Spam makes ill.


Uncle Sick(tm)

I have no idea what the matter with you spamming fucktards is - honest.

This forum was NOT put up to give you dipshits spamming opportunities.

If you are too stupid to use mirc, download MSN... a three year old could install it... on the other hand - if I look at the shit you are posting, I doubt you'd have any idea what to do with it.

Oh- everyone had a good go at SFX because of his mindless drivel/one liner/one word/emote spam shit replies.

Well- you are not any fucking better.

Gombur finally gets a grip and starts posting like a normal person again... then Pathfinder starts leaving his brain at home.

Just look at the last replies.
Does it give you a kick to see you name all over the fucking forum?

I know you give a shit but you make this forum utterly unenjoyable.


Well i guess we enjoy seeing our names as much as you enjoy using the bad language you use. So i guess we are all as brainless.

old.Gombur Glodson

it is getting to much now in the beginning it was kindy fun but its just lame now
the only thing that will be accomplished is the closing of this forum and that wouldnt matter to much since every post gets turned in to lame crap oneliner
I did it myself yes and not proud of it so I have to agree with sickofit here

Uncle Sick(tm)

You know what? I use bad language to kind of amplify my points... it should fill you with pride that I unpacked my filthiest insults for you, *cough* face.

Your problem is - you think your blabla is witty.
Well, it's not.

You just make yourself look like the *cough* that you are.
Way to go, *cough* nir.


lol, well you really crack me up, oooohhhh, and i saw you found a way to close your own thread, wow.
That took you time...

*Cough* nir wow thats witty, wonder what you come up with next?

Nice one Damini, could't keep myself on the chair, where laughing to hard...

- Pathfinder -

I'm immensely impressed by your verbal eloquence. Granted, quite a few of my posts in some of the threads here have been, ah, a tad silly :) The fact that you're agigation has reached these levels though, is rather amusing. The way you express yourself certainly is.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Oh... how nice that you are so calm and collected about it, Pathfinder. I salute you. It's not like about 95% of your posts in the OT are utter crap without any content.

And Fafnir.. guess what - I closed threads before..
and guess what else? Perhaps I left my thread in the Newby section up just in case a new player might have a question CONCERNING THE TOPIC.

Thanks for your 1 minute attention span. Retard.


Well if you took that minute and thought about what i would do if you kept on insulting my, maybe you will get the answer..

Uncle Sick(tm)

Oh... see? I am shivering in fear.

What can you do, little man? Oh.. please. Tell me... wait. I'll have to insult you again first, dork boy.

Now get me banned, wannabe-spamgod.

[Edit] I'm waiting... c'mon. I am too old to be exposed to stress.
Oh! Oh! I know what you are doing RIGHT NOW!! You are writing a PM to TedTheDog!!!
Make sure you remove your spammer avatar first.

Oh! Oh!! Another one! You are PM'ing Kemor to get my account frozen!!!

C'mon hurry up... need another insult to get you going, eh?


Well go on and insult me, wonder what you get out of it cause you hate spam so much..... I think there is some one else that talks to much. But you only try to justify your spam.

Uncle Sick(tm)

*yawn, yawn, yawn*

Fafnir, the hilarious. Funny. Really... every time I post a "stop your spamming, retard", you are going for the "you are justifying your own spamming" routine, Mr. Oh-So-Innocent.

If your spamming wasn't so bloody annoying, I would just laugh about you, clown.


Ok, you really need to stop this fueding.

It *IS* intensely annoying when every thread degenerates into spam. It doesn't show any respect to the people that start the threads, or any respect to the over all forum. I know, naturally all conversation tends to tangent, its human nature, but you can at least try not to. I tried to say this before, in a semi light hearted way, but it seems not to have worked. This place is YOUR forums, and I'm glad you feel at home (finally, you grumpy bastards), but that doesn't mean that just because you feel at home you can commence territorial pissings, kick off your shoes and slouch around with your verbal beer guts hanging out. Sickofit seems to have had a temper tantrum, and due to the swearing fit he's not allowed anything else with colourings in it for a whole week, and he's had his wrist slapped, but You Must Understand Why He Lost His Temper In The First Place.

Frankly, I've heard some more profound conversations by pulling the strings on G.I. Joe before than some of the banality thats been gushing in here.

I like beer.

Beer is good.

Mmm. Beer.

Heh. Beer.

Spam is good. Heh.

Spam. lol.

I mean, honestly. I've had deeper interaction with a bot in IRC by mistake!!

So, please, do enjoy these forums, but please don't just treat them as somewhere where you can disengage the brain and type one word scrabble responses. I tried saying this is a jovial way, but even that thread got spammed, and so my temper is beginning to fray. I'm not particularly targetting you Fafnir, but the whole issue as a whole.


Originally posted by sickofit...
*yawn, yawn, yawn*

Fafnir, the hilarious. Funny. Really... every time I post a "stop your spamming, retard", you are going for the "you are justifying your own spamming" routine, Mr. Oh-So-Innocent.

If your spamming wasn't so bloody annoying, I would just laugh about you, clown.

Hmmm please tell me where i written that i do not spam, yes i spam, i openly admit it.

Uncle Sick(tm)

/looks at Spamnir's post... coincidentally being right under Damini's post

I hope you feel really, really childish now.

And yes- I threw a hissy fit. I do that from time to time... and I, at least, had the balls to say "Sorry, Damini... it was over the top" (though pushing button brings out our true selves, doesn't it...?).

I hope our spammers here feel the same obligation.


Personally I think most of the problems on this board would go away if that site with that pie crap on was taken down and somebody removed the cow icon.

It's a real shame to enjoy threads one day and come back the next to realise it's turned subject and everybody is now talking about pies.

I really hate that thing and is responsible, I feel, for the recent shite that's clogged my computer up.


Originally posted by sickofit...
/looks at Spamnir's post... coincidentally being right under Damini's post

I hope you feel really, really childish now.

And yes- I threw a hissy fit. I do that from time to time... and I, at least, had the balls to say "Sorry, Damini... it was over the top" (though pushing button brings out our true selves, doesn't it...?).

I hope our spammers here feel the same obligation.

Why would i fell more childish then i am. Well and you go on insulting me. Well if you want to do that its all up to you.
I dont condone my spamming here, but sometimes it's such a relief to come here, to OT now days and kick of my shoes.

Soz, Damini and Brinx. But sometimes it's hard to keep from typing as you have seen there are a few of us with this problem.

Well and some topics, are almost impossible to answer with more than one line.


well, i have played a part in this spamming, and tbh i dont like it anymore.

im sorry i, or we, or anyone ever did it, because now everyones trying to kill each other.

no longer is sickofit using :wub: emotes, instead he is swearing and telling people to ram their f***ing heads up their retarded arses.

but anyway, now for the i told you so's.


didnt i say hed leave us all in here to start hating each other and then let us rip each other apart? didnt i?

well, until this crap clears up ill be poking around in the general forum.

carry on with the flamefest. :flame:

- Pathfinder -

Bots have feelings. At least our Frip does. I think.


Hmm, I find this quite funny actually... you know why? Well... when I stop spamming these boards sickofit loses his temper :D
Ah well... I guess some others continued on with my traditions although you must take not that I have posted quite a damn lot less lately and I will be keeping it that way since next week Monday my summer vacation ends and I really will not have time for writing useless gibberish anymore. Twas fun though, while it lasted... sorry if any got annoyed :rolleyes:


Not one to apologise.

Ok, so maybe i spammed. Every Flacker around here did it sometimes.

Ok, now i don't spam anymore. Not saying the past isn't there but it's the flacking past.

Ok, not saying that i hate Sickofit...(tm) 'cause he's so darn cute when he gets angry :p

Ok, flack it all and let's get violent.

Ok, ever wonder how many things i can start with an Ok?

Ok, last one so i'll make it count, not gonna change, gonna spam if i happen to get the damn urge to do so, not gonna spam jsut to annoy people, not gonna apologise for doing something, nto gonna kiss Sickofit...(tm)'s ass just 'cause he threw a hissyfit and i doubt he even wants that, apology or kiss on the ass and for flacks sake, flack sounds more rude then fuck. :D

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