spawn killing?



Iwo Jima, defending as Axis.

Gunning people down when they spawn on the beach. Strict definition, spawn killing. My take, all part of the game.

US army: "Please stop shooting at us so we can land on your island"



Nah I reckon it's ok. If you don't kill em then they're just gonna run up the ramp and kill you so it's a life or death situation :)


Yes slightly annoying when you are the Yanks, but then just what are the Japs sposed to do? tis sposed to be war after all.

Unless all the Allied ships are sunk (unlikely) there is nothing forcing anyone to spawn there, and nothing forcing landing craft to land there either so they should use a little imagination and go somewhere else.



this is not tfc or q3f, its kill kill dm strut you stuff all out war.

you read the rules on BY servers? no dm ing in nomans land dont hinder them from getting there objectives done.

like hell i say tank duals playing chicken in jeeps, run them over when they not looking or reloading, spamming the beech heads with everything, shooting at the poor unlucky ones in the water
dive bombing, hell do what it takes to stop em..

Scooba Da Bass

I think I agree with Wildie, I just dunno what he said.



its simple confusion is a great weapon.

actually blueyonder their rules on how to play on there gaming servers.

some ppl tend to think that rule applies to all servers world wide and every type of fps game no spawn killing.
go read there rules you see where its comming from, and why i say kill all do all you can to stop em from achiving there goals.

we dont want that here do we.


Erm ... exactly, I think.

I only asked because I had a terrible pang of guilt after I mowed the same bloke down three spawns in a row and he got upset.

"Fs, spawn killer"

"Fs, I've capped another flag"


Surely there's a point where it stops being good tactics, and starts being... well, for lack of a better word... "lame" ?

Earlier this afternoon people were happily riding their tanks* into un-cappable bases and killing the few people who spawned, while the majority of their enemies were out eating through what little defence there was left...

[* - TankS... plural... at one point there were 3 tanks, and 2 infantry running around a base that hardly anyone was spawning in]

I've explained that poorly, but basicly half of one team was sitting in the enemy base, while most of the other was dominating the game....

I try to stay out of the uncappable bases, unless I'm stealing something from them... while this is a war game, it's a game more than it is a war, and it's hardly fun for either the spawn camper or the person being killed if the game is just "spawn, kill, spawn, kill..."


It's fair to say that spawn camping isn't exactly the best tactic for winning a match, but in the example, the allies had two spawn points - the beach and the airfield, as well as all ships.

Other people on the team were busy dealing with the airfield, and I was making sure that anyone spawning at the beach couldn't cap the points up the hill. As cask says, if they aren't going to use their imagination, and insist on spawning in a hot zone, I don't see anything wrong with defending my area.

If I'd been sniping players in a different spawn from the other side of the map, would I have also been accused of spawn killing?

And yes, it is a game, and I like to win :)

Scooba Da Bass

Jo, I don't see why that's a problem for you? Surely if the guy's getting a few kills in the uncappable base that's less attackers/defenders for you to face?


My personal feeling on this - do what the hell you like. The aim of the game is to cap flags and reduce the enemy's ticket count to zero. Taking all the flags and sitting around like a bunch of numpties while they regroup at their uncapable base is just plain ludicrous - especially on maps where they have an uncappable one, and your team doesn't. Your team needs to maintain their momentum and push home its advantage.

Kursk is a classic example - all to often the enemy commit all their troops to capturing the middle two spawns leaving their base and all of their tanks/planes unguarded. If this was the situation in real war, the resistance would be in their like a shot causing mayhem and confusion and I see no difference in me being the thorn in their side and sneaking in to steal a tank and use it to cripple their resources.

Its a simple rule... if your team dont want the enemy running rampage in its base, then organise a defence. If your team can't hold a flag and its surrounding area properly, then perhaps they ought to be content with reinforcing others they already own and letting this one go.




think about it you cant spawn camp in conquest its take the point or die, beside how in hell are you going to capture there last point, theres only one left which is capable ie wake springs to mind, the allies are stuffed they dont have a protected point, so therefor its inpossable to say spawn camping is unfair its part of it, otherwise you cant win if you dont


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Jo, I don't see why that's a problem for you? Surely if the guy's getting a few kills in the uncappable base that's less attackers/defenders for you to face?

I wasn't on their team in that example... I was hiding somewhere high up as a sniper watching people sit in my teams base doing jack bunnies.

I can see the tactical value of attacking an un-cappable base when your team holds all the flags, but when you hardly have any and the other team is fast taking them, I don't see why you need a force of several tanks sitting in an area of the map where nothing is happening.

Spawn camping as a "we have all the flags... now what ?" tactic is fine, but having it as priority one when a new round starts is just daft... put your efforts towards getting the flags, THEN head to the enemy spawn. :)


Right but what he meant I think is that if half their team was occupied camping your base, you'd have an easier time taking and defending flags from them.


What about maps like Berlin, where one can spawn camp and have more or less unlimited grenades at some spawns? I know that those spawns can be avoided, but its annoying if there is just one spawn left and its that spawn.

To be honest, I do not like that grenade spamming - it's not fun gameplay wise for both sides.

As for harassing the enemy in their base - that's fair imo.


Ah, read it wrong. :)

It's still no fun though... it was like playing a game where one team had 3x as many players as the other.
Winning's all well and good, but the "[whatever] victory" screen is only up for about 20 seconds, while the game itself can last 20 minutes... most of the fun comes from the fight, (for me at least) and "take flag, move to next one, take flag, move to next one, kill one defending player using your fleet of 2 tanks, 2 snipers, artillery and assault troops, take flag, move to next one" is less fun than "spawn, kill, spawn, kill".

I like games that seem "war-ish", where no one team are dominating, people seem to be working together, and flags keep changing hands... in games like that there's pretty much no space for spawn camping...
Funny games are always good too... last night was great fun working together with Deady, and a fantastic fight over a tank on Omaha beach with cdr. :)
That damn "chat message bursts" nonsense needs fixing... it's hard to be social when you have no idea what people are saying until 10 minutes after it's said... people should be more friendly, makes the game lots better. :)

*veers wildly off the subject*

Need sleep... making no sense...

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