


Why ohh why?

I Love sorcs. but i hate lvling them,

Has anyone any tips for lvling or training a good old fashion mezzing sorcs?

I mean i totally love the hole idea of being a) a highly wanted class at higher lvls b) the chance to charm them giant human mon things? dreama had one at a dragon hunt a month ish back (she made me make a sorc blame her! if it wasnt for her i would be a nice healing cleric by now :-P)

but its rather damn hard to lvl. i mean get a pet hunt something kill someting spend another 10 mins waiting to heal it or get another pet. same old same old

Well enough of me have fun all :)


Frella Lvl 8 Sorceress { Templar Knights }


Well: if you get a couple more levels in Mithra or on Boulderlings then your mez is great at the Slaves, Nymphs, Ebony Fellwoods and Broken Bridge Skeletons. All on or near Salsbury Plains. Sorcerers aren't just in demand at higher levels, they are in demand wherever you get Social (i.e. more than one at once) monsters!

I got bored at level 15 tho and deleted to roll a minstrel alt, being a Sorcerer felt like being a Traffic Cop at times...

If you dont want to group get a yellow con pet and make it do all the hard work while you sit on your butt eating pie :)


sounds nice :clap: :clap: :clap:

you will find your way, frella. and remember:

no rerolling, no alts anymore...

(she's addicted to making alts...she's with us since retail and never reached the 20 ) :m00:

just kidding, lindie ;) im so happy you re back :clap: :clap: :clap:


Ehhh...I did? Wow, I've never even been to a dragon hunt. And giants of any kind can't be charmed yet...not till later patches.

anyways. Kill task with pets till 20, your speed buff makes it easy. Then go to keltoi, it suck really bad to have to be the mezzer in a dungon and everyone will hate you for a few lvlvs cuz mezz fails and stuff. But never fear, it's not THAT many lvls. at around 22-24 go do the hunters behind cornwall station. then avoid Catacombs like the plauge. Mezzing is 1000 times harder in there than anywhere else in the game. most mobs are *not visable* when stading on your toes even. Ponies are good, and you get a break from mezzing (yes, it gets old fast) then when you hit about 33 give lyonesse a try, clerks are nice...and then 35 do gobos and the rest is obvious.


And giants of any kind can't be charmed yet...not till later patches.

I think she means the Lesser Telamon things in lyoness, they seem to of gotten really popular as pets. Scares the hell out of the newbies when some sorc with a sense of humour drags them up to ludlow.




OMG people actually talking to me...*giggles*

And eraser shhhh :p

And yea the lesser telemons there really cool. and i thought i saw you at a dragon hunt awhile ago. When the red Dragons member Loklyhood took the catapult and the dragon died (ps *points and laughs at mid and hib* we did it you didnt nah nah :p)

And thanks for all your advice lots and lots :)


Frella Lvl 10 Sorceress [Templar Knights]

wolvon fury

*Would like to see anyone kill the hibernia Dragon*


Nope, wasn't me, and I never had a tele pet, still orange con to me so in 2 more lvls must be thinking of someone else.

Posted by: Dreama on Fangrims account

hate it when I use his comp and forget it's got his name here

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