Sorry i have to laugh



A reminder about organised duels :

No surprise here, just a little reminder. Organised duels between players, granting players easy realm points (by sparing the healing classes) are not authorised. Players can freely interfere with duels if they see some and the Realm guards will be happy to join the meetings and face the contestants. If you witness such practice, feel free to report them to RightNow.
- GoA

Well surprise surprise, yes some kind of duels are illegal, most ppl know. But to encourage ppl to report others is very wrong in my openion.

I never duel since scouts are very very bad at such things.
So, lol, stop telling ppl what to do and what not to do.

Now we all have to know the CoC by heart, and go look for ppl which aren't keeping up with it? Oo. Awwww c'mon.

Put up spy-cams in Hadrians Wall, and some in Emain, we'll catch those bastards. :D



Put up spy-cams in Hadrians Wall, and some in Emain, we'll catch those bastards

we can make a 24/7 tv-show, like the real world in Hadrians or something, and then vote thoose ppl that are having duels out of the server!

im just bored...nothing else to do then to send a lame post on this lame forum :p


Aye don't report peolpe using my account for free Rps, it's only between friends, honest! :p


Yep :p

I was thinking of a DAoC duellers vs. GoA on Ricky Lake :)


Ricki Lake? Pff... At least let it be on Jerry Springer, so we can see some action =]


Well people, gotta say cowled. I don`t quite get you. How in the f*** could you even think that you know more about this than goa. I might think that goa knows a hole lot more about this than you do. And i doubt it`s the Rl friends, or small duels they are talking about. I think there is more going on, or i know there is more going on(in excal atleast, not so much in prywden after what i`ve heard), and i totally agree with goa to stop it.


Originally posted by Cowled
Well surprise surprise, yes some kind of duels are illegal, most ppl know. But to encourage ppl to report others is very wrong in my openion.

Why is it wrong for GoA to encourage the player base to work together to eliminate cheating through reporting those they see? Isn't it in the overall interests of all of us to keep cheating out of the game?

The duelling/RP farming issue became a much hotter topic with the introduction of RAs recently. Before RAs, level 50's could be pretty closely matched 1 on 1. Nowadays, you get a big advantage the more RAs you accumulate, hence people's new greed to RPs and the emain zerg mentality that seems to be taking over.

I struggled to get my character to 50 so that I could be on a level playing field against the enemies who levelled much faster than me, and then earned loads of RPs through killing me repeatedly during raids when I was a lower level. Fair enough, no problem there.

Just as I hit 50, those same players suddenley have these new abilities which I can't afford, and again I am at a disadvantage. Ok, it's the game design from Mythic... I don't like RAs, but I'll stomach it.

What I don't like is the thought or possibility that someone may kill me using RAs that they got by hosting a quiet little 'duel' where they fight their friend in another realm, die, get rezzed, then kill them and let them rezz, rinse and repeat (most likely having a nice laugh about it in IRC behind their DAoX window:rolleyes: ).

If I see people I suspect of doing this then sure I'll report them. Grassing on a member of your own realm? Sure... why should I get ganked by someone using RAs a realm mate of mine gave to them on a plate?

You know it goes on, probably during the day when the frontiers are quieter... if you see it, report it... oh, and watch out for the

MrX was killed by MrY
MrX was killed by MrY
MrX was killed by MrY
MrX was killed by MrY
MrX was killed by MrY
MrX was killed by MrY

messages like a BBC repeat schedule




All i can say jup... is



Re: Re: Sorry i have to laugh

Originally posted by Jupitus
<insert Jup's post here>

What he said.
Anyone speaking up against that is either
a) a cheater themseleves
b) plain stupid
c) both

/salute Jup


Re: Re: Sorry i have to laugh

Originally posted by Jupitus

bla bla bla

I don't see your point here tbh... since it takes a considerable time before someone is worth rp again after being killed, you'd have to be in huge duelling groups in order to farm rp like you say. And imho cheating is something completely different. I don't see people exploiting any bugs in the game by fighting organised duels. On the other hand I see lots of people standing on roofs while defending keeps for example, which I consider to be far more of a cheat than duelling. And yes, I also think it's kinda pathetic to try to encourage people to report duellers. If they don't like it, then they should make some changes to the game in order to make organised duelling not rewarding instead.


Regarding standing on roofs.... Mid (over the gate) and Hib (archer canopy) keeps only..

1. Can I get up there by normal jumping? Yes

2. Can I target people from up there? Yes

3. Is it easier to cast from there, due to dreadful line of sight issues on battlements? Yes

4 Can I be targetted up there? Yes

5 Can I be hit up there? Yes

6 Have I been killed while standing on a roof? Yes

7 Am I cheating? No

Alb keeps and milegates are a different matter, and anyone on the roofs of these are cheating , I believe.


Re: Re: Re: Sorry i have to laugh

Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega
I don't see your point here tbh... since it takes a considerable time before someone is worth rp again after being killed, you'd have to be in huge duelling groups in order to farm rp like you say.

Or have plenty of time on your hands to wait for rezz sickness to go or whatever.... I'm not saying it is easy, as Mythic have tried to code in a way to prevent it, but I am saying it is possible and that it does happen. My point about it is that now Realm Points are having a direct and pronounced impact on the character's abilities to gain them unfairly becomes more serious and a more significant cheat.

And imho cheating is something completely different. I don't see people exploiting any bugs in the game by fighting organised duels. On the other hand I see lots of people standing on roofs while defending keeps for example, which I consider to be far more of a cheat than duelling.

Standing on the roof at a keep defence is perfectly acceptable provided only normal jumping is used to get there. I think the next patch fixes jumping bugs which will hopefully stop the cheats who get on the impossibly high roofs. If you can be targetted and hit then it's legit basically, and in most instances this is the case. By the way... if it annoys you and you think someone may be cheating, grab a screenie and report it using RightNow ;)

And yes, I also think it's kinda pathetic to try to encourage people to report duellers. If they don't like it, then they should make some changes to the game in order to make organised duelling not rewarding instead.

See above... Mythic DO try to code in a way to avoid this, but ultimately there is no definitive coding change they can make... you can't create a server version which says " IF (playerA talks to playerB outside game) AND (playerA kills playerB 5 times in a row) THEN (Award no realm points)... it just wouldn't work. The players in this game form a community, and can shape the way in which that community develops. Take it to an extreme if you will: Suppose 2 big Albion and Midgard guilds got in contact with one another and said 'We'll give you 2,000,000 RPs so long as we get them back afterwards, meet at xxx,yyy in Emain on Friday, then we can all get great RA's and go kick the hibbies some' then the balance would be skewed.

People are REALLY fast to come on these boards and yell NERF if they see what they perceive as a character imbalance. Well... an unfair and excessive number of RAs creates exactly the same imbalance.... why shouldn't players care about it in the same way?



RP farming are wrong, Im with you on that
but duels are not RPfarming, atleast not effectiv.
ppl dont gain realm lvls from Duels, if I want rps I go to emain, I sure as hell would'nt go duel for it thats just dumb.

yes Mythic and GOA state it as rpfarming, but is it ?

Let ppl have their duels, and if they are dumb enough to do in a place where they are found then do what u like, but plz dont come here class them like farming cheaters whos realm rank are worth crap cuz thats just bs


Not all duels are RP farming, I agree... perhaps someone can find that description of the different scenarios that Kemor did and post it again... basically though, if you meet up, let the other player kill you, get rezzed and start again repeatedly, then it is classed as farming (even though you have to wait a while before you are worth RPs again) or if you you don't have a willing rezzer to come cheat with you, you might do it by letting them kill oyu and then releasing and getting back there to let it happen is this kind of activity I am referring to.

A duel where no deaths occur cannot by definition be classed as RP farming, and although it's not really in the spirit of a roleplay envirnment, I wouldn't class it as bad (expect otehr players to come and gank you if spotted though;))

Of course, if you spot an opponent you know in the borders, and you don't both immediately charge at one another, then taking the time to give them a wave, a bow or salute before commencing hostilities is just good old fashioned fun... be sure to kill them though ;)



Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Alb keeps and milegates are a different matter, and anyone on the roofs of these are cheating , I believe.

Yip, you are right O Lady Darkshadow.

The roof of the tower above the gate in Alb keeps and all milegates is inaccessible without cheating. The same applies to the roof of the tower over Hib gates, though, as said, the archer balconeys are accessible without cheating.


Well to get back to the discussion. When it comes to Rp farming as i have said before, the small 1vs1 isn`t the main problem. The problem is as i see it that i know that quite a few or the Rp`s is beeing planned in advance in mIRC or other ways.

I have seen mIRC posts where 2fg`s decided to let themselves be killed first, and then vice versa with 2 fg`s from another realm, and this way both groups get ability to get more RA`s.

The problem isn`t in the small scale, but this small scale will eventually on some cases lead to bigger RP farming.

When i am in emain and see 1 fg standing there and letting 2 players from another realm kill them, thats where the problem comes.


Originally posted by Gohlanchdir
When i am in emain and see 1 fg standing there and letting 2 players from another realm kill them, thats where the problem comes.

... and these are exactly the kind of examples I am talking about and should be reported......:rolleyes:

Brannor McThife

Jup, you gotta realise that this is the way DAoC has come to exist in Europe...

1) People whine about not having ingame CS.
2) GOA implement Rightnow, which, after initial hiccups, has become quite efficient with dealing with problems (deleted characters, cheating, etc)
3) This however, requires people to report cheating. People that actually take the time to take a screenshot, and file a report, are then labelled as CoC-Nazi's, and ridiculed as brown nosing GOA and not backing the community, simply because they happened to observe something they believed contrary to the CoC, and reported it with the intension of keeping the game fair for all.
4) People start FARMING (not once of dueling) RPs.
5) People in (3) happen apon these, report them, and are once again labelled as people that have nothing better to do than (apparently) scour the realms searching for anyone putting a foot out of place.
6) GOA is kind enough to give a gentle warning about the CoC, instead of simply sitting back and warning/suspending/banishing people from the shadows. They are then told stuff like the above posts.

Man, you guys make me laugh. You think I love GOA? Riiiight. Sure. You go right ahead and believe that. If I, in my adventuring day, happen apon someone knowingly violating the CoC, I WILL report them. Fact. If they are doing something where uncertainty is present, I'll tell them that what they're doing is against the CoC. If they tell me to fuck off, or ignore me and continue to do so, then I screenshot them, and report them.

If it's someone from a different realm, I can't exactly talk to them, so I screenshot and report them. Call me a friggin' CoC Nazi you dweebs. Some of us actually believe in making the game fair for all. I know, for some of you going through puberty, that to you, fairness is you getting YOUR way, and fuck everyone else. Sorry kids, this is the real world, where GOA has to make money, and to do that, they have to host a fair game. You cheat, you get banned, your problem, go cry to mommy.



hate to need to say this to you :)


/salute Brannor


Originally posted by Jupitus
Oh F**k.... I am agreeing with Brannor ;)

I think there's sommit wrong with us Jupitus...

that or Brannor is possessed, but I think I agree with him as well... erp


If I see a duel, I'll never report it. I'll just nuke the tits off them both. Thank you.


aye, I'd probably have no problem reporting someone too.

I was very pleased to disrupt some dueling hibs and albs in thid a couple of days ago. no names. no reporting, just PA'd the caster and pegged it. which effectively stopped em dueling as they knew if they got in to a duel I'd cause havoc.

I have a nice screenshot of a paladin and the 3/4 hibs searching around to find me (and failing miserably). I'm not gonna report em as I had fun trying to stop them dueling :D


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I know, for some of you going through puberty, that to you, fairness is you getting YOUR way, and fuck everyone else. Sorry kids, this is the real world, where GOA has to make money, and to do that, they have to host a fair game. You cheat, you get banned, your problem, go cry to mommy.



As a father, I think I'm gonna use that one on the kids next time they piss me off, miss quoted of course :)


um, doesn't it take 2 people to agree to a duel? thought so...
that means that both people involved are well aware they could win or lose, which, imo, is fair. now, getting a gang of people camping a pk, and smacking down all the low level people who step out of it, that is where the level 50s are getting the unfair rps

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