Spellcrafted Cloaks



When DAoC was patched to 1.54 in the US, a very nice bug was discovered.

If you charged a player made cloak with an alchemy charge/proc, you could then Spellcraft it, up to the level of the Alchemy potion you used.

ie - add a lvl47 charge - get a lvl47 cloak - spellcraft up to a lvl47 item.

This was 'fixed' in 1.55 in the US, but there is a rumour that we here in Europe won't even see this nice bug. Basically the fix from 1.55 specific to this bug has been added to 1.54.

Is this rumour true?

If so are we going to see mini-patches for other bugs?


Which leads to the second question.

Are other bugs gonna be fixed in this way?

For example damage add gets changed so that lower levels can't power level themselves BUT this accidentally changed the way Triple Wield worked (lower its damage by 66%). Is this going to be fixed too before the 'official' patch?

Brannor McThife

Patching in Europe works according to Major fixes, as we know them by US naming. 1.5x, etc.

However, certain smaller fixes, that can have a far reaching effect, like the cloak tincturing, are included in the patches that go out.

The damage add "bug", will be tested, as well as the "cash farm" in Hib.

Trust me, I tested just about anything I could find with tincturing. Cloaks cannot be tinctured, and have 1 imbue point.



I understand why Mythic would want to fix this - but there have been many other bugs which would have equally simple fixes which have not been fixed in advance of the patches being applied to the servers.

Shame they dont do it more often


Bug where you kill a merchant in hybrasil and he drops 16,x weapons and/or money.


Originally posted by cjkaceBM
Which leads to the second question.

Are other bugs gonna be fixed in this way?

For example damage add gets changed so that lower levels can't power level themselves BUT this accidentally changed the way Triple Wield worked (lower its damage by 66%). Is this going to be fixed too before the 'official' patch?

why would it?

not a large bug that's going to mess up the economy or smth.

get's fixed in later patch


simple rule

The rule is:

"If it fukks the players, ignore it."

"If it helps the players, fix/change it ASAP."

There is no logical reason to not lets cloaks be imbued anyway.


Btw just thought u would like to know that the cloak bug fix also means u can no longer add alchemy charges to instruments, doh

Just read abou this...

Anyone able to test this?

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