Sorcerer race dilemma



Which to choose?

70INT 60CON 90DEX 5%heat

70INT 70CON 70DEX 5%Matter

80INT 70CON 80DEX 5%Heat, 5%Sprit

Iconnu have the best caster stats in the game for a mage clearly but I have concerns that they are too high visibility for a class that’s whole survivability and effectiveness depends on keeping a low profile. The very high dex on Saracen good DEX for needed fast cast times however on the mez but Briton’s can be ANY class and hence are good at being lost in the crowd + can look like friars, better con but average Dex.

Thought, suggestions


Prolly you can`t go wrong if ye choose any of those,have noticed sara/britons have become very popular,would prolly choose briton myself and friar-look :cool:


Try to ignore looks and go for Inconnu - the better stats and additional racial resists are just too good to ignore. As a sorcerer, you'll probably be leading your group so you're going to get seen anyway. :p

Probably play with sound effects off - the fishy squelching noises are really irritating.

Or you could do what I did - roll the tallest Avalonion there is and put +5 into empathy and quickness. Noone will harrass you.



Go for inconnu, best stats, and the instant you cast a single spell, all of them will know who's the sorc anyway, no matter what race you are.

The purple star glowing beneath you kind of gives it away :p


Any person with cloth armour gets targetted doesn't matter if they're small or large, if you wear cloth you're a target. Inconnu are the smallest race in albion, so that's also another advantage to choosing them, plus if you pick the right colour scheme they look cool :p

Also the extra stats are a good advantage :)


Originally posted by Apathy
Try to ignore looks and go for Inconnu - the better stats and additional racial resists are just too good to ignore. As a sorcerer, you'll probably be leading your group so you're going to get seen anyway. :p

Probably play with sound effects off - the fishy squelching noises are really irritating.

Or you could do what I did - roll the tallest Avalonion there is and put +5 into empathy and quickness. Noone will harrass you.


Empathy. Hmm. Hi.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Icconus. Great stats for one thing.

Race looks are a bit of a moot point with Sorcerers as we generally drive the group and have those annoying spell effects that mark us out from about 10 miles away.

Even IF they don't notice you straight away and mistake you for a friar (if you choose a briton) or some other class they are going to home in on you as soon as you start to cast a spell.


Casters don't look like friars (as such), just the two classes can look very similar. If someone attacks you as a friar thinking you're a caster, you beat the snot out of em. If someone attackes you as a caster thinking you're a caster (which you are) things just get messy.

Spot the difference: One of the chars in blue robes is a friar, the other a briton theurgist.


Take Inconnu...they so cute :)

and...i think the smaller they are the better...

when you rvr...try to hide behind a big highlander...and maybe you can gain that extra 1-2 sec before they can target you :)

Or take briton, when you get the right colors and staff do look a bit like a friar. But the moment someone hits you they will know you aren't :p

Think everyone in their right mind will go for casters with their staff first...and not the guy holding the big spear...or hammer etc.

Like most support chars...the only thing you do in rvr is trying to stay out of trouble...


Take briton 100%.

If you are inside a group, you will be very hard to target, and if the enemy is using nearest enemy you will NOT stand out if you are briton.

If there is an avalonian in your group, you can be sure for 90% of the fights he is going to die before the briton sorc.



i got inconnu sorc aswel looks cool and stuf:p

nice stats, small, just perfect:)


Sorcs have no insta-mezz, they are dependable on fast casting. Go saracen.


Originally posted by skile
Sorcs have no insta-mezz, they are dependable on fast casting. Go saracen.

Usually you have to use QC when casting the first mez to avoid getting interrupted. And with QC it doesnt matter with your dex.

Actually you can cast faster than QC if you have high dex, but the uninterruption thing is just too valueable in most encounters.


Originally posted by corentmm
Casters don't look like friars (as such), just the two classes can look very similar. If someone attacks you as a friar thinking you're a caster, you beat the snot out of em. If someone attackes you as a caster thinking you're a caster (which you are) things just get messy.

Spot the difference: One of the chars in blue robes is a friar, the other a briton theurgist.

Its hard to tell.. you both look like namby pamby dresswearers to me.


as a frequent caster guard i find inconnu's easiest - i normally actually stand right over em .. makes it hard for enemie to see and also very hard to target for their casters as i move about abit hiding the little guys ;)



The stats those guys get are just great... I've got 1450HP (with toughness 1 and aug.con 1), I've got 295 dex with 35-enhance buffs... And I'm small... It is really harder to target, try targeting lurikeens / kobolds / dorfs in fights... See how often you end up with a troll, firbolg, celt...

Usually you have to use QC when casting the first mez to avoid getting interrupted. And with QC it doesnt matter with your dex.

Never do that... Never use your QC at the start of an encounter... Mez usually gets purged, or some resist... And you'll have 2-3 tanks on you... No QC... What are you going to do then, hope that another caster roots all 3?

Never start off with a QC unless your already being interrupted... Because 90% of the interruptions that you get while trying to get off your mez is either insta-stun/mez... Or amnesia... Both which your QC wont do shit against...

Then also add that your QC is slower then actual casting (when fully buffed)...

Trust me, dont start off with a QC...


I got 2 Briton Wizards. Don't beleive people who say that you won't get targetted first. You do, the moment you start casting people will see you are a wizard and not a friar.

Oh, my Sorcerer is an Avalonian. I just couldn't bring myself to pick one of those ugly weirdo Inconnu :)


Originally posted by g0ldenbone
Its hard to tell.. you both look like namby pamby dresswearers to me.

The REAL pansy is the inf wearing the purple slippers skulking at the back (you can just see him poking out behind chilly's fat arse)

Theurg is the old vet on the right, friar (me) on the left.

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