Sorry to spam but this made me laff so much



[15:06] <D0LLy> playing on the LAN is fun - such low pings, etc., but i'd give my right lung to play cs outside
[15:07] * Mainframe takes that lung
[15:07] <Mainframe> for the 40 ping :p
[15:07] <D0LLy> it's cancerous prolly by now :)
[15:07] <D0LLy> lol
[15:07] <Rorschach> heh
[15:07] <D0LLy> it's about 7 ping
[15:07] * Mainframe sells it to cancer research
[15:07] * D0LLy slaps gorebash around a bit with a large trout
[15:07] <D0LLy> surely you must know the addy gore
[15:07] <Mainframe> ofc
[15:08] <Mainframe> i knew him last year when i raped him a cs regulary
[15:08] <Mainframe> :p
[15:08] <D0LLy> ooer
[15:08] <Mainframe> ..
[15:08] <D0LLy> so u must be pretty good
[15:08] <Mainframe> well i dont like to boast
[15:08] <Mainframe> but im good ish yer
[15:09] *** camongere has joined #netgames
[15:09] <D0LLy> lol
[15:09] <D0LLy> i'm pap
[15:09] <D0LLy> :p
[15:09] <Mainframe> ive been told by a few ppl that im good
[15:09] <D0LLy> so u play on the net then?
[15:09] <Mainframe> yer i do now
[15:09] <D0LLy> whereabouts?
[15:09] <Mainframe> played on the uni lan last year
[15:09] <Mainframe> all over
[15:09] <D0LLy> ne fav servers?
[15:10] <Mainframe> whereever i can get a good ping
[15:10] <Mainframe> i like the prophet servers
[15:10] <D0LLy> u on a modem or adsl or isdn?
[15:10] <Mainframe> ADSL
[15:10] <D0LLy> it's so boring being raped by the same peeps in cs here at uni
[15:11] <D0LLy> i want to be n00bd elsewhere
[15:11] <Mainframe> lol
[15:11] <Mainframe> ill n00b u anyday
[15:11] <D0LLy> neone can
[15:11] <D0LLy> so who were the good players at uni last year?
[15:12] <Mainframe> err
[15:12] <Mainframe> no ppl that u would probably know
[15:12] <D0LLy> gooooooawn
[15:12] <Mainframe> so i dunno if there is a point in saying :/
[15:12] <D0LLy> say em
[15:12] <Mainframe> w00t
[15:12] <Mainframe> cuddles
[15:12] <Mainframe> ricey
[15:12] <Mainframe> err
[15:12] <Mainframe> simon
[15:12] <D0LLy> eh, ur right - dunno ne of em
[15:13] <Mainframe> and a few others but i cant remember there names
[15:13] <Mainframe> ofc
[15:14] <Mainframe> so who is good this year?
[15:15] <D0LLy> soz on phone
[15:15] <D0LLy> um
[15:15] <D0LLy> they're all so good compared to me
[15:16] <D0LLy> :(
[15:16] <D0LLy> let's c
[15:16] <D0LLy> there's rastamon
[15:16] <D0LLy> randomtask
[15:16] <Rorschach> don't worry, just wait until i start playing, dolly ;)
[15:16] <D0LLy> gorebash
[15:16] <D0LLy> frazle
[15:16] <D0LLy> callous
[15:16] <D0LLy> ne of the cw clan lads are ok at least
[15:16] <D0LLy> ccb r ok as a clan too
[15:17] <D0LLy> but there's this amazing player
[15:17] <D0LLy> can't remember his name for the life of me
[15:17] <D0LLy> something sh33p or something like that
[15:17] <Rorschach> D0LLy_The_sh33p?
[15:17] <D0LLy> lol
[15:18] <D0LLy> dun think so
[15:18] <Rorschach> ;)
[15:18] <Mainframe> lol
[15:18] <Mainframe> gorebash is at the top ish
[15:18] <Mainframe> :p
[15:18] <Mainframe> omg the cs standard has dropped or he has got better :p
[15:18] <D0LLy> he calls hiself 0ir or something
[15:18] <Mainframe> noir
[15:18] <D0LLy> yeah noir too
[15:18] <D0LLy> they all w00t me
[15:18] <D0LLy> don't know how they can all like, be so good!
[15:19] <Mainframe> its practice
[15:19] <D0LLy> practice?
[15:19] <D0LLy> like against bots?
[15:19] <Mainframe> we all basically spent last year playing for like 6 hours a day
[15:19] <Mainframe> both
[15:19] <Mainframe> if they are no ppl on i played bots
[15:19] <D0LLy> wow
[15:19] <D0LLy> dedicated
[15:19] <Mainframe> u have to play them like 15 to 1 all on godlike
[15:20] <Mainframe> gets the aim hommed
[15:20] <D0LLy> ah
[15:20] <D0LLy> my aim is so bad
[15:20] <Mainframe> but there is nothing like real ppl
[15:20] <D0LLy> really
[15:20] <D0LLy> wow
[15:20] <Mainframe> yer it just takes practice thats all
[15:20] * D0LLy is a n00b


Doesn't help that I'd thrashed him 1v1 49-1.

Poor lad.

Ah well.

Least it made him feel 1337.


[15:21] <Mainframe> D0LLy sounds to me like u have not been playing for very long at alll
[15:23] <D0LLy> nah
[15:23] <D0LLy> been playing a while
[15:24] <D0LLy> just don't take it seriously
[15:24] <Mainframe> like weeks while
[15:24] <Mainframe> or months while
[15:24] <D0LLy> about 4 years now
[15:24] <D0LLy> or is it 3.... can't remember
[15:24] <D0LLy> how is it some peeps always managed to hit u ALL the time?
[15:25] <Rorschach> use the force, Luke...
[15:25] <D0LLy> force? bugger me
[15:25] <Mainframe> either they are 1337, u stand still to much or they use a haxx
[15:25] <Rorschach> i haven't learnt the Force Bugger yet, that's next week
[15:25] <D0LLy> i prolly stand around too much
[15:25] <D0LLy> can't seem to aim otherwise
[15:25] *** angelicdevil has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:26] <Mainframe> well its easy to hit a standing target
[15:26] <D0LLy> i can't :(
[15:26] <Mainframe> 3 ak shots and ur dead
[15:26] <D0LLy> 3!?
[15:26] <Mainframe> BOOT TO THE HEAD
[15:26] <D0LLy> always seems like i have to fire a whole clip
[15:26] <Mainframe> yer that is all it take to kill
[15:26] *** angelicdevil has joined #netgames
[15:26] <Mainframe> 3 direct shots so i belive
[15:27] <Mainframe> no 1 to head
[15:27] <Mainframe> 3 to any other part
[15:27] <D0LLy> 1... cool
[15:27] <D0LLy> i see the error of my ways
[15:27] <Mainframe> every gun is one to head
[15:27] <Mainframe> always aim for upper body to neck region
[15:27] <D0LLy> even like, those crappy guns like the mp5?
[15:27] <Mainframe> yep
[15:27] <Mainframe> MP5 is 1337
[15:27] <Mainframe> well
[15:27] <Mainframe> its shit against a good gun
[15:28] <D0LLy> i an't use that gun - i prefer using that tmp thing
[15:28] <Mainframe> but in the hands of a pro
[15:28] <Mainframe> what about the n00b stick
[15:28] <D0LLy> stick?
[15:28] <D0LLy> u can buy sticks????!
[15:28] <Mainframe> the shotty
[15:28] <D0LLy> o
[15:28] <Mainframe> the total n00b gun
[15:28] <Mainframe> m4 is ok
[15:28] <D0LLy> shotteh is a n00b gun?
[15:28] <Mainframe> the auto one is
[15:29] <D0LLy> the m4 is ok i find - i can hold down and sometimes kill peeps


lmfao :)

Mainframe u n00b0r :D

:O :O


Oh and

lol @ "you can buy sticks???!!!1"



I have no idea why the S H O T T E H! is called a "noobstick"... bloody good gun...


ive heard o "noobcannons" but never a "noobstick" :)


Mr Bungle

I laugh when people call XM1014's "n00bcannons", you can bet your left nut & tit that they use AK/M4/AWM 24x7. If they are so easy to use why don't they use them 24x7 themselves ?

Not as if XM1014s are that pricey... Could it be ... THEY SUCK WITH THEM AND NEED TO USE ASSAULT RIFLES BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AIM ?

Nah, surely not...

Yours in service of the Divine Mother Roach,
Brother Bungle


Hail D0lly, king of n00bs

ps The guys there suck large hairy testicles


Adz is just upset because he was raped by the n00bs here at university :D


I thought you said all the people at Uni where OGC'ers? ;)


fuck me gray thats NOT how you spell scroungingwankers.


I got pwned by d0lly's pc tbh



Servers got HLguard cos I asked for it :D


PC is fine :p

You just try and aim.

Everyone knows you just have to hold down for a bit :D

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