Sorcerer tips required



Well, having reached the depths of terminal depression trying to level my Infiltrator, I've decided to give him a break and start a Sorc.

The consensus seems to be that Albion is sorely lacking in AoE mezzers so I'll be speccing in Mind primary and Body secondary.

Any levelling tips greatly appreciated.

VN board uber-pontificators need not apply. ;-)


mez trolls :)
shout at clerics and tanks for breaking your mez.....thats about it :)


Noo!!! Don't do it!

Sorcerors are getting hit pretty hard with the RvR nerf bat right now, so by the time you get your sorc up to RvR level, he/she will have very little use.

Make a theurg for the PBT, or a wiz for the nukes.

Dont bother with sorcerors, they are a dying breed.


Originally posted by Vittorio
The consensus seems to be that Albion is sorely lacking in AoE mezzers

not for long :D in 1.52 (our next patch) minstrels get aoe mezz... granted it's not brilliant, but it's aoe :)

Generic Poster

Funny that, I had a sorc but put her on ice to start an infiltrator. Grass is always greener on the other side ;)

I have both at lv41 now and with my sorc, mezzing tangler pulls is kinda intense, but it wears off after a while. It's always funny to have a Tangler-newbie in the group, who see's 8+ goblins charging at the group and says "eeerrrrr, RUN".

Sadly, that's about as much fun as I have with my sorc. On the odd occasions I've been to RvR, there's not much I can do except wait for the right moment.

With the infil, PvE is fun and the styles are damned cool. I couldn't care less how much damage I do, when I look that good doing it. Even though I hit hard, damage is secondary to style :)

RvR, you play as you want. If you want to group and be a light tank, do it. If you want to scout, do it. If you want to solo, do it. If you simply want to stalk female firbolgs... do it!

So much more versatile and right now, I'd rather get my inf to lv50 then my sorc.

If you want to mezz, start a minstrel. They run faster, they can have higher level pets, they have insta-stuns to cast mezz over and soon, they'll have AoE mezz aswell.


Originally posted by sharma

thats funny, never seen a matter spec sorc...

damn it again, im going for the rarely seen spec on classes now cos i aint seen em, TIME FOR A MATTER SORC!


Moor boogeys are really good little tanks! About level 25+, I think.

(Err, can't think of anything else. Good luck!)



Bah, dont let em scare ya off being a Sorc.. Sorcs are cool, and still will be :p (err but dont be a matter sorc, if you want that err.. be a cablist or something lol, there isnt anything useful in that matter line really).

For speccing what I suggest is to keep your body and mind even up to spec 20, then go pure body up to 30 (this is because of tanglers, easiest xp and nicest to do with BOTH aemezz AND aeroot and it puts you right up at proper level with aeroot).. after that decide if you want to be 44 mind 30 body or 34mind 41 body :)

We can still have pets to annoy attackers, we can have nice nukes if you put into body, and yes purge coming out but its an expensive RA and only once every 30min it can be used. Not everyone u fight will be super ra-specced megaTroll or smth. PLUS the added bonus of having the life tap dd that gives u health and hurts opponent.... combine that with moc and u a nuking tank for 15 seconds :)

Still lots of benefits to being a sorc imo, soloing is extremely easy right now with pet health regen rates so quick, its like its you and a tank soloing, not just you alone (make pet attack, wait for monsters health bar to move a little, debuff with whatever you got, dot, wait a little, dot again, then nuke the hell out of it, sometimes use my staff instead of dotting about the same effect meleeing it lol :) give it a try, Sorcs are cool :)

Just my 2 copper,

Wyleia Mythweaver
On the Road to her 50th Season
Sorc of The 30

"Mezzer lfg with Rezzer pls"


Urhmm, and in regards to the minstrel AoE mezz, don't get all excited. Not only is it "not brilliant" it's probably quite a death trap to use it.

Example -

With its small radius, casting it in RvR, you are likely to not catch many people with it, being generous, say 4, if they all happened to be hugging :). I think the mezz length is much shorter than that of the flute mezz, lets say half. Using made up numbers, that's 4 people mezzed for 30 seconds, not bad. BUT, you will be having to stand still for 5 seconds to do this! What's the chance of not getting interrupted? Or if you DO get it off, getting away after. Now, using the normal flutey mezz, you can mezz 2 or so enemies, may require more skill, but it's hardly impossible, so thats 2 enemies mezzed for 1 minute in the same time as the AoE took to cast, BUT you are manouverable, and have a somewhat higher chance of getting away.

Do not take any of this as fact, this is just off the top of my head, of various random junk I've read. Feel free to research more to get a better idea, but, sorry to say, I believe your AoE mezz is a joke.


Bah, we know what you Mids are like with your group hugs! Minstrel AE mez will rule! :p



Originally posted by old.linnet
Bah, we know what you Mids are like with your group hugs!

No need to be jealous ....

/em huggles Lin


i still have a hellofalota fun with by sorcerer rvr
people saying we get nurfed are looking at it wrong :)
sorcerers claiming bards are better than us didn't buy purge :)

i like this class because its a mix of the best part of wizard and healer with the lvl 50 pet as a bonus :)


Full mind = teh wrong choice. Full body and 24 mind. Only good spec in the coming patches :/


pffft what are you lot on about the best damn mezzers in game are clerics according to mythic? didn't you know thats why we have had it pushed to a 5 minute timer in future patches :p


Originally posted by old.Bubble
with the lvl 50 pet as a bonus :)

pffft! yay the joys of lowbie pets! :) sorry but that just isnt high enough for what i have in mind :D which is why i've rolled a minstrel.



Originally posted by wyleia
Sorcs are cool, and still will be :p

1. I trust that you would know about what is happening to sorcs in upcoming patches, to be able to say that.

Originally posted by wyleia
(err but dont be a matter sorc, if you want that err.. be a cablist or something lol, there isnt anything useful in that matter line really).

2. If 1 is correct, than you would know that the matter line is better and a lot more useful than the mind line in 1.52.


Originally posted by old.Bubble
i still have a hellofalota fun with by sorcerer rvr
people saying we get nurfed are looking at it wrong :)
sorcerers claiming bards are better than us didn't buy purge :)

i like this class because its a mix of the best part of wizard and healer with the lvl 50 pet as a bonus :)

I don't want to be a wizard or a healer, and sod the lvl 50 pet. I wanted to be the primary crowd controller of albion, and be on par with the other primary crowd controllers. I won't go into why this isn't the case, but the only viable option that will be left for sorcs is high body spec, but if I wanted to DD, I would've been a wizard.


Difference between Wizard and Sorc is the CC + Pet.

Now they stripped CC almost totally, and pet isn't THAT usefull. Rare situations where the pet pwns.

Now with CC nerfs, Sorcs have only left, debuffs, DDs and matter lines DD+snare! Now this matter line DD would be great if it was full range and more damaging. Otherwise its utter bull.


Well im going to be re specin to Body for the lvl 45 DD spell rest into mind . i feel cheated that our spec line mind as it will b so damaged in up and commin patches a lvl 50 sorci with AE mes will b a rare breed indeed :( wanna b wizzys is all we will b

Been hearing Reports of Matter actually being quite Viable in RvR but remour afloat that it will b Nerfed in 1.53A
Our De buffs will b goin instant ( wow like they did anything to start with ... nice blue swirls tho )

but i think DD is our only option for PvP
as for final say on charaters stick with yr infi Melee classes in 1.53A get a boost to make melee last longer and all caster classes all realms gets hit with the Nerff bat pretty hard .

this is just what i have Read form the TL's from pendragon and who knows in patch 1.98 maybe they make our AE mes viable ..
Wild Thing (the 30) 50th lvl Sorci
I Don't Care Whats Written About Me As Long As It Isn't True !


The "Melee battles wil last longer"-part thats bad for assassins,
First nerf that I can think of ( unless you count "no more 1-shot-stay-stealthed" thingy as nerf, and Pure sight )

And I dont belive that Mezz will be "useless", it wont be as powerfull as it once were, but it will still be damn good, and will still turn the table in some fights.
And from what I've read about the Body DD, the dmg will be Body instead of Energy, thats a very bad dmg table to be on.
Im going for 41Body 34Mind, seems to be the most "neutral" spec, mezzes and roots always annoyed me, time to be annoying.

and as for Sorcs Debuffs, con debuffs are pretty usefull...
thou if you feel that your Sorc will get totaly useless you can always become a Middie Buff bot -> Check the Strenght

anyway I'm still very unexperienced with the Sorc, it's role in RvR etc... so dont flame me to hard if Im totaly wrong ;)
I'm more used to be on the reciveing end, and it has not been a pleasure so far....

Uncle Sick(tm)

Bah... this is really pathetic. Just because you can't own like you used to in RvR a whole class is 'dead' all of a sudden.

Nerfs are always ok and justified if they hit every other class but your own... remember the whole "nerf healer mez" yip yap?
Well, healer mez got nerfed... and I still see them mezzing like nuts!... it's just not THAT easy anymore.

Same with sorcs. Same with every other class..................

"Dear Mythic, I want my bard to be equipped with a field radio in the next patch, so that he can order air and artillery strikes on the bloody Albs."


Actually, bards have insta AE mez at the same range as sorc's AE mez in the next patch.

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