South Park Vs Dark Age of Camelot

  • Thread starter Ninth Dimension
  • Start date

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Those guys are uber talented! :-O


Ehhhh what is next..peopel posting birthday photo's form there grandmom's birthday ???




U sure u used photoshop ? You could of just copy+pasted them using standard paint!



I see fanboi printed all over his forehead :p

Seriously, the "jokes" weren't funny... replacing em with southpark figures doesn't make the situation better.


Originally posted by Trahg
I see fanboi printed all over his forehead :p

Seriously, the "jokes" weren't funny... replacing em with southpark figures doesn't make the situation better.

works for tv :/


Hmm well actually, those matrix pictures is teh funneh!

Ninth Dimension

Well, a mixed reaction, but at the end of the day - I don't care! I didn't make the images for you, i made them for me.

I didn't use PhotoShop (truth is i don't know how to) i used Paint Shop Pro 8.

I'm not a fanboy, i'm anything but (i quit playing DAoC a few months ago). I'm only used DAoC screenshots because they looked good (as for WoW, well i admit i'm looking forward to it, but how can someone be a fanboy of something that's not even been released yet?)

If you liked the joke, great, if not, so what, as i said before, i made them for me.

oh, and regarding the whole south park aspect.... i'm in no way an artist, so I cheated and used the South park Studio to make the little characters.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again, some people moan at anything (ya know, if you didn;t like the images, you could have just shut up and let the people who did like them comment).


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
I'm not a fanboy, i'm anything but (i quit playing DAoC a few months ago). I'm only used DAoC screenshots because they looked good (as for WoW, well i admit i'm looking forward to it, but how can someone be a fanboy of something that's not even been released yet?)
What i meant was not daoc nor wow... it was the southpark-thing :p

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Trahg
What i meant was not daoc nor wow... it was the southpark-thing :p
well like i said, i'm not an artist, i only used south park guys because they where easy to make.


I'm feeling really mean spirited and nasty today, so lets have some fun:

Well, a mixed reaction, but at the end of the day - I don't care! I didn't make the images for you, i made them for me.

A mixed reaction would entail that a fair constituency actually liked them. As it turns out, that isnt the case. If you made the images for yourself then why did you post them here? If you made them for you, keep them to yourself and spare us your "humour". I think it was simply a case of someone trying to be funny, falling flat on his face and the backpeddling to avoid the blame.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again, some people moan at anything (ya know, if you didn;t like the images, you could have just shut up and let the people who did like them comment).

Just because people posted that they didnt like them doesnt mean that they were "blocking" people who liked them from posting. If anyone actually liked them they would have surely posted by now, dont you think?

Roo Stercogburn

Tough crowd.

First Matrix pic made me chuckle :)

Pics would have worked as caption cometition I think :)

Boyscout Steve seems to have an unhealthy interest in someone's groin area...

Ninth Dimension

Thank you Roo, at least one person here has some manors, unlike F.I.V who was put on this earth to be an utter arse.

Yes, yet again, I state I made these images for myself. After I made them for myself I uploaded them to my website to show my friends. I then decided that maybe some other people might want to see them so I posted them here.

And yes, often if someone starts slagging something off, it's a lot easier for people to join the bandwagon and follow the leader than it is to stand up to and disagree with the popular theme.

For example, if someone posts they don't like it, then someone else comes along, and for the hell of it, would join in with the slagging off, a few posts later you have a mob. At this point, anyone that maybe liked the pics would find a brick wall of people stopping them from posting there opinion (which is that they liked it) in case they get set upon as well ("what? You like that shit? What are you a weirdo too?").

(ok, I'm over exaggerating, but you get the idea).

But at the end of the day, I don't care if you like the pics or not, I make them for me, what I do care about is the fact that this community is full of utter tossers. (and to think some people actually pay money to use this service, I feel sorry for them).

That's all I have to say, it was nice the time I spent here, but it's obvious the lunatics have taken over the asylum. (god, where is the fucking moderator when you need him/her?)

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by F.I.V
I'm feeling really mean spirited and nasty today, so lets have some fun:
and this is just what I mean? what's the point in attacking someone like this?


Ordinarily I'm a nice guy, and on a better day I'd let it slide that you're a complete tool, but since I'm kinda in a bad mood you're getting both barrels, bucko.

Thank you Roo, at least one person here has some manors, unlike F.I.V who was put on this earth to be an utter arse.

Oh no, I'm an utter arse! I must check myself in for counselling, because that's the single worst insult I've ever received and I need therapy. Oh yes.

Yes, yet again, I state I made these images for myself. After I made them for myself I uploaded them to my website to show my friends. I then decided that maybe some other people might want to see them so I posted them here.

Guess that was a bad decision, wouldnt you agree? Ordinarily I'm a supporter of the arts and humour and mixtures of both, but when you finish your post without an explanation of what to expect other than "South Park vs Dark Age of Camelot" and then finish with "Enjoy" it kinda makes you look like a smug git. That's prolly the reason why I blew up at you, I dont know to be honest, the psyche is a complex thing.

And yes, often if someone starts slagging something off, it's a lot easier for people to join the bandwagon and follow the leader than it is to stand up to and disagree with the popular theme.

These are called "sheep" and incase you hadnt noticed, mostly everyone here is opinionated and believe it or not, Nancy, have individual personalities. Oh yes, it's true! No, really!

For example, if someone posts they don't like it, then someone else comes along, and for the hell of it, would join in with the slagging off, a few posts later you have a mob. At this point, anyone that maybe liked the pics would find a brick wall of people stopping them from posting there opinion (which is that they liked it) in case they get set upon as well ("what? You like that shit? What are you a weirdo too?").

Anyone who doesn't post their opinion on them about something like this in this sort of scenario (and by that I mean someone actually liking the pictures but being afraid to post because of what "might" happen to them) is just plain and simply a sheep, and to that effect also rather cowardly. If I'd liked them I wouldnt have given two fucks and a hotdog whether everyone thought I was weird or not. That's what having an individual personality is all about. Something you need to learn is that not everyone will agree with your sense of humour, as this thread has displayed.

But at the end of the day, I don't care if you like the pics or not, I make them for me, what I do care about is the fact that this community is full of utter tossers. (and to think some people actually pay money to use this service, I feel sorry for them).

Buy a clue, mate. The community isnt full of utter tossers, it's full of people with obviously more taste than you. I'm not necessarily saying that your artwork has no potential to be funny, because if I did then I'd be lying, a boyscout getting lost in DF would be quite funny if the joke was executed better, but as it turned out it wasnt and the jokes caused more tumbleweeds than one of Teh Krypt's rants :)

That's all I have to say, it was nice the time I spent here, but it's obvious the lunatics have taken over the asylum. (god, where is the fucking moderator when you need him/her?)

Remarkably, freedom of speech is held quite highly in the free world. Possibly in your communist environment it's frowned upon, but here, being a free thinking single minded person is looked upon with admiration, not mockery.

So neener neener nee-ner!

Ninth Dimension

I refuse to take this any further, it's turned into a personal flame war which is just pathetic, I'm sorry that I let myself get into a situation like this, feel free to reply to this in whatever way you want, I'm not coming back.


F.I.V. back off, I do dislike it when people just like to stretch their malice muscles for fun. You didn't find it interesting, fair enough, but no real need to tear this guy in two simply because you want to.

Someone's left the community now simply because you decided to flame for sport, which I find sad. I thought it was women who were meant to enjoy bitching, not men?


Toothache + Headache + barking dog next door = me cranky.

Guess I went too far, I apologise.

Not like it matters that he's gone tho, 1 less person posting pointless crap means less bandwidth for BW.


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