Speccing a Shadowblade



I am losing it.

I am now at lvl 25 and think it's about high time I make a decision but have no idea where to start.

I like the idea of CS/Stealth but then the questions are:
  1. do I also need to put points in Sword and Left Axe (I use double wielding)?
  2. If so it will take me forever to get to a decent spec level and I have no hope in hell of ever reaching 39 in 4 different categories (Sword, Left Axe, CS and Stealth). Or have I ?
  3. Does it make sense to put everything in CS and stealth (at least to 25 stealth) and leave Sword and Left Axe alone (13 at the moment I think) or is the efficiency of critical strike dependant on the weapons level too ?
  4. If I leave Sword and Left Axe to about level 15 or something, do I still stand a chance of successfully fast-killing my enemies (meaning 3-4 hits max, and of course, 1-2 hits being ideal)?
  5. Is envenom worth developping to its full or can I take it to approximately 20 and leave it there ?

    There are loads of posts with very developed sites that tell me of statistical differences between dble wielding (weaker but faster), 2handed and so one, but the difference in advantages seem marginal... so:
  6. Is there a risk of me botching up completely and ending up with an inefficient character in RvR because I have made all the wrong choices :uhoh:




Go there, a great character builder. Remember that this uses the US patches so Shadowblades get 2.2 spec points per level. You'll recieve your extra points when the next patch goes live in EU.


ehm why put points in sword and left axe? That is gimping your char a bit. Its better to use Axe and left Axe because at higher lvls the Axe gives bonussus to left axe skill and visa versa.

I would go for 2 handed Axe/Sword or axe and left Axe.

Thufire, lvl 4x shadowblade


>do I also need to put points in Sword and Left Axe (I use double >wielding)?

If making a shadowzerker FORGET about sword.

>If so it will take me forever to get to a decent spec level and I >have no hope in hell of ever reaching 39 in 4 different >categories (Sword, Left Axe, CS and Stealth). Or have I ?

It's entirely possible (with items) to get a level 50 maxxed out 5 spec shadowzerker template. LA, CS, Axe, Stealth, and Envenom.

>Does it make sense to put everything in CS and stealth

You need stealth for any type of blade. End of story. The max you need at level 50 is 36 stealth - with RR4 and items you can take it to 50. You don't get bonuses on anything over 50 with stealth.

>Is envenom worth developping to its full or can I take it to >approximately 20 and leave it there ?

Like I said above, don't bother with it till later levels. And then yes, take it to 36 which is the max u need - with items and RR4 u can take it to 50 which allows u to use the best venom - lifebane.

>Is there a risk of me botching up completely and ending up with >an inefficient character in RvR because I have made all the >wrong choices

No matter what people tell you, it's VERY hard to completely gimp a blade. Esp with the upcoming 'respeccing' patch that allows you to completely redo your template - which you will need to do to get rid of that 15 in sword.


Posting your current spec would be helpful :D

If you want to make a CritBlade dont bother with L Axe just do full Axe or Sword(2hand) Keep CS max because it adds to the max damage even past level 50. But if you have added to L Axe,

For a Mix of Zerker/Crit most use

Stealth :36
With Realm rank + items you can get this to Lvl 50 nps

Evenom :29
+evn Items let you use better Poisons unlike other +to skill items

Crit Strike :34
Give you Perforate Artry and the follow up Style Creeping Death(stun style)

Sword/Axe :39
High main hand avrg damage

Left Axe :39
Give you Frosty Gaze(stun style) used after Come Back(Used after Evade)

Thats without any auto train in stealth

Hope it Help

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