Speccing a Sorcerer



Hi everybody/matter/mind

I recently rolled a Sorcerer, it´s currently lvl 21 and quite interesting to play. However, I´m still not quite sure about the final template. After reading vnboards a bit, I found out (besides the fact that Sorcerers are whining even more about them being nerfed than Scouts on vnborads, which was quite an amazing experience for me) that there are almost more different templates than "I`m nerfed" threads. SP either a Sorcerer is an extremly versatile class, or most of the people on vnboards ain´t got a clue how to spec their Sorcerers. Just like me. That´s why I`m posting this.
Any advice on how to spec a Sorcerer from you high level Sorcerers out there? Currently I`m body/mind specced, since there seemed to be at least a small majority of people agreeing upon body being better than matter. What´s the pro´s and con´s from your POV? Any input welcome, thanks in advance!



when ever im asked i always tell people to go 41body 34mind

41body 34 mind - 2nd best dd, 2nd best aoe mezz, even con pet, 2nd best aoe root
3*body 44 mind - weak dd, best aoe mezz, even con pet, aoe root
4*body 24 mind - best dd, weak mezz, green con pets, 2nd best aoe root

left overs go into matter

its possible to replace body with matter to give u a ddsnare and 2 high hitting dots but whether u can justify losing the spec body dd,debuffs and aoe root.
however matter resist is less common than body resist - some of the resists on my body nukes is amazing

also you need to take into account soloing - if you wish to solo youll want enough in mind to get the best charm spells to get even con pets

people can argue for various spec but imo if your thinking of going 45body 24mind for the nukes then why not role a wiz?
also with going 44 mind your only geting a slightly better mezz radius yet losing aoe root and a decent dd
people though do say they get less resists on mezz by having 44 in mind rather than 34. This is odd because people believed mezz resists were based on target recipient level not level of the casting spell


check the spell list to find out at exactly what spec you get certain spells

im 41 body 34 mind - and its fine

basically do u want to solo? mezz well? nuke hard? take your pick and spec accordingly


apparently it changes to spell level versus player's level in the next patch or so.

basically no 44mezz=tons of resists

mythic doesnt like sorcerers for 2 reasons:

they can mezz

they are from albion


Originally posted by AdriXavier
people can argue for various spec but imo if your thinking of going 45body 24mind for the nukes then why not role a wiz?

Because they would trade:

low level Aoe Mezz
single target mezz
amnesia (useful for interrupting)

Broken Bolts
Aoe damage
low level Aoe root
low level gtaoe

I've got currently a full matter sorcerer (only level 25...) and it's not quite as gimp as I thought it would be :)

Was thinking 'hrm full matter - why not go a cabbie and get aoe dots..' but basically I get a DD/snare, more dex/qui debuffs than you can shake a stick at (woohoo, ok ignore them) runspeed and mezz :)

it's all single target... but still not bad.


Originally posted by Jiggs
apparently it changes to spell level versus player's level in the next patch or so.

the TLs have been saying that's a bug... it's pretty crappy if it's true :) (kinda kills everything Mythic have ever said about speccing to 50 being bad)


I'm currently specced 41 Body 34 Mind and quite like it. I've been tempted to go the 48 Body 24 Mind route, but don't think I'll bother just yet.

My spec gives a nice amount of utility, I can CC pretty well (2nd best AoE mez and best AoE root) and can also deal a bit of damage too.

Runspeed is a godsend and a yellow pet (actually, 'yellow' is debatable) is a nice bonus.

IMO you sacrifice a lot for the 44 Mind spec atm, although if this 'spell level affects resists' thing is true the 44 mez will be pretty nice I guess.

This site has useful pointers :


Get that Sorc to 50 Thorwyn, we need more of them ! :)


I enjoy my sorc a fair bit.
First I had it specced full mind, but then rvr was no fun. And I do like helping others, but as sorc you will die first in each fight. I would actually say that the emain pets should be left alone, cause they are a dead give away to get ganked first.
The lvl 44 mezz is now already much better, resisted a lot less (2 friends are 44 in mind spec), and as sorcs got nerved when their body damage was moved from matter damage to body damage, the damage output is not so great. Theurgs still enjoy matter damage I believe, and will outdamage you if specced air.
Yes amnesia is nice disrupt casters, but being able to do your job as main Albion mezzer would be even nicer. Lets put it mildly, giving Bard instant aoe mezz with same range as a sorc is just plain fucking Mythic stupid.
Even with the advantage of surprise, they will finish pressing instant aoe before I finish the aoe mezz cast. Then some elite skill hib caster will paralyse you, and you are dead.
Sorcs are versatile, but not really in the damage department.
Most sorcs do go 34 mind, rest body. Some go 44 mind. If the resists will go up with next patch I would like a respec :)
Regards, Glottis


Since sorcerers is albions prime CC char i'd beleive that full mind is the thing to go for.
Im full mind spec and get a lot less resist from mids and hibs after i got the 44 thing.
About making your nuke better: roll a wizz they nuke like gods.

Us sorcerers aint damage dealers IMO, we are mezzers and debuffers, and we do that better than anybody in the game if we get the chance to do it before the DAMN insta thing our opponent have.

I know that some people think that higher body is the way to go but its a matter of how you play: group or solo!

Solo players I beleive have to get more damage dealing than a group player who allways will be the main mezzer and debuffer.
Why do damage if you have group members that do that a lot better than you will ever get close of doing.

Full mezz make you dependent of a group, but again IMO I think I have a fair nuke and I got single DoT who most casters of enemy realm's dont like at all.

And it dont matter what way you choose coz you will allways be main target if your an avalonian, either your a wizz/theurg/cabby or sorc, atleast what I have experienced outthere.

And the matter of aoe DoT you can buy a RA that is unik for sorcerers, and make you quite some rp's if you think before you use it.

Dont know if I have left anything out here but IMO full mind is the way to go, and then deside if you want cool debuffs or the matter DoT that you allready got in your base line and is quite good.

Mazter Mind
Full mind and damn proud of it

P.S. Did I mention that I hate our opponents insta thing.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
more dex/qui debuffs than you can shake a stick at (woohoo, ok ignore them)

AE dex/qui debuff = significant damage output reduction on all casters hit, if the debuff is high spec....


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Theurgs still enjoy matter damage I believe, and will outdamage you if specced air.

Air Theurgist nukes are spirit based.


it all depends on how u want to play RvR imho
if u wanne help noobgrps farmin their rpz in emain go for a full mind spec (thrust me u wont get any rpz)
unless u find urselve a good grp with skilled playerz, then ull be a major benefit for the grp

34mind/rest body is like something in between
its a spec wich allows to have more fun with ur sorc in general

24mind rest body is what im runnin atm
wich gives u more nukin power but wich is greatly deminish body resists

but then again i tend to avoid zergz
same as most alb sorces cuz plantin a perfectly placed ae mezz is signin your own death pact :D

matterspec i havent tested yet
but imho DoT and sorces dont go along
(same as that ae insta dot RA , wtf did goa implement this to our sorc class? so greedy lill fuckerz would press their uber RA sprint away and farm those dearly beloved rpz)
wer build for CC

if u wanne annoy a caster baseline dot em (maby even with a matterdebuff from ur bodyline) or send ur pet
ae dext/quick debuff (same one u find in teh body line)
only thing wich is left is teh ae snare
but im wondrin if its worth sacrificin a semi decent nuke,great elementaldebuufz(60% extra damage output), a strong ae root(wich cant be demezzd)

btw for lvlin 34mind rest body will get u 50asap
respec then if needed :)

btw fully agree on u mazter, if albs learn to play RvR ill respec immediatly
but then again it isnt the case

Molten Lava

Sorc spec

Tested a lot with the bigged /respec all and all I can say is I like my current template best:

44 mind, rest body

Is very nice in RvR (hardly any resists) you still nuke for 250-300 (unless enemy has 40+% resist) and you are also very good to help lowbies in the guild level (which can be nice) Also the lvl 50 (or debuffed lvl 44?) pet is wonderful I even soloed some firbies with that....stops them running and especially the noobs dont know what to do and keep hitting the pet in stead of you. I even killed Floret last night in DF with it (moehwhahahaha)

I tried: 34 mind, rest body = better DD but less Mezz (and you really notice that!) DD damage goes up to 300-400 (if lucky) not worth it imho

I tried: 24 mind, rest Matter = Dot sucks, no good pet and unbelievable crappy mezz. Stick to the RA-dot and you will be happy enough....

thats what I think...off course play what you like...not wot other people say...


Originally posted by old.LandShark

AE dex/qui debuff = significant damage output reduction on all casters hit, if the debuff is high spec....

coo :) now they're instant they're not actually that bad :) worth casting anyway.
maybe I go body/matter spec and get 3 of them.

I tell you only one thing a sorc needs now - GTAoE dex/qui debuff! :)


Originally posted by fl-gorre
iif u wanne annoy a caster baseline dot em (maby even with a matterdebuff from ur bodyline) or send ur pet
ae dext/quick debuff (same one u find in teh body line)
only thing wich is left is teh ae snare
but im wondrin if its worth sacrificin a semi decent nuke,great elementaldebuufz(60% extra damage output), a strong ae root(wich cant be demezzd)

I'd have to agree :) Telekinesis is still missing ... something...

the dd/snare is single target - were it aoe it'd be a nice RP farmer (or if they threw in an aoe version)

double dots can be pretty nasty - if you can get them off you're doing a lot of damage.

I'm not sure how much the top dots do but I've heard about 125 damage per tick ones...

125*4 (base)+ 125*6 (spec)= 1250 damage
if they don't get healed that's gonna hurt :)

If I can ever find some groups in the mid-twenties I'll get my sorc levelled up and see how he fares in RvR :) (he kicked arse in the battlegrounds, but that's not hard...)

need to decide whether I want 50 matter 20 mind for the most evil dots or 41 matter 34 mind (yay pet, they're a PITA to get but they're cool)


These damage numbers are all very cute, but you're forgetting resists.

The base DoT has never done more than 80-ish a tick in RvR on yellow cons.

Apparently, the AEDoT RA is based on your matter spec and has only done around 130dmg a tick max to yellow cons. I have around 8+something in matter, though.

So every 30mins you can pretend to be a level 30ish cabalist! WOO!

I am going to respec the DoT away to get purge and some more nice passive RAs. It really isn't worth 14 points. Noone is sure of the range or AoE of the damn thing, it makes everyone you hit mezz immune and all it is REALLY good for is killing a group of greys in DF. :/

My spec is 34 mind, 41, body and 8 matter. This is fairly common and I love it simply because it's very versatile.

As said before by others, with this spec you get second best AoE root, second best AoE mezz, second best DD. All very handy but you need to be in a great group to really make the most of it.

It's a great spec for PvE soloing though, with lots of nice tools thrown in like amnesia, confusion, debuffs and so on. And a yellow-con pet.

Pet's are useful in RvR for interrupting and annoying casters. Send pet...let then try to QC CC it and then use your amnesia. Mwahahaha. DoT is good for casters...every little helps whilst you are nuking them for 179(-214). :/

The second best DD is good but a lot of people have maxed body resists, especially in groups with the right support classes. So I see a LOT of numbers like the ones above. Pain in the ass. Because of this, I firmly believe that anyone who has went to full body just to get the best DD has kinda gimped themselves. Hitting for 205(-185) instead of 179(-214) isn't worth loosing the pet, AoE mezz and so on for. :)

Anyway, stick to full mind from now on until you get 34 in it. Then go all into body. Easy peasy.



Thanks all for the input folks, much appreciated. Seems like 41 body, 34 mind, 8 matter (or 35 mind, 4 matter, dunno yet) is it for me. One problem in low/medium levels these days is, that it´s pretty hard to find a decent group, so I´ll have to concentrate on soloing to a large extend.

Oh, any hi Lotheranidd! :) Long time no see m8. A belated grats on 50!!!

50 Pally
37 Scout
24 Wiz
21 Sorc


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
The base DoT has never done more than 80-ish a tick in RvR on yellow cons.

Apparently, the AEDoT RA is based on your matter spec and has only done around 130dmg a tick max to yellow cons. I have around 8+something in matter, though.

So every 30mins you can pretend to be a level 30ish cabalist! WOO!
Considering sorcerers report soloing tanglers with just the one RA dot - that seems unlikely (it takes 2 casts of the aoe dot to get the tanglers as a level 46 tanglers unless I've read something wrong somewhere...)

but anyway :) my level 40 earth wiz does 90 damage a tick with his level 35 DoT - in RvR this is, not on monsters. Sure resists are going to factor - but 850(-400) is still not bad :) resists make everything bad.

I am going to respec the DoT away to get purge and some more nice passive RAs. It really isn't worth 14 points. Noone is sure of the range or AoE of the damn thing, it makes everyone you hit mezz immune and all it is REALLY good for is killing a group of greys in DF. :/

Probably right about that :) it's just an AoE DoT - probably not worth 14 points. Good for a giggle. Purge would be more useful.

My spec is 34 mind, 41, body and 8 matter. This is fairly common and I love it simply because it's very versatile.

I think that's probably the best spec for a sorc, if you don't mind getting pets :) I would never recommend anyone follow any of my specs ;) I like to go for the 'gimp' specs and see if they're really that bad.

Anyway, stick to full mind from now on until you get 34 in it. Then go all into body. Easy peasy.

I'd recommend against that - go as much mind as you need to get the even con pet, and throw the rest in body, makes life far easier at the lower levels (not a clue at the high levels - but you'll have minidings by then :)) and you end up on 32 mind at level 40 with the rest in body. by 44 you have level 34 mezz and level 30 aoe root - perfect for tanglers, and you'll have good variance on your lifetaps, and a low-cost spec DD (not overly powerful but handy for assisting your pet) to do damage with...

another option is to go all body till level 20 then respec out of it :)


Oh, any hi Lotheranidd! Long time no see m8. A belated grats on 50!!!

Thanks Thor, yes it has been a long time so grats on 50 to you too :)

It took me a while to get there - I've slaughtered those poor pygmies by the thousand :D


Your gonna be Soo gimped with 41body, 34mind ;)...

uber dmg -> 50matter, rest into mind...

Gimped CC -> 44mind, rest body or matter...

Dont go any other way


If you are not completly sure about how to spec go 34 mind / 41 body, you can't go wrong.


Persenaly I would never go above 34 mind, it gives very little return ( only 1 usefull spell ) and the 24 or 34 AE mezz will do in allmost all situations.

Us sorcerers aint damage dealers IMO, we are mezzers and debuffers

I m sick of hearing that over and over again, same was said about clerics so there smite was nerved and most are now at atk becouse there owner couldn't play any more as they wanted.



44 mind / 31 body: yellow pet, best AE mezz, good AE root, ok nuke: Only take this if you want to have the best cc

44 mind / 31 matter: yellow pet, best AE mezz, ok DD + snare, ok dot: Very good mezz + you can snare your target

34 mind / 41 body: yellow pet, good AE mezz, good AE root, good nuke: Balanced spec, 2 AE CC spells, will fit most playstyles.

34 mind / 41 matter: yellow pet, good AE mezz, good DD + snare, good dot: Balanced spec, damage and CC in on spell ( DD+ snare).

24 mind / 45 body: green pet, weak AE mezz, very good nuke, very good AE root: for people who like to do a lot damage and limited CC

20 mind / 50 matter: green pet, nearly useless AE mezz, very good DD + snare, devestating dot's: It all depends on how you want to play, but won't recomer it if you want to CC.

I m 34 mind / 41 body, but will respec next patch to 34 mind / 41 matter, becouse DD + snare, on matter resist, nice dot's and becouse I allmost never use the AE root ( some will flame me for this one :p


Some notes:

body DD and live tap: Are on body resist so high resist becouse they include: mezz, stun, isnta DD, at next patch poisens, ... So every one want them capped.

matter DD + snare and dot: Are matter resist, there are only a few matter spell, so they are in most cases not capped



purge: All CC sorc should have this, only way to get a mezz off after you where insta mezzed.

ra dot: Some like it, others not. It does ~1000 damage in 30 sec ( ~100 * 10 ticks), 350 area, 1500 range, insta, 30 min timer.
It's the most damaging spell in daoc, and I realy like it :D
( and yep you can solo the whole tangler tree with it ;)


Specing a sorc totaly depends on how you want to play: CC, balanced or damage.

Sorcerer is a realy hard class to play and lvl, but if you play well it is very satesfection and you are a very big bonus to the group, what ever tempate you use.


tbh DoT and sorces dont go along
one way or the other they simply dont
i mean we are a CC class
baseline matter dot gives us a tool to bug casters
sorces got tons of tools actually
i played many classes by now and tbh i luv sorc for its versability
on those othe classes i had one active qb set
in decent fight i easly toggle between 2-3 qbz
pvE or pvp u can do whatever u want
ganked down 20 purp/red granite elders in dm at teh same time with only one fg with confusion
disablin all hib/mid casters with amnesia spam so alb grp could gank down outnumbrd enemys

if u wanen CC in zergz go for 44mind
34mind will give u soem resists wich u will have to qc ae mezz em and leave the fuckers who got purge to gank u
but with 44mind mind ull get bored shitless unless u find urselse some decent grpz to go RvR zergin altough ull be a major benefit to albion
34mind41something is just a persenal flavour, u got bored of just mezzin so u sepc urselve to get a better nuke or better pve experience
but it still lets u be able to get your 50ish pet
main body/matterspecs are rather ment for soloin sorces

btw to all sorces out there
lose that freggin ae dot ra
might farm u soem rp once in a while but its not worth it
ur a CCer goddamit not a cabby who fuckz up your perfectly placed mezz
rather use it for aug dext or purge or a high mcl to keep ur amesia spamming


BTW don't look at VN boards its only whining

here are a lot sorc posting ( inc TL )


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Considering sorcerers report soloing tanglers with just the one RA dot - that seems unlikely (it takes 2 casts of the aoe dot to get the tanglers as a level 46 tanglers unless I've read something wrong somewhere...)

Report or you've SEEN? :p Being able to kill a tangler pull once every 30 minutes with a 14 point RA is a bit stupid anyway, considering it can be done with a telamon and a buffbot...

but anyway :) my level 40 earth wiz does 90 damage a tick with his level 35 DoT - in RvR this is, not on monsters. Sure resists are going to factor - but 850(-400) is still not bad :) resists make everything bad.


See that for an AMG stand-off. The one guy I killed and was hitting for 100+ dmg is around lvl 45 now.

Barda who got hit for 130 on tick is at lvl 42 now.

Rath is a lvl 50 and was hit for 59, 76, 75 etc...

Mind you, my other screenshots show that I went on to kill Barda (lvl 42), Terminus (lvl 50 druid) and Graanuonn (lvl 45).

850/90 is how many ticks, exactly? Sorc DoT is something like 6 ticks or around that. In RvR, my DoT is yet to do more than 80 on a lvl 50 ANYTHING. So probably best if you don't try and compare different classes with similar spells. I have 8+10 in matter, as well. Pffft.

Probably right about that :) it's just an AoE DoT - probably not worth 14 points. Good for a giggle. Purge would be more useful.

Respecced to purge last night. Woo! Handy.

The DoT would be nice if it either cost 14 points but didn't break any kind of CC or if it cost something like 4 points and had some actual DATA on it when you delved it. Pffft. Useless fucking RA icons...



it nice being in a group with someone when they hit that RA DoT tho, its a real RP farmer if you go on to win the fight

the best time i have seen it used is when i was in a group with ambrosius and some hibs were bashing crauch trying to retake it:

50hibs bashing door + that DoT and we got a ridiculous amount of RP (something like 4-5k in a couple of minutes)

it does have its uses...

does it stack with the cabalist one?


It stacks, yes.

But for 14 points the uses are limited and it will negate the other most important contribution you have to offer in emain: CC.

Well, I suppose you can debuff and whatnot but if there are 50 Hibs on a keep door, I wouldn't recommend going on the ramparts again if you survive the initial instacast of your DoT. :p



Report or you've SEEN? :p Being able to kill a tangler pull once every 30 minutes with a 14 point RA is a bit stupid anyway, considering it can be done with a telamon and a buffbot...

You can solo the whole tangler tree with it, I ve done it ;)

It all depents on how much RA points you have, but if you have all the essential it is nice to have the dot.


- helps a lot in seiges
- insta, so you can use it on the run and breack speed buff on runners
- trow it on a assasin that is running away
- after the mezzes are broken, cast ik on the enemy's who are left
- rp farmer ( at a mid relic raid on excal I got more then 4K after I casted the dot in one big mid zerg, with 3 in the group )


- if you don't use it smart it can turn against you
- 30 min timer
- 14 RA points

ra dot: Some like it, others not. It does ~1000 damage in 30 sec ( ~100 * 10 ticks), 350 area, 1500 range, insta, 30 min timer.


Apparently, if you die then it stops ticking...


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