speed decrease while running up hill



Hi all,
For some time now in groups I have a problem running up hills, even when I sprint I run mutch slower uphill then my groupmates, so it results in me losing speed and stick.
This mostly happens at mill, levian, dcx or any other high spots.
I just slow down and lose stick.

Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix this? thanks.

*EDIT* I'll post pc specs:
p3 1ghz 386 ram GF4200 ti with latest drivers...


I use to have the same problem..but as soon as I got a new comp it stopped :/. Dont know what caused it though


its a comp problem not handling the gfx fast enough i had it before on 2nd comp which was 1ghz like urs


Used to happen on my old machine

P4 1.5 with 512mb and an mx 400 64mb card.

It was the Card, I updated Drive's nothing .... I got newer Drives it went away ... I got the lastest Drives it came back .....

I Bought a new Pc with new gfx Card ^^

Msi Fx5600 256mb Version. Sweet little card and cheap enough 2 ^^.

Upgrade, It's Fun :D

Kurik BHM

i had it on my win2k comp... it was real nasty, when i downloaded and installed servicepack for windows, it solved it a little.. still lagging some.. but not as much as before.

try it.


I have it too, I always just thought my poor pally girl couldnt carry all that plate.. :rolleyes: So im not fat after all??:clap:


Xplo U gimp, listen up.. I tried this out.

using the following comp:

2.667 GHz
(and the rest doesn't really matter)

as you see I have no problem in my CPU speed, nor am I lacking in RAM.

I tried out 3 cards.

GF2 MX200 (my old card :p)

ATi Radeon 9700 (Sapphire) (my now broke card)

GF4 Ti 4200 (MSI) (a friends card)

I tried the cards running "normal" Camelot client, aswell as SI client.

(normal client)
R0xx!!! .. the first 30-60 mins I get no lag in RvR, nor any bugs, such as wierd spikes and such. Running up hills is a little problem, I lag a bit behind, not much ... but enough to use end to sprint back up to my grp, making it necesary having a pala in grp.

(SI Client)
Running SI client takes up more resources then with the normal client, making it a deadly to be running up hills, since I lag EXTREMLY long behind, especially after a few hours, when the RAMs on the card as been used a while, making it rediculessly laggy!!!

ATi Radeon 9700
(either client)
Crappy!!! That's all I can say.
I guess Mythic kind of forgot to implement ATi's cards ... expecting everyone to use GF. My old GF2 was even better in my little test, then this card. (despite the hourly relog)
There is NOTHING wrong with ATi's cards, they are just not 100% bug-free, or running smooth in ANY way. My Radeon 9700 ran CounterStrike and BF1942 VERY smooth, no problems AT ALL... hence it must be something with Mythic "forgetting" something.

GF4 Ti 4200
(either client)


I get NO lag what so ever. Running up hill w/o the lag, no remarkable lag when encountering an enemy fg. No need to relog once every hour to clear out the video memory. No more lag in 2fg action battles.

\\\end of test

so, what U need to do Xplo:

go buy a new comp :D

I would suggest a
2.4-2.6+ GHz (Intel)
512+ MB DDR RAM (using 768 MB RAM makes the lag=0 when encountering ANY size of grp's)
GF Ti4200 or better (maybe a FX 5800/5900 ULTRA? :))
and use XP Pro as OperatingSystem

(I only wrote all this because U'r a Scout, and I felt like helping U out :p)

gl & hf :D


Or maybe get down the gym and lose some kilos ;)


...like certain Friars and Theurgs are desperately trying to. :D




Originally posted by greenfingers
ATi Radeon 9700
(either client)
Crappy!!! That's all I can say.
I guess Mythic kind of forgot to implement ATi's cards ... expecting everyone to use GF. My old GF2 was even better in my little test, then this card. (despite the hourly relog)
There is NOTHING wrong with ATi's cards, they are just not 100% bug-free, or running smooth in ANY way. My Radeon 9700 ran CounterStrike and BF1942 VERY smooth, no problems AT ALL... hence it must be something with Mythic "forgetting" something.

I run my DAoC with 3ghz P4, 512DDR and my ATI Radeon 9700 Pro. Runs very very smoothe :) No graphics bugs what so ever on my screen.

Even with my old com AMD 1900+ XP, 512DDR and still my ATI Radeon 9700 Pro it still went nicely exept when i was on big raids then it could go and be abit laggy :)

So it must be your driver or something because i cant se the bugs on my screen :)


Originally posted by stighelmer
XP Home no good ?

Well, accually it is 1 or 2 network admin functions in difference between xp home and xp pro, was 1 windows packets, closed 2 funktions, called it home and sold full packet for more... as far as I know...


I can't afford a uber fast pc atm so i'll try to just upgrade my ram, thanks for the help greenfingaz :clap:


Originally posted by Wardevil
I run my DAoC with 3ghz P4, 512DDR and my ATI Radeon 9700 Pro. Runs very very smoothe :) No graphics bugs what so ever on my screen.

Even with my old com AMD 1900+ XP, 512DDR and still my ATI Radeon 9700 Pro it still went nicely exept when i was on big raids then it could go and be abit laggy :)

So it must be your driver or something because i cant se the bugs on my screen :)

what drivers are these ? ..... cuZ I used the newest downloadable ... which must be the best ...


Originally posted by Wardevil
I run my DAoC with 3ghz P4, 512DDR and my ATI Radeon 9700 Pro. Runs very very smoothe :) No graphics bugs what so ever on my screen.

Even with my old com AMD 1900+ XP, 512DDR and still my ATI Radeon 9700 Pro it still went nicely exept when i was on big raids then it could go and be abit laggy :)

So it must be your driver or something because i cant se the bugs on my screen :)

i use radoen 9700 me self havnt updated driver since i got me comp for bout a year ago and i dont have any problems either.
Only times i lag behind is if i alt+tab out with /stick on, but not enough to lose /stick :D


With my old Pc i had the same problem all the time. Now, no problem at all, although at times my Radeon 9800 can freeze the whole system (like earlier in a damned pbaoe :( )


Not read this full thread properly, but for anyones interest I have used the following on DAoC with SI over the last year (this is my home network) :

P4 2Ghz w 512Mb
AMD 1Ghz w 256Mb
P3 1Ghz w 256Mb

and tried the following cards in various combinations (ie. I tried them in different machines) :
GeForce 2 MX (16mb?)
ATI 8500 32mb
Geforce FX 5600 256Mb

and with various levels of drivers over the last 12 months.

My findings were that all 3 PCs ran the game smoothly (apart from high lag places like portal pad or entering Camelot) EXCEPT WHICHEVER MACHINE HAD THE ATI 8500 CARD RAN LIKE A BAG OF CRAP - Even the relatively old GeForce 2 left it standing !

The only other problem I've had recently was where my best machine (with the FX5600 now) got 1 frame per 30 seconds(!!) in various parts of the game (one in Snowdonia, one in Krondon entrance for example) but that went away with another driver upgrade.


Originally posted by Naewae
Not read this full thread properly, but for anyones interest I have used the following on DAoC with SI over the last year (this is my home network) :

P4 2Ghz w 512Mb
AMD 1Ghz w 256Mb
P3 1Ghz w 256Mb

and tried the following cards in various combinations (ie. I tried them in different machines) :
GeForce 2 MX (16mb?)
ATI 8500 32mb
Geforce FX 5600 256Mb

and with various levels of drivers over the last 12 months.

My findings were that all 3 PCs ran the game smoothly (apart from high lag places like portal pad or entering Camelot) EXCEPT WHICHEVER MACHINE HAD THE ATI 8500 CARD RAN LIKE A BAG OF CRAP - Even the relatively old GeForce 2 left it standing !

The only other problem I've had recently was where my best machine (with the FX5600 now) got 1 frame per 30 seconds(!!) in various parts of the game (one in Snowdonia, one in Krondon entrance for example) but that went away with another driver upgrade.

guess me and wardevil r just lucky with our ati raedon cards? or like greenfingers said it could be mystic forgot ati rules the market now? it could also be that u dont have the right service packs?


Radeon 9700 here, not OCed, running game in FSAA x4 and running smooth in zergs. There's nothing wrong with the card, just sometimes if 1 driver ain't good for yah you need to remove the old drivers first (unlike detonators you can just overwrite em each time) but with Radeon this can give some nasty errors and bugs when you don't clean first.

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