sorcs and pet frustration



Had my sorc a while now, and tried almost every spec except body/matter... all in rvr (dunno why , but they kept lettin me respec for some reason) and after a long run with a full body sorc ..ive respecced back to my old spec of full mind with matter.

Now im not gonna moan about instas or cloth armour or resists or mezz nerfs.... cos i belive that if played right that u can still land a mezz..and the time that it takes them to group purge etc is enough to give u egde if ure in a good group (i think theres some around)

However, i just wanna throw a few ideas at everyone about our pets and charms. after a brief explanation of what us mind sorcs have to go through in order to find and keep *good/worthwhile* pet

scenario 1 ) i run off to frontier, 30 mins later im back with iso wizzy ...damn i ld'd ...oh well better luck next time

scenario 2 ) i run off to frontier, 30 mins later im back with iso wizzy ...damn group stealth zerg/normal zerg/cheesy hibby..oh well better luck next time

scenario 3 ) i run off to frontier, 30 mins later im back with iso wizzy ... see a norse all excitement go to press attack ..what? i released him ..DOH! (why that button so big? ) ...but hes mezzed so ill just ..ermm...ermmm../runs away

( i also realise that u can macro the attack button for ur pet and place on icon bar ...but seriously know how many spells a sorc has?? i have to use 4 bars as it is which is tricky enough in rvr when every1 wants you to run in mezz every in a single mezz an demezz them as soon as they get mezzed...and its easily done to release a pet as you have to act very quickly to stop from being pummeled by 8 ppl in rvr as sorc..i blame lag ..or ...nah ..hibs will do)


scenario 4) i get to a group of yellow con mobs and start charming them ....lvl 47...lvl 46...lvl 46 grrrrrr after all my mana is out ..i finally give up (after noticing that the only decent mob is orange con) but is ok ..cos im happy that all the lower sorcs are catered for so readily in an rvr area ...would normally hunt for the bloodletters/medial telamons etc...if i could see anything on my screen when they were charmed.

scenario 5) go to charm a readily available supply of goborchends/fachans (or any of the other open camps of mobs that were forced to get) in emain...i wonder why no other sorcs have snatched them up?? oh well ..(looks round for any hibs/mids) begins to cast a 3 second charm ...WHAM hi mr luri ..bye mr luri /sigh

Theres just a few, and i know that most these circumstances wouldnt occur if a group was with you etc, but was just to show how time consuming it is charming a pet when you cant guarantee the lvl and it takes u a second if you are unaware/outnumbered/out 'RA'd' to die and lose ur pet, and have to wander off to charm the nearest grogan or isalf forayer :( if the zerg/group permits the detour from the rp fest. im not moaning about how quickly i die and lose my pet ..or that he gets mezzed almost 100% of the time , and gets ignored so everyone can bash on me ..but i play this game with limited time and for fun ..and wandering 30+ mins out my way to get my fave pet and losing him in 5 mins isnt fun at all fact it does my nut :(

so what do i suggest? before everyone starts begging for me to moan more?

I would like the ability for sorcs to be able to 'bond' a pet to themselves (that is , when charmed if you wanna keep him you can /bond) so if i die a second after i ran half way across the map to get him ..when rezzed i could summon that pet to my side and start doing the bizz again ..after all, a mind specced sorc without a pet is basically a mezzer /debuffer with almost no defence. I think this would make alot of sorcs happier after all the shafting weve been given recently and would mean that we could summon alb/mid pets in emain after the port ...and not have to trundle off to the sb/ns camped mobs to stand still to cast a charm spell (at least give us insta charm?)

hell, i wouldnt even mind if they gave it rez sickness when i summon it again, or made me pay for its lost con, but at least the time and effort we put into finding a same con pet for exping..or keep retakes or keep defense or even zerging, hasnt been wasted. perhaps its just me ..but for sorcerers to be masters of mind control ( thats right isnt it? lol ) and have a deadly allied pet i feel slightly pissed off to be running round with shjte pets 90% of the time, especially when cabas /enchanters are given lower con pets that they can summon on the spot in safety of atk/htk respectively, and buffs for them to raise there effectiveness (how about pet buffs in mind spec or resistances?).

this would also be useful for if we lose our pet through no fault of our own (ld, server crash etc) or have to log and not have to worry about spending your first 10 or so minutes gettin a pet just so u can kill anything apart from blues/greens (or just casters maybe in rvr)

i wouldnt even be apposed if they limited the amount of times you could summon the pet, just give us some luvvin please

were not gimped atm imo but this would certaintly bring back more cc to albion and alot more fun to the class, and i hope for some positive feed back on this, and not lame posts about my spelling or punctuation (its 4am ;) )



You are a mess machine, the pet is just a simple bonus =)

If you want a good pet and a weak mess, make a theurg instead =)

Sorcs have the fight to win or loose a 1fg vs 1fg, so i think they are pretty good the way they are tbh. Mess is power :eek:)


I rather have a lvl 50 sorc than my stupid lvl 46 inf :/


Hunters have the same problem mate, would make sense if sorcerers had insta pets like hunters are getting. Then again albion has SO MANY pet classes and they're getting more already :rolleyes:


Hmm Cowled

Originally posted by Cowled
I rather have a lvl 50 sorc than my stupid lvl 46 inf :/

If im not wrong you were doing infil cause infils so overpowered. :p Might be someone else who said it to me though.

Infils are fun to play, imo. I started zerker at camlann and love it. :D Teddy mode so nice and damage is great without teddy too. :)


Pets should stay with you till you release them. Also when you zone or die really. I mean, an Enchanter gets a kick ass pet at will.. for the same mana cost. Most pets in emain suck. There are 2 good pets in Odin's, and in Pennine there are about 4 cool pets. These are pets that can root, heal, or bolt/nuke. The grogans, etc in emain just suck. They are too slow, do no damage (this cause charmed pets are debuffed, sorcs get a lvl 44 pet even if they charm a lvl 50 pet).
Damn, I would even go to Lyonesse to get medial telemon.
This way the pet serves no use.
Regards, Glottis


When I go RvR, I hardly ever get a pet as it seems like a whole load of trouble. Also, I'd rather not draw any attention to myself if possible :)

Pets can be nice to expose stealthers (and keep them from stealthing) but usually I'm pet-less.

Of course if pets stayed after zoning it'd be great, would also be nice if the pet hung around for a few minutes after the Sorc dies (get a rez, re-charm pet).

Would be cool to bring a Medial Telamon to Emain :D


They should let you have a command where you can select someone and the pet follows them, makes it a bit less obvious who the pet class is if it's chasing a friendly tank around.

Sorcerers can I just point out that it was your choice to be a sorcerer, after a few levels you must have realised it wasnt always easy to get a pet. It's a bit late to moan now ..

Chanter pets need nerfing!


Came very close to quiting my 32 sorce yesterday :( for 1 simple reason, I like to solo. When a pets avalible i can solo great and relax with none of the group spam of

Pull faster need exp

Lets kill harder stuff this is to boring (normaly when group is happy where it is)

Or the classic Leech players who every 5 mins say "afk"

Anyway at low level I thought ok need exp so Mithras, big mistake Where the fook are the charm mobs mythic. Ok I thought I simply miss a good exp spot and drops i need and kill task.

Next came Catacombs!!!! after running down multiple coridors of aggy roman undead I learn to my dismay THERES NO FOOKING PETS AGAIN!!!
Ahh well guess its a latter patch the blind boogeys spawn in there..

DF ha as for DF what a waste of time, To find a yellow pet I had to walk through hundreds of aggy green, blue and orange Mobs and as a cloth caster who can do sod all without a pet that wasn't going to work. Sad part is saw tons of yellows on the way but all were "This mob can't be charmed"

Mythic can code buffs to stay when zoning, can make a player Zone and can even fit there thumb up there arse, So why the hell not alow pets to zone with owners would stop alot of Sorcerers pet problems..

Dont get me wrong im more than happy to run from snow to lyoness to use a pet i like, but to then loose it from LD, Server crashes or zoneing realy sucks.

"Necro the ghost class, Sorcerer the class Mythic can't see"


Sorcerers can I just point out that it was your choice to be a sorcerer, after a few levels you must have realised it wasnt always easy to get a pet. It's a bit late to moan now ..

Oh, all Sorcs know what a pain in the arse it can be to get a pet and it certainly doesn't change in RvR.

I see them as a bonus really, not a necessity.

Some tweaking wouldn't go amiss though, extra functions would be good eg: telling a caster pet when to cast, or a healer pet when to heal.

Don't think this will happen though :)

As for dungeons, I always avoided them like the plague at lower levels, never any decent pets inside (always either green or orange con lol)


perhaps if the pets stayed there mourning ur body after u died? (you wouldnt be able to control them whislt dead)....and when u release you lose them ..however if you get rezzed he should still be charmed....the mids/hibs could still kill my pet if the group gets wiped but it would certaintly be handy for exping or gettin pa'd in keep defense if your guildies/group could rez u and then u'd have something other to do than spam aoe debuffs off the wall :)

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