Speccing an Infiltrator



I just started a new char in Albion that's an infiltrator and i worked out a speccing template for when i reach 50.

Now i just wanted to hear some opinions of people that are playing and inf and that have some experience with RvR and normal xp-ing with an inf.

Here i go:

Thrust: 36
Stealth: 50
Crit Strike: 50
Envenom: 30

Let me know what you think about it.



Im sure that you dont need to take Stealth to 50 ... I heard take it to 36 the you can get 11 with items and 3 with realm ranks. I would advise putting the extra points into thrust as it will help with your crit strike.....meaning you can do max dmg if you use a thrust weapon.

Im not an Infiltrator.....but i do have an alt who is one.:flame:


I believe that is right about stealth, and the norm tends to be to let it auto-train as much as possible, and then augment it with items/bonuses.

I would also recommend checking the moves that come last in the Critical strike line.. I think the final 1 is position/opening-based, and in many people's view has limited value as a result. Any points saved could be used in thrust or envenom (I really like envenom, I must say).

Also, a word on speccing through early levels. Many people (myself included) place too much early emphasis on stealth, probably because it looks cool :) If you want to have an easier time at lower levels, then concentrate in other areas to begin with... stealth CAN be used for PvE, but only with very limited value, and the points would likely be better spent on CS to begin with.

Key things at around level 30, if you want to start having some RvR fun would be to have stealth at level 25 (without items) to gain the climb walls ability, and our damage output gets quite a boost in the CS line with the perforate artery move (sorry, I forget the exact skill level required).

Hope these pointers are helpful.



The lvl 50 CS style is the 4th in an Evade chain. Not much chance of succeding with that in RvR :p
Better then to spec to 50 in Thrust and get those styles.
It's said that it's not worth going past 41 in CS, not above 39 in Stealth. (As long as Mythic doesn't change the bonuses)
You can get +4 from rank bonuses to a maximum of +11 (lvl50/5+1) with items.
Envenom is not worth upping to 50 either since you can still use poisons all the way up to 50 with items and rank bonuses only.

I made a template at catacombs, and it said you can take 4 lines up to 39 (and that was without autotraining) and still get around 30 in dual wield.

So.. Infils are truly the most allrounded assassin out there.

Unofortunately, nothing is sure about infils right now, as there are serious discussions about changing either this or that. Luckily, it'll take a while till i'm lvl 50 :p


Thanks for all the info guys, I'm going to rethink my infiltrator and see what i can accomplish with the spec points.

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