Reaver drop from Sidi..
V vestax Guest Mar 12, 2003 Thread starter #6 aye, seems a bit silly... They boost Sorc mez range and stuff but introduce ubah weapons with AE procs Sorc stealth nerf?
aye, seems a bit silly... They boost Sorc mez range and stuff but introduce ubah weapons with AE procs Sorc stealth nerf?
O old.SadonTheGrey Guest Mar 12, 2003 Thread starter #7 Pretty much the same senario as giving wizards baseline ice root and specline ice snare Pretty much the same senario as giving wizards baseline ice root and specline ice snare
W <Wels> Guest Mar 13, 2003 Thread starter #8 more worried about the poor utility value on it anyway aren't the df merchant weapons AE procs that only proc a single target dd too?
more worried about the poor utility value on it anyway aren't the df merchant weapons AE procs that only proc a single target dd too?