speccing over 50? 50+11 any use?



I'm making my SC template atm and would like some info on speccing above my 50 in thrust.

50 thrust against 50+11 thrust!!


url's with proof?

thx in advance


Have no URL for proof - can simply give you what I believe to be true.

The higher your total weapon spec is - the higher your weapon skill is.

The higher your weapon skill is:

a) The lower your damage variance is

b) The higher your damage cap is

c) The lower your chance to miss, be evaded/blocked/parried is.

I understand however that the difference is less once you go over 50 but still noticable.

I am an advocate of high weapon skill and have 47+12 myself and am very pleased with it.

If someone has the definitive answer I'd like to see my thoughts confirmed or corrected.


cant comment on the miss/block bit ...but for wizzies it lessens the damage variance


A TL tested this out and said the dmg variance is not really worth it speccing above 50 but maybe the weaponskill change IS.

I think it's important to not be evaded/parried a lot, so i'm going for 50+11


From the Camelot Herald, but in my own owrds because I can't be bothered to find the actual post.

For spell lines: Going over 50 spec decreases the damage variance you do (but doesn't increase the maximum possible, just means you're more likely to get the maximum.)

For weapon lines: Going over 50 increases your damage overall, by increasing your maximum possible damage (but doesn't decrease your variance).

For Stealth and Envenom: Going over 50 does nada.

For parry and shield: Increases your chancce to parry/block, also, see weapon for damage delt by shields when using styles.

Going higher in weapon specs, as far as I know, doesn't decrease your chance to be parried/blocked/evaded etc, and never has done. I'm willing for someone to prove me wrong, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I hit just as often as my healer (zero weapon spec) as my warrior friend does (50+9 weapon spec) so I really don't think it matters in that respect.



more spec = higher weaponskill = more hits landed
speccing above 50 gives 1,5% extra damage a point (more increase sub 50 aka deminished returns in speccing over 50 for this point)

weaponskill is very important

having 64 slash is kinda cool, 1329 weaponskill unbuffed and capping at 1732


Originally posted by Vell

Going higher in weapon specs, as far as I know, doesn't decrease your chance to be parried/blocked/evaded etc, and never has done. I'm willing for someone to prove me wrong, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

's true

I hit just as often as my healer (zero weapon spec) as my warrior friend does (50+9 weapon spec) so I really don't think it matters in that respect.


My zerker will parry/evade MUCH more against your healer, and he will miss very much more then the warrior.



Discussion about how weapon spec over 50 increases weaponskill about twice as much due to the fact it's not decreasing variance anymore.

Gist of the thread is that everyone who rely's on their weapon for most of their skill e.g. main tanks (maybe not S/S armsmen etc) would be a fool not to max their weapon spec.


Originally posted by Vell
Going higher in weapon specs, as far as I know, doesn't decrease your chance to be parried/blocked/evaded etc, and never has done. I'm willing for someone to prove me wrong, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I hit just as often as my healer (zero weapon spec) as my warrior friend does (50+9 weapon spec) so I really don't think it matters in that respect.

It was in a grab bag a while back. I can probably look it up later. Weapskill apparently plays a part in defensive rolls. It should not be overly difficult to test though.

However healers definately don't hit as much as tanks. Sorry, not in rvr, noway. :)


Date Posted: 11/5/02 11:18am Subject: RE: Champ's vs Hero's DMG
Here's what I posted to my guild board a while back, after a few days trying to reverse engineer the weapskill rating.


I thought I'd share a few of my findings about weapskill. I started looking into it when I realized how important it is in combat mechanics.

I ended up making a spreadsheet and worked out a formula that works for every level 50 class that I had data for. I had data for roughly 20 different class/skill/stat combinations, from mages to druids to rangers to assassins to heros. Stats from 100 to 300. Spec from 0 to 64. Lots of different combos, and so far I can approximate weapskill for all of them to within less than 5%

* Weapskill determines both whether you hit (i.e. get past block/evade/parry) and how much damage you do.

* The damage you do per swing is a direct function of your weapskill. Raise your weapskill by 5%, do 5% more dmg.

* Your chance to be blocked/evaded/parried appears to be a direct function of your weapskill. Raise your weapskil by 5%, you're blocked 5% less, parried 5% less, and evaded 5% less. (I don't have empirical data for this; will discuss my theory in later post, if any interest)

* Weapskill is a function of class, stat (str, dex, or combination, depending on weapon type), and spec.

* There are three types of classes that follow three different rules: The Unspeccables (e.g. druid, eldritch), The Tanks (e.g. those who get cheap Purge), and the Hybrids (e.g. all non-tanks who can spec a weapon). Tanks > Hybrids > Unspeccables (even with spec of 0). One exception to the rule: Archers seem to use the Tank numbers for their bow weapskill.

* Hybrids get roughly 65% as much Weapskill from speccing a weapon a point as Tanks do. In actuality, its a bit more, because of the following bullet point:

* Your weapons stat (i.e. str/dex) creates a multiplier that gets multiplied times the amount of weapskill you get from your spec. This means that increasing your blunt spec by 1 point with 200 str will give you less than increasing your spec by 1 blunt point with 300 str. In other words, each point of spec is worth more if you have higher str/dex. And each point of str/dex is worth more weapskill at higher spec levels.

* I've yet to see a weapskill reported over 1703. But it may go higher as people get higher realm ranks.

* The stat (i.e. str/dex) multiplier follows a straight curve from 50 to 300. There are NO diminishing returns in this range, despite what you see on the Herald.

* You actually get MORE weapskill per spec point over 50 than per spec point under 50. Roughly double. (This is bigtime against everything that Mythic has ever said. But believe me, its the only way the data I have fits) (edit: I suspect it may be to compensate for the fact that below 50, you get the added benefit of increased damage from reduced variance)

* A hybrid with 50 spec and 300 str will do more damage than a tank with 50 spec and 200 str. Buff(bot)s matter.

* At your typical cap levels around 50 (i.e. 50 spec in a weapon, 200ish of your primary stat), 6 points of your primary stat is equal to about 1 spec point in your weapon for Tanks. For Hybrids, 5 points. (cuz weap spec gives less gains for hybrids).

* At your typical cap levels around 50 (i.e. 50 spec in a weapon, 200ish of your primary stat), adding 6 points of your primary stat is equal to about a 1.5% gain to your Weapskill.


Zubey Woadeye, Celt Hero
Zolthar Zuberi, Elven Enchanter

for those who don't wanna read who;e thread, this is the important post



could you post a link to the grabbag you mentioned?

ps. Hi btw :)

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