Specin a Pala



im getting pretty confused of where to go with my pala.now lvl 45.
45 slash. 36 chants 31 shield i think it is. im hearing i shouldnt max slash but go for 46 chants.
plz post and let us know which prolly is the best way to respec my charachter when the next patch comes.


Is a verty difficult question.

My Pala is

41 slash
48 chants
42 shields

Im happy with him but my damage sux. I was thinking to change to 2 H but 42 shied style (Slam) is cool.

In Emain 48 in chants dont seems to be a big help. But 1vs1 heal chant have saved my life a lot of times.


For what its worth I am specced 50 slash 42 shield 36 chants 13 parry. Works well for me but I might have to respec if End chant needs chants above 36 :)

Chants at 36 gives me enough healing to keep aggro if we're doing epic mobs and a decent AF buff for RVR (damage chant if we're Theurgless) personally I don't run the resist buffs since it is impossible to know what you're going to get hit with (and I've yet to see any real difference to mezz etc when using them).

For me the Pally's saving grace is Slam and RvR has been alot more fun since I got it (shield style level 42).


best template

Best template's imo this patch are :

1h : 50slash,42shield,38chants,10parry
2h : 50 2h,39slash,38chants,7shield,17parry

Post 1.53 :

46chants is a must ...the rest u fill in urself

I'm gonna respec next patch to 46chants already,cos its unsure that we will get another respec in 1.53


well here is my template
50 slash
48 chants
29 shields
13 parry

i sacrificed slam true, but ive never had it, ive always belived that if a char has a specific line you should spec it, thats what makes your char special. this spec isnt the best atm true i own at pve i got block moves that give me stuns and a bleed move with my weapon.
i belive this will be a good spec though post 1.53 but a warning to paliies diamond slash does not do much more dmg than ameythst and eats more endurance maybe 20 extra dmg so be careful speccing slash


Octanion was and my new paladin on alb/pryd is highdefense

50 template is

48 chants
42 shield
39 parry
21 slash

low dmg high durability, and no that is NOT a good RvR template for skirmishes and zergs, it rocks arse in PvE and keep takes/defenses however.

SoulFly Amarok

Re: best template

Originally posted by Hatjitjai
Best template's imo this patch are :

1h : 50slash,42shield,38chants,10parry
2h : 50 2h,39slash,38chants,7shield,17parry

Post 1.53 :

46chants is a must ...the rest u fill in urself

I'm gonna respec next patch to 46chants already,cos its unsure that we will get another respec in 1.53

Sun&moon chains from 2 styles, = not that good in rvr, and what I have heard, is that it doesn't do more dama than style X.

39slash 42 shield 46 chants 20 parry and 4 two handed is going to be my respec -_-

for a 2 hander, I would suggest to go for: 34slash 442handed 46chants and xx parry.


Funny to see how different Pallys are specced.
I'm Slash 31 (!), 2H 20, Shield 35, Chants 46 and parry 20.
Works fine both in PvE and RvR, not the greatest damage but I'm not complaining.


slash 44
chants 46
shield 42
parry xx

nuff said


Sun&moon chains from 2 styles, = not that good in rvr, and what I have heard, is that it doesn't do more dama than style X.

sun and moon wont get pulled off a lot of times,but 2H = offensive,u want to have the max dmg out of ur weapon
thats why 50

my spec is gonna be 42shield,44slash,46chants,3parry

3parry + 4 from rr + mastery of parry equals 13 parry


Re: best template

Originally posted by Hatjitjai
1h : 50slash,42shield,38chants,10parry

best all round pally spec atm imo


I am 2 handed and have 50 in 2 hand, although not alot more dmg the bleed lasts long enough to add to the damage. Several times ive been killed by someone only to watch as the guy falls down dead with bleed aswell.
If your gonna go 2 handed i'd recommend it, as if you spec in 2 hand you might aswell go for your max weapon damage.


specing pala

thx for all the ideas folk.

i think im ganna go 44 slash. 46 chants and 42 shield and whatever is spare for parry.


Saracen pally

Since I'm a saracen, I've given up trying to do much damage with it. So instead I'm gonna be a defensive pally. My spec is going to be something like slash 39, shield 42 chants 48 and rest to parry (15 I think). I'll probably be able to bring slash to 45 or so with items and I get the slam style, which is useful when protecting casters. It's also good to have high spec in shield, since the blocking and parrying in RvR is finally fixed in 1.53.



49 chants
49 2h
24 Crush

rest i dont remember =)


50 chants
50 2h
25 Crush + points what i have

Shield 1
parry 1

Im NOT going to solo in RVR, have others for that

just making sure group knows whats STICK/FOLLOW

and trying to attack with that group from side/rear to enemy, never straight, good battle 3 fgp vs 3 fgp , not 10 vs 1

so cleric buffs/heals , sorc mezz/speed, mincer mezz/speed, some other caster, maybe 1 cabby, rest tanks, Pally heals/resists/twists/prot casters = enemy DEAD , just kill them in right order =)


50chants gives u the uber no-chant fin...... 49 = last chant


pala spec'in

46 in chants is the last battle chant..which is a well nice chant, espeically if you have no theur or wizzy on hand to dish out the EB. But if you want to return the favour to your casting brethren 48 in chants.. 48 gives you the final group AF chant, which is completely capped for yourself but for the casters it gives them a huge bonus to there AF stats.

As for the rumours of a uber level 50 chant..They wont ever do it Fin:(

My pala is spec'd

Chants 46
Sheild 42
Slash 36
Parry 13

2 more levels to go, dont know how i will finish my pala...

Would like to know how any thrust palas are getting on with there damage, as i have given up with trying to do any with gimpy slash!

SighFi Gh 4X pala
Sighence 3X merc
Sci 1X minc
Sigh 1X scouty

Freedom within limitation, limitation within freedom :p


Bah so whhat that there is no new chants after 49 =)

But if i have read the code right, resist chants ( + items) r considered to have better resist agains the guy who tries to attack u, so that why when chants r on 50 + items, gives u better change to resist mezz/root/yells, made by lvl 50 ...dont know, and i havent actually desided do i make my chants to 50, we will c how it goes, if i get something good moves when speccing more to crush , i will do it, or parry, or something, i have desided to respec and i will not pu a point to shield, thrust, and i will have 12 slash and chants when i do /respec all

and as i have gained the slash points by auto, im not loosing any points when i do repsec, in the other hand a pally who is now specced to slash by putting points to it, cant change style, so turning to 2h slash will save me 77 points when speccing, but i think i wont do it anyway..

we will c, last time i counted , leaving chants to 49, will give me 1 points more crush or 2-3 points more parry, because im not going to spec shield -------

maybe i put some on parry, or more crush and leave chants 49....and maybe i leave 2h to 40 something, and not going for 2h 50.....its not time yet to read about it, repsec aint even close..


You might want to go 7 shield just to get engage, very useful


bah, when i use shield anyway, never...

as i said on some other thread, im not going to solo with muh pally so im usually in group in RVR, and there is some tanl who can do it, and its only to 1 caster, so if 2 tanks 4 casters, try to pick 1 =)

no no , no shield here

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