Spell Crafters



Stop hiding and give up your names here, i know a lot of ppl who can't find any SC's who are willing to imbue their stuff, kinda sad really :/


If it wasnt the most boring thing ever i might think about it,,

Shame im prolly cancelling my accounts in the next day or so


Ive done my sc using a friends char(who shall remain nameless unless he wishes to be known :p) and i can tell you its THE MOST BORING ACTIVITY IN THE *WORLD*. Not only is it boring, its time consuming too! For a full suit of armor(not counting weapons) you need _24_ 99 qua items, who on average dont take much less than a normal weapon or armorpiece to make.

THATs why all SCers are hiding, 'It just aint worth it'.


Oh and...

Originally posted by Cloak_
Shame im prolly cancelling my accounts in the next day or so

Noo, dont go :( giv odins ar ve ar!

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by mastade
Stop hiding and give up your names here, i know a lot of ppl who can't find any SC's who are willing to imbue their stuff, kinda sad really :/
im one of those :|


k, u want a name?


First of all I never hide my craft title but Im visible as spellcrafter only when Im crafting (all labor days at morning).

As said before, SC a set is too boring and very time consuming. Due that I stop taking orders this week. For now I only make gems for my guild or trade SC for some pieces of MP armour/weapons.

If u are interested in this kind of trade pm me ingame and we can deal, otherwise ignore this post.

Cu around


u want names? the problem is


First of all I never hide my craft title but Im visible as spellcrafter only when Im crafting (all labor days at morning).

As said before, SC a set is too boring and very time consuming. Due that I stop taking orders this week. For now I only make gems for my guild or trade SC for some pieces of MP armour/weapons.

If u are interested in this kind of trade pm me ingame and we can deal, otherwise ignore this post.

Cu around

PD. Soz for double post


Originally posted by mastade
Stop hiding and give up your names here, i know a lot of ppl who can't find any SC's who are willing to imbue their stuff, kinda sad really :/

You wanna know why some of us are hiding ? I'll tell you. I for one am sick of people ordering a full set of 99% gems then telling you they dont need it when its done. This has happened 3 times the last one being to the tune of 1.7 plats and 7.5 hrs time. You should be able to trust people without asking for the cash up front.

I will only do for people I know well now shame some folks spoil it for others :/


Well I been getting a lot of queries about bg sc'd suits, I been thinking about doing a 'special' maybe 3-400g for a set of RF armour (can't be arsed with doing scale cos I don't know any friendly tailors that would make low level stuff), and then doing a sc-deal for like 200g on top.

I will only take orders via email tho, preferably send me your template file from the spellcrafting configurator.


I have 780 SC and 840 AC, comments welcome.


can't be arsed with doing scale cos I don't know any friendly tailors that would make low level stuff
PM me in Game babe, I'm a low lvl tailor and I'd work with you for BG armor.


vladimir....nice guy and charged very very fairly

bloodhell...spanish guy has an alt SC.. despite whats said about the spanish at times this fella is nice and easy going and very friendly

thats all i know ;p


ohhhh and ilaya :) give him a couple of months i bet that crafting addict has a lgm of everything going ;)


Is it a logical phenomenon that prices increase when there is so little supply and so much demand ?


You get bored of crafting after a while, simple as that.

I crafted a lot, until I got close to AC cap and got enough money for SC suits for all my chars and my RL friends chars, and don't see much more point in crafting as it is damn boring and I don't need more cash :p

guess the same goes for SC, just that SC need much more time and consentration, and takes alot of gems. 6x4 gems for armor.....soooo not that wierd imo :rolleyes:


Vlad was nice scer tipped him 500g for the trouble


Re: Re: Spell Crafters

Originally posted by vulcan1
You wanna know why some of us are hiding ? I'll tell you. I for one am sick of people ordering a full set of 99% gems then telling you they dont need it when its done. This has happened 3 times the last one being to the tune of 1.7 plats and 7.5 hrs time. You should be able to trust people without asking for the cash up front.

shocking that people display such disregard


Ok, I can tell you why i lost the joy in doing SC at some point.
It wouldnt even be boring or annoying if I could get enough out for the work. One day - skint as usual due to saving for druid MP scale I realised that i have to make 10!! full sets including 1 weapon to earn what i need for the hauberk - average crafting time 30h nonstop.
Kind of shocked i checked some US forums and found out they charge the following there as an average price: 200g per item + 100g per point of oc -----> 5 oc on full set = 4.2 p ; local price:
ppl start to whine at 1.6.
And there is something else immensly doing my head in: a guy with a full mp scale set (lets say 18p), procs already on for another 2 p starts to argue and tries to dump prices by a few 100.
Not to speak of situations where i sit somewhere and chat with a friend, a tradewindow with a lev 35 shield pops up and i get spammed MAKE MAGICK! ; or the following discussion:
xxxx sends : heya, you feel like imbueing my gear ?
me : not really, but go on
xxxx : kekeke ^^ T_T ... i have armor but dont know sc- you make kthx?
me : erm, no way- sort a template and send me via email
xxxx: fu


if there was a low point in the game spellcrafting is it its boring extremely tedious and when u get an awkward gem that takes 20+ tries for 99% and you know there is another 20 or so gems to do is very disheartning.

also on average i make between 600-800g per set of 99% gems i.e. 24-36 and thats cost i recently started charging 20% cost on top of what it cost to make so that i was making profit however it still is not really worth it it can take upwards of 4hours+ to do 8x4 gems and for what to make 200g extra on top considering the time it takes and how uber the SC'er is actually making you and people whine that charging x2 or more is too expensive but theyll happily pay x10 for a MP piece of armour ?

sorry but its just not worth it on the SC'er part they losing game time to a shit craft and basically makin nothin on it

on a note i only take guild orders after i realised how non profitable it actually is and i rarely do these now as i just cant be assed with the long haul sittin there for hours im pretty sure if people made it worth the SC'ers while they would be more willing to do the orders but as it stands most are just gonna turn round and say sorry cba today

thats how i feel and others also who are spellcrafters.

p.s. thxs alot to all the celtic fist gang who gave me really phat tips its really appreciated and ill keep you all in mind for future SC jobs

plz dont pm me ingame etc i dont do orders outside guild


Originally posted by Vladdie
Kind of shocked i checked some US forums and found out they charge the following there as an average price: 200g per item + 100g per point of oc -----> 5 oc on full set = 4.2 p
That seems reasonable, and for people who can buy a full set of 99% or even MP, imbueing for that price is not too much. Especially that for each individual item, a SCer has to make 4 (four) jewels at 99 % or MP.
I've read some posts on this forum of people who say they can make 1P per hour in DF (or even more). Personnally I can make about 200 G when soloing (money and seals salvaging). If I charge at 200 G per hour work I spent on jewel crafting, I'm not even having any benefit of my investment to Spell crafting. Those US guys are not stupid, they know the game. And if a customer is not happy with that price, I have the chance to do whatever I want in the game.


I agree on this prices but I think hibbies arent up to pay for SC stuff


Agrees with Vulc - u've spent your time getting to 1040 or 1041 sc and spend fookin hours doin the gems when u should be down the pub with me lol, stop watchin the green bar and get the JD out !


Originally posted by Demolay
Agrees with Vulc - u should be down the pub with me lol, stop watchin the green bar and get the JD out !

OMW Bro. Be in Denmark from Thurday this week, 5pm Flight ;)


Two cents to a dead thread... I gotta wonder, if the lgm's out there are so pissed with their craft, hasn't the idea of just selling imbue occurred to them?

Seriously. Most lvl 51 templates consist of patently mid-level gems, a handful of high ones, and a 5-point oc. It's only that last that _needs_ 1000+ to do. One or two friends have basicly ordered the gems from mid-level sc'ers and then hired a lgm to do the actual job. This seemed to work well for everyone, as the lgm pocketed 200g for just showing up and clicking "imbue" a few times, the mid-level sc'ers got a (rare?) chance to make a buck between skilling up, and the customer was personally responsible for knowing and making sure they got what they needed (nothing quite like a miscrafted MP to make your day).

Has anyone actually done this on a regular basis?


i agree with sable (600 lvl sc crafter Mtg ready for orders :p) but why bug ppl for 24 99% gems?!!! when they as u say only need too do about half or less depending on sc setup. Think that will make lgm sc'ers do more 5p ooc stuff. better for the crafters better for the realm, win win thingy.

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