Spellcrafting Essentials


Generic Poster

Spellcrafting is finally here and pretty damned confusing. So I've done some research and figured fellow-noobs might benefit from my findings.

To start with, you need to realise you cannot have everything and need to make some compromises. It's not a matter of what you have, rather, what you shouldn't have.

You'll want to add skills, stats, resists, hp/power... etc.

Resists are the most involved so I'll get through them first:

Melee Resists
Unless you're serious about duels, you only need to concentrate on Mid and Hib melee classes.

Probably the most common melee-type in the game. You want to max this to 26% or as close as possible.

Max this aswell, specially plate-wearers and infiltrators.

Don't need to take thrust seriously. The only Midgardian class which can use Thrust damage are Hunters. From Hibernia, you only need to worry about Nightshades, as their tanks normally use Crush/Slash. The odds of being stabbed by a thrust weapon are very low.

Magic Resists
This one will take some thought and you should plan resists tailored to your class.


Assassin poisons are based on Body aswell as:
Champion Debuffs
Druid DoT
Bard Mezz
Healer Mezz, Stun
Skald Mezz/DD
Shaman DoT

There're enough reasons in there to max Body resist. You won't be mezzed for long and when an assasssin poisons you, the effects won't be as potent.


Eldritch GTAoE and PBAoE
Enchanter PBAoE
Mentalist DoT/Mezz
Runemaster Bolts/GTAoE/AoEDD/Nearsight
Thane Spells

A few nasty spells in there, raise depending on how often you get nearsighted or PBAoE'd by the luri-suicide bombers.

Hib caster stun(the horrid 9sec thing), Light Enchanter and Light Mentalist, pure nuking power.

I can't say I will raise this very high. It's not often I let a light-spec chanter or mentalist nuke me ;)

Eldritch AoE Mezz, AoE DD, Nearsight, Bolts
Spiritmaster AoE and PBAoE Mezz, DDs
Runemaster Darkness-DDs

Shaman AoE DoT, AoE Root, Bolt, Damage Shield
Druid AoE Root

Spiritmaster PBAoE, Mezz,

So, Body and Energy need to be high, the rest depend on your class and how often you get hit by those spells.

Note: I took the spell-type information from DAoC Catacombs, so it may not be 100% accurate.

That covers resists. The next thing to consider will be stats(STR, CON, INT...). Whichever class you play, you will want to add extra CON and +hitpoints. It doesn't matter how smart you are, if you drop in one hit!

I hear rumours that +power is useless. Confirm this before adding it to your items.

Leladia's Spellcrafting calculator is easy to use and very helpfull, use it!

If you're having trouble using this tool, visit Yelm's Walk-Through, although it is heavy on images so 56k users may suffer.

Before making 'Uber itemz', it's best if you switch to the jewelry-section and fill that part first. Some items are already included, search through the list for the items you use, or intend to use. If your Legion dropz or whatever aren't there, you can add them yourself. With jewelry, go for items with the highest imbue points. Darkness falls items arent so bad and should be considered.

With your jewelry worked out, switch to the Armour/weapons section and add the stats of your epic armour(remember, you can save the stats of any items you add, for later use). Some parts of your Epic armour may have high imbue points and will be worth keeping. Anything above 40imbue should looked at carefully.

With the foundation built, the rest should be easy for you to work on. You know which items you are wearing, and you can see their stats. You know which resists you want and which skills you want. Fill the rest with stats like DEX, CON +hp ... etc

Don't get carried away and put everything to 100% with 100% jewels and super-overcharges... be realistic and use 99% quality gems, and 99% quality armour/weapons... unless you know for sure you will have 100%, you'll only end up dissapointed :)

+ The quality of gems only matter if you're going to overcharge the item (If an item has 28imbue points and you stick in jewels to get a total of 30imbue points, you are overcharging!). If the overcharge fails, the crafter and your item burn to death.

If you're not planning to overcharge, you can use 94% quality jewels, it will make no difference.

Next are some general figures:

Imbue points are tricky buggers, as not every thing is equal. Some benefits cost more then others, i.e. for ~11 imbue points, you can get one of the following:
+16 Stat (DEX, INT...)
+7 Resist
+3 Skill (Slash, Fire...)
+44 hitpoints

So Skills are the most expensive to add, where as +hp is fairly cheap.


- Stats are capped at (your level * 1.5)
- Skills are capped at (your level / 5)+1
- Resists are capped at (your level / 2)+1
- Power is capped at (your level / 2)+1
- Hit Points are capped at (your level * 4)

Applying this to a lv50 and a lv24 Thidranki-alt:

                 Stats   Skills    Resists   Power   HitPoints
Thidranki         36        5         13       13      96
Emain :p          75       11         26       26      200

I couldn't find any SC guide with all of the info I wanted... so this is a compilation of anything I've noted down and found usefull.



nice work Generic

<disclaimer: generic is still not me, and im not congratulating my own work :p>

incidentally, is it possible to partially imbue things and return at a later date?

eg my setup is all 34/32 102 leather...yet the highest sc'er i know is 800. i dont really want to overcharge it until she's about 1000, but was wondering if i can do all bar the last jewel


Solarflare = 1k+

Imbue all at same time for a greater chance of success.


And double check the stats of the items already in the configurator database. I found some of them to be wrong.


One thing to bear in mind is that the figures for going BOOM in Leladias spellcrafting calc are very conservative and in practice spellcrafters have not had teh level of BOOMS predicted so with a nice high spellcrafter and 99% gems you can probably safely overcharge by maybe 4 points on 99% quality and 5 points on 100% quality. 1000+ SC's have been reporting only a few BOOM's with this.

Also I believe the new alchemy reactive DoT's are matter based which I think we might be seeing a lot of.

Sarum TheBlack

Nice post :clap:

See, people can post actually useful non-whines on BW... how long before the forumites arrive and screw it up? :rolleyes:

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I am totally new to the concept of crafting and I just wanted to clear up a few things. I am currently at 400 in SC but I am finding it to be quite costly. I have been focusing on making gems that are orange con to me. For example, if I am at 402 I will try and make a gem that is 412 and I will get enough ingrediants to make several dozen. Before I reached 250 this method seemed to be pretty effective but now I seem to be making a lot of gems but getting no Crafting XP in return. Is this normal? Its causing me to lose a lot of gems...

Should I be focusing on crafting yellow and blue con gems for a better return or does it not matter what con gem I craft?

If anyone else has tips on how to keep crafting costs low I would be grateful as I don't have a lot of money to spare. I am using my retirement fund to pay the bills atm. ;)


Very nice post.... especially the resists part (can never sort them out normally)
Just sorting out a BG template atm and this will help a lot.


Based on my experience of Armour crafting and what I've heard our crafters say of SC I would skill up on yellow items. Blue give very few gains if any. Orange will give gains as well but also lost materials and more fails as well as being more expensive per successful combine. I've never really investigated in detail if oranges give more gains per gp or yellow and I suspect it would be hard to investigate given the very random nature of it e.g. where you craft 20 items and get no gain then get 3 gains in a row.

BTW I hope you're well funded - SC gets very expensive from about 500 onwards. I'd probably say you'd need 2 plat at least to get to 600 and 17ish+ plat for 1000 - Don't even think about post 1000!


Originally posted by Generic Poster
Hib caster stun(the horrid 9sec thing), Light Enchanter and Light Mentalist, pure nuking power.

I can't say I will raise this very high. It's not often I let a light-spec chanter or mentalist nuke me ;)

Does the chanter pet use heat dmg? Cos that snare/dmg spell is one of the most annoying in game.

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