting him, depending on the exact timing. Jason is in the middle of his cycle, and therefore definitely has a chance of interrupting Mahrin.

Whether or not Jason DOES interrupt him depends on level and luck. The chance of interruption isn’t very high. The above applies whether the SWING part did damage or not.

As you can see, this system is more fair to all weapon users, and is more realistic (a big honking axe is actually just as distracting as a dagger when it’s swung at your head). But, in the interests of fun, we’ve kept the actual chance low, and the higher level the caster, the less likely the caster will lose concentration.

Whew. I need a frosty beverage after all that. I wish you all a safe and happy weekend, and we’ll see you Monday. Or maybe on the frontiers before then =)

So, understood ? No ? Neither did I, but at least it was explained ;)


Its pathetic read the example posted with 10sec hammer, k

I can QC a 9 sec stun in 1 sec. How that is explained i could QC a stun run back for 3 secs, face, cast for 3 secs and still be interrupted over the next 3. Your coding needs streamlining Mythic its very sloppy and any half-assed engineer wouldve thrown it out long ago


Yeah, wait, I read on that yesterday as well, hold on...some more proof...

here ya go - http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=32766969&replies=56

BTW, remember it all depends on the speed of the weapon...perhaps the archer has a slow hitting bow?
So that means you are in a combat round for longer.

(BTW, I'm speculating here, I'm not sure if this applies to ranged attacks also)


Well the "bugg" or whatever mythic is calling it.. Its really annoying.. i get to feel it EVERY encounter in emain.. :(

This problem should be fixed.. this + all the root/mess/stunn nerfs that casters has been put thru with... (purge), 1min mezz timer etc..

I really love the mezz messages btw:

This is my single mess:

[22:39:56] You begin casting a Fascination spell!
[22:39:56] You are already casting a spell!
[22:39:57] Austinbowers attacks the the pygmy goblin with his gauche!
[22:39:57] Dolph attacks the the pygmy goblin with his sword!
[22:39:57] The pygmy goblin cannot seem to move!
[22:39:58] You cast a Fascination Spell!
[22:39:58] The pygmy goblin is entranced. <-

And the AE Mezz:

[21:20:55] You begin quickcasting a Veil of Senility spell!
[21:20:55] You are already casting a spell!
[21:20:55] You are already casting a spell!
[21:20:55] The pygmy goblin attacks Clyde and hits!
[21:20:55] Clyde attacks the the pygmy goblin with his sword!
[21:20:56] The pygmy goblin attacks Clyde and hits!
[21:20:56] The pygmy goblin attacks Clyde and hits!
[21:20:56] Trigs attacks the the pygmy goblin with her gauche!
[21:20:56] The pygmy goblin begins moving more slowly!
[21:20:56] Trigs attacks the the pygmy goblin with her fang!
[21:20:56] Cloud attacks the the pygmy goblin with his gauche!
[21:20:56] The pygmy goblin begins moving more slowly!
[21:20:56] Judi attacks the the pygmy goblin with his sword!
[21:20:56] The pygmy goblin cannot seem to move!
[21:20:56] The pygmy goblin attacks Clyde and hits!
[21:20:56] The pygmy goblin attacks Judi and hits!
[21:20:56] You cast a Veil of Senility Spell!
[21:20:56] You are Mezmermized. <-

This happes sometimes.. but im not mezzed while i see this message..

These interruptions are killers :/


To: Sorusi

There seems to be a bugged message in the game. When I slam stun people I get following messages:

xxxxx cannot seem to move.
You cannot move.

Either my slam stun stuns also me for a _very_ short period of time or the 2nd message is a a bugged message. It would seem fair that stunning someone for 8 s with shield slam might also stun the slammer for a bit, but I never seem to be stunned. I can move right after the slam and do whatever I want so I'don't mind about one bugged msg too much.

And btw I think Harle quite clearly quoted why you get interrupted in spellcasting even if you're not hit. This is quite clearly a feature that mythic intended to work like this and not a bug. Since I am allways oom anyways I won't complain about it. :p


Yep I also noticed that with my Dirty Tricks (Increased Fumbles) and also with poison if i am not mistaken

everytime I cast Inc. Fumbles its says i am the one with dirt in my eyes :p

Memnock level 4x Merc
Naite level 24 Inf


Lots of the spells seem to be bugged in this way, certainly cleric buffs are.

I always though that having been interrupted the time you couldnt cast for was related to the speed of your weapon, not that of your opponents.


Minstrel mezz has the same crap...after i stun and got attacked before stun it usually breaks mezzing...died a lot of time to SBs cause of this wanker bug....needs fixing really..


I have the smae with my cleric...I get a cast blah bæah buff on so and so and then I get you feel calmer.

Why the hell should I feel calmer? He's the one with the buff lol

and I always get a you are mezmerized msg when I ae mezz with my sorc.


you might find this funny if you understand the interrupt thing



fecking bug happens almost all the time not telling how but still don't u wonder why on earth I can do 1 or maximum 2 pbaes (2sec cast time) after 9sec stun on enemy ? :-< 1 gets almost everytime interrupted and then 3 sec waiting to cast something again :-< that sucks so badly for casters !!!

Still it is compensating some since really without this 'stun'- or 'interrupt'-bug after getting stun through it would be 100% sure victory and would be too easy :p


ps. if you dont believe after these screens etc. I can give even more screens stunned ppl interrupting me...just ask more :p not bothered to put them on if ppl don't care.

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